as many of you may know, we are building a sound deflection wall on the
south side of the ballroom.
we are currently in need of 9 sheets of quietrock
<> in order to
finish the job.
unfortunately, we aren't able to tap the general fund as meeting our lease
obligations are more of a priority.
please let us know if you or anyone you may know are interested in helping
us acquire these needed materials.
we have access to a truck to pick up the quietrock.
thank you,
building working group
seems legit.
anyone interested in helping this guy?
---------- Forwarded message ----------
Date: Sun, 13 Sep 2015 19:56:45 -0700
From: Leo Madrid <leomadrid(a)>
To: jake(a)
Hello Jake,
I retrieved your email address from the Sudo Room website. I'm in kind of a bind on an art project and am seeking some hacking assistance. I'm an artist, curator,
consciousness researcher and novice inventor with a few designs for works of art that include quantum digital signal processing (electron tunneling).
The signal emanates from a devise called a Random Event Generator and I need to use this signal to control a water pump with a digital controller (photos attached). The REG
data is collected on an EEPC running Windows XP. I have the SDK for the REG and have installed the API and other files suggested by the manufacturer. All seems to be well
with the PC and I am able to read and collect data, but for some reason I can't allocate a Com Port to an external devise and it will not recognize either of my controllers.
Our challenge now is to create a pass-through signal
from the PC to the pump via one of our controllers. I have a custom sensor controller that has an Arduino and Linix system computer combined on the same circuit board as
well as a Raspberry Pi.
My question is this; would it be possible to connect with you or another someone who is versed with this technology to help walk me though the setup? I know there is a
HardwareHackNight on Tuesday but unfortunately I'm scheduled to work, but you can count on seeing me at future nights. I would be happy to come there any time but Tuesday
night, or someone could come to my shop in West Oakland. I don't have a lot of money but if we could solve this issue I would be happy to make a donation to the Sudo Room or
pay a consulting fee to whomever was of assistance. The exhibit we're preparing for is this Sunday and were planning on having the fountain up and running by Thursday. I'm
confident that a person with the right skill-set could figure out this obstacle in just a few hours.
Our project has recently gained the attention of local News as well as one of our team members being recently interviewed by the BBC. With success, we may get a followup
feature story with the BBC.
With success, we'll be making art and technological history. Any response would be appreciated.
Leo Madrid
Curatorial Director
The P.e.a.c.e. Museum
i almost forgot to add the sudo discuss and mesh email lists.
On Sun, Sep 13, 2015 at 3:51 PM, danarauz(a) <danarauz(a)>
> Hello Eric,
> Thanks for reaching out with the donation.
> I imagine some Sudoers may be interested.
> It sounds like a good idea for hands on teaching tool.
> If you don't mind, can you please let us know the following:
> 0- How many servers are they?
> 1- Can you please provide the Servers' hardware configuration (Brand,
> Model, CPU, RAM)?
> 2- Do the Servers include their rails?
> 3- What kind of rack type is it 2 or 4 post? Threaded or square
> 4- Hard disks: --Speed: 5400RPM? 7200RPM? 15000RPM? --Size: 3.5? 2.5?
> --Type: IDEE? SATA? SSD? etc.
> Many thanks in advance!
> Daniel
> On 9/13/15 2:04 AM, eric maundu wrote:
> hey guys,
> hope well.
> i still need to come and do a presentation on how i think is the best way
> to do supervisory control.
> in the mean time.
> i have a server rack i think i want to donate to you guys as i don't seem
> to be using it ... its a full rack with a bunch of 1u and 2u servers,
> switches, and tons of hard drives.
> this is fun for folks trying to learn hardcore linux ... as well as
> backups etc.
> let me know if you all are interested.
> thanks,
> -m
> On 01/14/2015 04:07 AM, Marc Juul wrote:
> On Wed, Jan 14, 2015 at 3:05 AM, eric maundu <emaundu(a)>
> wrote:
>> presented twice with make:sf in oakland and techshop
>> presenting shortly with counter culture
>> it is an open platform i built that comes with open tools that i am
>> working on.
>> i don't specifically have any licenses yet if this is your question
>> it is the same platform i use to teach diy IoT classes with - only with a
>> focus on programming as compared to electronics in the v1 series
> Looks cool! You can request an event at The Omni (our new location) here:
> And you can email the sudo room mailing list when you have the date and
> time:
> --
> marc/juul
> _______________________________________________
> Info mailing listInfo@lists.sudoroom.org
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Help open a people-powered common space in Oakland, California!
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Updated proposal from Liberation Ministries. Please read and comment.
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Stephen Novotny <novotny.stephen(a)>
Date: Sun, Sep 13, 2015 at 11:26 AM
Subject: [omni-consensus] Newly Revised Proposal for Liberation Ministries
- Please take back to your collectives
To: "consensus(a)" <consensus(a)>
To enter the consensus process at this weeks delegates meeting, Sept. 17th.
Please take back to your collectives so that we're prepared to engage in
this process with representation from all groups.
Please respond here with any further questions or feedbacks so we can
further this process with due diligence. Thanks.
Liberation Ministries (LM) has requested that we move forward with a
consensus process this Thursday, Sept. 17th. They feel that it’s essential
for them to have a space to begin their work and so they must begin
investing their time elsewhere if the Omni cannot come to at least a
preliminary consensus to move forward with their request for space on
Sunday mornings and Friday evenings. They feel that while there may be many
questions and concerns, it will be most productive for us to get to know
them through the concrete work they’ll begin doing once they have a
commitment from us to let them use the space. In short, they feel like
their hands are tied, having spent considerable time already in our process
without any commitments, while they need to move forward immediately with
concrete results if they’re to live up to what their work promises: working
in the community, providing for the needs of others.
The purpose of this proposal is to create a formal relationship between LM
and the Omni Commons. Cheryl Ward is the pastor of LM, which has a small
existent following seeking to start a new congregation and grow into a
larger ministry. They’ve yet to hold their own Sunday services, which is
essential to their growth, because they don’t have a building. They intend
to begin their services in the Omni and grow from here.
LM at this time is content with being considered a tenant or some other
form of relationship that provides them with a level of commitment from the
Omni for their use of the requested space. They’re confident that their
ability to collaborate and contribute to the space will manifest, whether
they become a collective member now, later or never. As they’ve stated in
their application, they’re not interested in creating a “social club,”
they’re interested in expanding their involvement in the community by
meeting the needs of those in the community. Their use of space in the Omni
is meant to provide a safe space for their congregation to welcome
newcomers, to develop their vision and to gather the basic necessities
required to provide for the community outside the building.
To find out more about Cheryl Ward, who is the leading pastor of Liberation
Ministries, check here:
Terms of Agreement
Open to being a collective member, a tenant or reserving their use of space
and access through the Commons wg. It’s up to Omni delegates to decide on
how to move forward with processing these Terms of Agreement
Seeking commitment of 1+ years
Use of space
Host a congregation / religious service on Sunday mornings from
Open to meeting in rooms that suit the size of the congregation,
especially as the congregation is still forming.
Ideally in ballroom with use of piano and other instruments, but
can be occasionally flexible to shift to other locations in
the building
(such as Disco Room or Basement).
Host youth activities and discussion nights on Friday evenings,
including collaborations with Peralta College students and Material Print
Access to a private space or office for conversations / consultation
/ administerial work
24/7 access to the building to conduct the above
Concerns Expressed by Delegates in Previous Meetings
1. Their use of the space on Sunday would limit our ability to provide this
space for others
We followed up regarding this concern with the Commons WG and learned
that Sunday morning during the time from 9-11ish (am) when Liberation
Ministries would have service has seen only six events since last November
2014 when the Omni Global calendar started being used
Two of these were all day events--Capoeira and a "Fundraiser for Legal
Of the other four, three were short two-hour rehearsals and one was
something called "Love Chapel"
Three of the six events started at 11am
There were a few more events that were in the Ballroom starting at noon
on Sundays, but not many
And Sudo Room hosted in the ballroom:
Bay Area Consortium of Hackerspaces (BACH) Unconference Sept 25-26,
2014 that started at 10am on Sunday
2. They’re religious values will conflict with Omni’s Statement of
Solidarity and Safer Space Policy
Cheryl has continually stated that *LM is aligned with our SOS and SSP*
Cheryl has made it clear that LM would not seek space in the Omni if
they didn’t recognize the potential for collaboration between LM and the
other groups in the Omni. She wants to make clear that it would not be in
the best interest of LM to begin building ministry in a place that they
didn’t feel would foster the growth they’re seeking
There’s been many lengthy emails posted on the LM Omni email discuss
thread in defense of liberation-based Christian congregations and pastoral
practice. Liberation Ministries is a black-led organization coming to Omni
with need for space, so that they can begin to work in the surrounding
Our SOS calls for us to prioritize the needs of such an organization,
even if they conflict with some of our personal views on religion, etc.
Furthermore, stated in our SSP, Omni is dedicated to being “inclusive
of the largest number of contributors, with the most
varied and diverse backgrounds possible,” which includes being a
welcoming environment for all especially with regard to religion (or lack
thereof), among other inclusions
LM welcomes the involvement of other religious or nonreligious groups or
individuals in their ministry
For LM, ministry is social justice work
3. What is the governance structure of LM?
As Cheryle stated in the 8/27 delegates meeting, “we share governance.
not a hierarchy. it's about input from everybody and we collectively make a
decision. majority votes on the directions we go in, what we do, how we do”
4. What work will LM be doing and who will they be working with?
Welcomes our neighbors in the surrounding area of Temescal and North
Oakland to the Omni
Very much in line with our founding vision and Statement of Solidarity
to support low- to middle-income black families, working with youth,
working with those most marginalized
Tangible anti-gentrification work, providing an inviting space for
organizing those most affected
They have offered to help with specific elements of building maintenance
and upgrades in the Omni
Liberation Ministry’s Original Proposal for Collective Membership (this
included here for reference, see Terms of Agreement above for revised
proposal/request for use of space at Omni)
Liberation Ministries is a new church led by Pastor Cheryl Ward. We are
seeking a space to have our Sunday services and where we can participate in
a community working for social justice.
1. Mission statement
We endeavor to be change agents in our local community and globally, and
turn whatever space we are in into a change agency. Our commitment is to
transforming lives. We do ministry but it's not a ministry unless we are
transforming lives. We are not a traditional church. We welcome EVERYBODY.
The core of it is love. Our goal is to be loving and non-judgmental. We
have trans, same sex loving, black, white, asian, Latino, Native American
members etc.
2. Origin and group history
Cheryl has 36 years in ministry, community organizing, and activism, and
has pastored 3 churches. This is a brand new congregation in formation,
looking for a place to hold Sunday worship services and committing
ourselves to social justice activism in the city. There is a board of
directors of five members, who operate under a shared governance policy. As
a general rule, Cheryl and at least one of the board representatives will
meet regarding building issues.
3. Participation in the Omni
We see the richness of the collective and the opportunity to really
transform this neighborhood, as well as to bring the community into the
things that are going on here.
How does your group intend to use the space? What are your needs?
9-12 on Sundays for services (in the ballroom); an office space if
available (potentially the room next to Phat Beets; some private space for
counseling sessions (same room); use of a space every Friday nite for a
hangout for teens (any available space in Omni. We are willing to be
flexible about sharing the available spaces with others.
Offering big flat screen TV abt 46" and a floor model big screen t.v. for
shared use and use with teens for movies, videogames etc. Just brought a
Hammond B3 Organ to the Omni for shared use. Working on obtaining other
musical instruments. Brought 6 additional pews to the Omni. We will
actively conduct a door-to-door campaign to meet neighbors and inform them
of our presence and find out the needs of the community.
4. Group finances and paying rent
What does your group do to support itself financially?
Write grants, Sunday offerings, and contributions from supporters What is
your best plan for contributing your potential share of rent to the Omni?
Rent $250 - $300 a month to start but we can negotiate an increase once
revenue generation of the above begins.
5. Dedicated space
Office desk and filing cabinet.
6. Other contributions to the Omni
Help with cosmetic maintenance like painting.
We can use our relationship with the Conservation Corps to invite them
to come in to help on building work.
Help make vending machines now in CCL happen with snacks for the teens
who come to our Friday night event Work with MPM and BAPS.
Cheryl has a collaboration with Peralta Colleges and would seek to have
a printing press class. Printing of items and books could serve as a source
of revenue generation. Young people could could learn and get credi.
Talk to paint store (Frazee) about using their parking lot on Sundays or
other times.
7. Additional
We would be here to be a contributor, not to subtract anything from the
Omni. If we're not contributing we don't need to exist.
consensus mailing list
*I need to recuse myself as sudo room delegate from the Liberation
Ministries proposal (details below):*
Hey all,
I've cc'd Sudo Room's Omni-Delegates list (our email list for people who
have been consented upon to act on behalf of Sudo Room as a delegate in the
Omni Commons delegates council).
I do not think I am capable of getting through the emotionally-charged
issues necessary to act on behalf of the sudo room when it comes to the
discussion of Liberation Ministries collaborating with the Omni Commons.
While I am still willing and able to act as sudo room's delegate for other
proposals and at other times, I need to recuse myself from this proposal in
I will attend the next sudo room meeting on Weds 9/16 as well as the next
Omni Commons delegates meeting on Thurs 9/17, but will not be representing
the sudo room when it comes to the Liberation Ministries proposal.
*If sudo room members find it important to participate in this part of the
process, then another member of sudo room who is approved to act as an Omni
Commons delegates needs to represent the sudo room instead.*
You can read the most recent version of this proposal submitted to the
omni-consensus email list today (Thurs) around 5pm. It should be reviewed
this week and formally discussed during the next (coming) Thurs 9/17 @ 7pm.
// Matt
p.s. "Active non-Member" is a bit confusing language, but essentially this
not a proposal to become a Member-Collective, but instead a different kind
of formal commitment, backed by some form of legal document(s) [such as
rental contract(s), tenant (non-member-collective) sublease, etc]. The text
of the current proposal follows:
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Stephen Novotny <novotny.stephen(a)>
Date: Thu, Sep 10, 2015 at 5:07 PM
Subject: [omni-consensus] Liberation Ministries Proposal to Join Omni as an
Active non-Member
To: consensus(a)
This proposal is being sent out so that it can be discussed for consensus
at next week's delegates meeting. Please take it back to your collectives
and discuss so we can move forward.
After conversations following the August 27th Delegates Meeting, we’ve
collaborated with Liberation Ministries (LM) to develop a proposal for them
to join the Omni as an active non-member. We’ve integrated feedback from
the 8/27 Delegates Meeting, where people expressed concern about LM
becoming a member collective immediately. Please read the notes from that
discussion here:
Many people suggested that LM begin doing work at the Omni in order for us
to get to know each other and to see how their work flourishes here, before
applying to become a member collective.
The most essential needs of LM are to have reliable access to the space for
consultations and office work, as well as ongoing reservation of space two
times a week: one on Friday nights to work with youth, including
collaborations with BAPS and MPM, and two, use of the Ballroom on Sunday
mornings from 9-11am.
These are the basic needs of LM, essential to the continuity and growth of
their organization. At the 8/27 delegates meeting there was some concern
over the reservation of the Ballroom on Sunday mornings for LM, with some
people concerned that it might prevent other, important groups from using
the Ballroom during this time.
We followed up regarding this concern with the Commons WG and learned that
Sunday morning during the time from 9-11ish (am) when Liberation Ministries
would have service has seen only six events since last November 2014 when
the Omni Global calendar started being used.
Two of these were all day events--Capoeira and a "Fundraiser for Legal
Of the other four, three were short two-hour rehearsals and one was
something called "Love Chapel"
Three of the six events started at 11am.
There were a few more events that were in the Ballroom starting at noon on
Considering the Ballroom does not have any other regularly scheduled
events, it is a great opportunity to put the ballroom space in use more
regularly and provide a regular source of income from the usage. While
this would prevent a few miscellaneous events a year from using this space
at said time, the space would never go unused as long as LM operates within
the Omni. Furthermore, because LM is a community-based church, they need
space within the community to begin inviting people on a regular basis.
They plan to go door-to-door to let neighbors all over North Oakland know
about their new ministry, so they must have a reliable space to invite
these new people to occupy.
Welcomes our neighbors in the surrounding area of Temescal and North Oakland
Very much in line with our founding vision and Statement of Solidarity to
support low- to middle-income black families
Working with youth
Tangible anti-gentrification work
They have offered to help with specific elements of building maintenance
and upgrades
LM would like to use their original proposal to become a member collective
as their proposal to instead become an active non-member group within the
Omni. The proposal is pasted below:
Liberation Ministries is a new church led by Pastor Cheryl Ward. We are
seeking a space to have our Sunday services and where we can participate in
a community working for social justice.
1. Mission statement
We endeavor to be change agents in our local community and globally, and
turn whatever space we are in into a change agency. Our commitment is to
transforming lives. We do ministry but it's not a ministry unless we are
transforming lives. We are not a traditional church. We welcome EVERYBODY.
The core of it is love. Our goal is to be loving and non-judgmental. We
have trans, same sex loving, black, white, asian, Latino, Native American
members etc.
2. Origin and group history
Cheryl has 36 years in ministry, community organizing, and activism, and
has pastored 3 churches. This is a brand new congregation in formation,
looking for a place to hold Sunday worship services and committing
ourselves to social justice activism in the city. There is a board of
directors of five members, who operate under a shared governance policy. As
a general rule, Cheryl and at least one of the board representatives will
meet regarding building issues.
3. Participation in the Omni
We see the richness of the collective and the opportunity to really
transform this neighborhood, as well as to bring the community into the
things that are going on here.
How does your group intend to use the space? What are your needs?
9-12 on Sundays for services (in the ballroom); an office space if
available (potentially the room next to Phat Beets; some private space for
counseling sessions (same room); use of a space every Friday nite for a
hangout for teens (any available space in Omni. We are willing to be
flexible about sharing the available spaces with others.
Offering big flat screen TV abt 46" and a floor model big screen t.v. for
shared use and use with teens for movies, videogames etc. Just brought a
Hammond B3 Organ to the Omni for shared use. Working on obtaining other
musical instruments. Brought 6 additional pews to the Omni. We will
actively conduct a door-to-door campaign to meet neighbors and inform them
of our presence and find out the needs of the community.
4. Group finances and paying rent
What does your group do to support itself financially?
Write grants, Sunday offerings, and contributions from supporters What is
your best plan for contributing your potential share of rent to the Omni?
Rent $250 - $300 a month to start but we can negotiate an increase once
revenue generation of the above begins.
5. Dedicated space
Office desk and filing cabinet.
6. Other contributions to the Omni
Help with cosmetic maintenance like painting.
We can use our relationship with the Conservation Corps to invite them to
come in to help on building work.
Help make vending machines now in CCL happen with snacks for the teens who
come to our Friday night event Work with MPM and BAPS.
Cheryl has a collaboration with Peralta Colleges and would seek to have a
printing press class. Printing of items and books could serve as a source
of revenue generation. Young people could could learn and get credi.
Talk to paint store (Frazee) about using their parking lot on Sundays or
other times.
7. Additional
We would be here to be a contributor, not to subtract anything from the
Omni. If we're not contributing we don't need to exist.
consensus mailing list
(see full image)
This week I was reaching a crisis in my work. I drifted about , directionless and without hope. It was as if all the sleepless nights and struggles of the years past amounted to nil and would crash my life into a cycle of doom
Then lo and behold! I encountered perfection if not but in the human form
It really helps to talk things out wihh people especially if they are in different disciplines than you. How was I to know that Sudoroom is a boiling steamy sauna of math nerds.
Instead of focusing on the obvious I was taken down a side journey of math. And I have emerged all the better, ready to bath myself in olive oil with a stergil
Sent from my iPhone
this is for the food hackers.
Has anyone here ever bathed in olive oil or covered themselves in olive oil
or even wrestled in Olive oil? I know there are many health benefits.
Romy Ilano
As soon as you read this message, please click the link below and
complete the brief survey. You only need to rank 4 options for dates for
the Omni visioning and planning process "Becoming Omni". When you are
done, share this email with your collective, and remind the Omninoms
around you to fill it out too!
Laura and the facilitation working group
We were talking about running Swift tonight but many people can't get a
Here is how you can look at Swift.
it will be open sourced later this year AFAIK.
Romy Ilano
> Well finding an AS, a network at some ISP, that does not have a tor exit
> node already. |
thx for pointing that out.
not sure how to do that right now but i'll find out.