On Wed, Sep 16, 2015 at 11:42 AM, Jake <jake(a)spaz.org> wrote:
> that's a good question. So far the offer to have LM do their thing without
> a 1-year commitment has not generated a response that I know of. Have they
> changed their mind or are you attempting to broker this on your own?
> Personally I think that we could offer them a month of Sundays to see what
> they're like. Perhaps you can find out if they're interested in that.
>From the 8/27 notes:
yar: would you feel comfortable with a 3 or 6 month trial period?
cheryl: i'd have to go back to my group. having to move after 3 months
would be disruptive. if we build we build, if we grow together we want
to grow together.
>From Stephen Novotny's most recent email:
"They feel that it’s essential for them to have a space to begin their
work and so they must begin investing their time elsewhere if the Omni
cannot come to at least a preliminary consensus to move forward with
their request for space on Sunday mornings and Friday evenings."
I think "preliminary consensus" means yes, a shorter trial period
would be better than nothing. It would keep them at the table long
enough to continue building a relationship, and if they reject this
offer because it's not a full year, at least we come out looking
reasonable. Even if LM doesn't end up accepting a shorter period, I
think the symbolic weight of the Omni community consenting to this
shorter period would go a long way in mending our community fractures
and keep our community from falling apart.
I also think 2 or 3 months would look a lot better than 1 month, which
is only four services. Would you block 2 months?
On Wed, Sep 16, 2015 at 12:04 PM, yar <yardenack(a)gmail.com> wrote:
> I also think 2 or 3 months would look a lot better than 1 month, which
> is only four services. Would you block 2 months?
It occurs to me that 3 months would be October 1 - January 1. It would
kind of suck to leave a church in limbo right around Christmas and New
Years. Maybe the end of January makes more sense. But that's 4 months.
Dear Sudo Room,
Here's your invoice! We appreciate your prompt payment.
Thanks for your business!
Omni Oakland
------------------------ Invoice Summary --------------------------
Invoice # : 1134
Invoice Date: 09/16/2015
Due Date: 10/01/2015
Terms: Net 15
Amount Due: $2,000.00
The complete version has been provided as an attachment to this email.
Thank you to everyone who filled out the survey on the meeting schedule
for Becoming Omni. Results show that meeting on 3 consecutive Sundays is
the first or second choice of most people, and no one put it as their
last choice. Given that, the schedule for the 3 workshops and tentative
agenda will be:
*Sunday, October 4*
10am - 1pm: Introductions to each other and the process/agenda; What is
the purpose of the Omni Commons?
1-2: Lunch
2-6 or 7: What values are we all holding in our work at the Omni
Commons?; What are our current patterns of working together and what
changes can we make to improve them?; What do we want to see going on or
in place in 3 years as a result of our actions? In other words, what is
our vision?
*Sunday, October 11*
10am - 1pm: Introductions; review of the process/agenda; review of what
we accomplished on the 4th; What is blocking us from achieving our
vision. In other words, what are the underlying contradictions?
1-2: Lunch
2-6 or 7: How do structures of oppression reinforce the underlying
contradictions, and how might anti-oppression work help overcome them?
What can we do to deal with the contradictions and realize our vision?
What do we need from each other to be able to be successful?
*Sunday, October 18*
10am - 6pm: Introductions; review of the process/agenda; review of what
we accomplished on the 4th and 11th; some elements will need to be
decided when we know the outcomes of the previous workshops, but most of
this day will be developing the concrete actions we need to take to
achieve our vision, and making a work plan on a time line.
Hopefully, we can complete all this on schedule. If not, the work plan
can be finished afterwards in separate meetings with the collectives and
working groups.
We will work on having remote participation, probably through Google
Hangouts. While participating remotely is better than not participating,
it can't completely replace actually being in the room. Let us know if
you would like to help with this. We are also planning for childcare.
The next meeting of the design team is this Sunday the 20th, 3-6pm.
Please join us if you want to help organize the 3 workshops.
If you are unable to attend all the workshops, but can choose which to
attend, the first day is the most important as it sets the foundations
for the rest of the work. That said, if possible, please try to attend
all 3.
Please forward this to your collective!
Your facilitation team
Apologies for the delayed response - many thanks for reaching out, Brandon,
and for your support of what we do!
We are always open to donations in the form of components/equipment/tools
and, at this particular point in time, especially funding! We are preparing
to file our 501c3 application within the next few weeks, at which point any
donations received can be made retroactively tax-deductible.
Our monthly expenses are on the order of $2500/month for
rent/utilities/insurance, and we're 100% supported by sliding-scale member
dues and donations. Currently, our monthly income is just slightly over
this amount, and we have no standing reserve funds.
If your organization would like to support sudo room financially, one-time
or recurring donations can be sent via PayPal or Stripe on our donations
page: https://sudoroom.org/donate/
If you'd like, I can notify you when we've filed our 501c3 application, so
that your donation can be made tax-deductible.
Many thanks for your support! It is much appreciated. :)
Help open a people-powered common space in Oakland, California!
"Technology is the campfire around which we tell our stories."
-Laurie Anderson
"Storytelling reveals meaning without committing the error of defining it."
-Hannah Arendt
"To define is to kill. To suggest is to create."
-Stéphane Mallarmé
On Wed, Sep 16, 2015 at 1:38 PM, Duchon, Brandon <bduchon(a)newark.com> wrote:
> Hello,
> I reached out a few weeks ago, but to no avail. I understand that things
> may be busy over there, so here is a second and final attempt. I’d
> appreciate a response!
> Thank you,
> *Brandon Duchon*
> Outreach Manager
> Newark element14
> *From:* Duchon, Brandon
> *Sent:* Tuesday, August 25, 2015 4:01 PM
> *To:* 'info(a)sudoroom.org'
> *Subject:* Becoming a Contributor
> To whom it may concern,
> My name is Brandon and I oversee community outreach and webmaster
> relations for Newark element14, a leading global distributor of electronic
> components. We take pride in our participation within the tech space,
> frequently engaging with students, teachers, engineers, and bloggers. Our
> goal is to support their efforts by providing them with complimentary
> products and tools, engineer-written tutorials or content, and other types
> of funding or support.
> I came across Sudo Room during my browsing of
> https://wiki.hackerspaces.org and I would love to support this
> initiative. Open workshops, “think tanks” or “hack spaces” as they are
> called are very valuable but underserved areas within the engineering,
> technology, and design communities! I commend your efforts to educate and
> empower community members.
> Please do let me know if any support may interest you.
> Warm regards,
> Brandon Duchon
> *Brandon Duchon*
> Outreach Manager
> Newark element14
> T: +1 773 907 5401
> E: bduchon(a)newark.com
> 300 South Riverside Plaza Suite 2200, Chicago, IL, 60606 USA
> *Newark** element14* – www.newark.com
> a Premier Farnell company
> ********************************Disclaimer***********************************
> The preceding e-mail message (including any attachments) contains
> information that may be confidential, be protected by the attorney-client
> or other applicable privileges, or constitute non-public information. It
> is intended to be conveyed only to the designated recipient(s). If you are
> not an intended recipient of this message, please notify the sender by
> replying to this message and then delete it from your system. Use,
> dissemination, distribution, or reproduction of this message by unintended
> recipients is not authorized and may be unlawful.
> *****************************************************************************
> _______________________________________________
> Info mailing list
> Info(a)lists.sudoroom.org
> https://sudoroom.org/lists/listinfo/info
On Sun, Sep 13, 2015 at 2:09 PM, Jenny Ryan <tunabananas(a)gmail.com> wrote:
> Any sudoers willing to take this on for Thursday? We can simply write a
> statement of position at Wednesday's meeting that you can read during the
> delegates meeting.
After much thought, I think the best framing question for now is: what
length of trial period can we tolerate?
I would like to hear from all Sudoroom members currently blocking this
proposal. Would you also block a 3 month proposal? 1 month? 1 week?
What's the magic number? Thank you.
Hey all,
Here are some of the ways you and your friends can contribute to the Rent
Party this Saturday (9/19 10am-8pm):
1. *Clean*
- Tidy up your collective's space so it looks nice and spiffy for new
folks to enjoy and grow interest to participate in your activities!
- Organize common spaces (especially the ballroom!) for mutual
benefit and to welcome our guests on Saturday!
2. *Bake*
- Bring baked goods on Saturday morning by *10am! *Contact Alex -
3. *Cook*
- Help prepare or serve the Lunch / Dinner meal, contact Francisco -
4. *Perform*
- Sign up or refer friends to perform throughout the day! Contact Dragon
- arktivist(a)gmail.com
- Also help with A/V and performer support tasks!
5. *Find Omni Rummage (not Rubbish!!!)*
- Turn in your collective's unneeded items to the rummage sale --
contact mattsenate(a)gmail.com for help!
6. *Volunteer Day-Of*
- Just show up *between 10am and 8pm on Sat 9/19 *and we'll surely
need a hand with something!
7. *Join Organizer Meeting*
- Let's meet to prepare the final touches on Thursday @ 9pm after the
delegates' meeting.
// Matt
since we have no parking here at the omni, when we pass fire code and rent
out the ballroom
there could be a total worker owned cooperative /collective that does valet
they could even do services like washing the car
--> i do not have the energy to start this but i thought it'd be a nice
thought since people always complain about the lack of parking here.
Romy Ilano
my apologies... thought someone said home depot. i was in shock after joe
said the qr was ready to unload on shattuck as i was expecting a several
days delay.
glad it all worked out
thx all