Dear Sudo Room,
Here's your invoice for the Q3 (Jul - Sep) State Farm insurance Omni paid on your behalf! We appreciate your prompt payment.
Thanks for your business!
Omni Oakland
------------------------ Invoice Summary --------------------------
Invoice # : 1130
Invoice Date: 09/04/2015
Due Date: 10/04/2015
Terms: Net 30
Amount Due: $283.31
The complete version has been provided as an attachment to this email.
Last night, during our meeting, we forgot to talk about the domain name
FYI: I sent him a tweet, but I haven't receive any public or direct replies.
Time is not waiting for us, what should we do next?
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Help open a people-powered common space in Oakland, California!
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On Tuesday, September 1, 2015 at 3:05:50 PM UTC-7, howarddy wrote:
> Do you know a good CSS developer looking for some extra work?
> This is a contract position and is also 90 percent remote.
> Contact Steve Herz directly: sherz(a)
> <>
> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
> ------------------------------
> *From:* Steve Herz
> *Sent:* Tuesday, September 1, 2015 10:42 AM
> *To:* Howard Dyckoff
> *Subject:* CSS Developer POSITION
> Howard,
> Here is the Position description.
> We appreciate you forwarding this opportunity out to your networks.
> Thanks
> Steve
> Stephen M. Herz
> Moonstone Interactive, Inc.
> 2010 Crow Canyon Place, Suite 100
> San Ramon, CA 94583
> Phone: 866.246.9091, ext 701
> Direct: 925.736.4178
> Cell: 925.683.6680
What are you working on at SudoRoom lately?
I'm working on an education math game for children.
- When I told people this folks came out and gave me helpful hints and
directions. I do not have much domain knowledge on the standardized tests
teachers are made to give to kids in Califrnia, so I am grateful people
stepped forward and helped out.
- Someone cool met me at the SudoRoom and volunteered to make music for
the game.
- Cool people pointed out cool games that had been successful in the
Romy Ilano
Ballotpedia is a website of peer-produced, nonpartisan guides to current
elections at the local, state and federal level. It's run by the Lucy Burns
Institute out of Madison.
Here's the job link:
They also have a standing job application in case you just want to submit
your resume.
I've had an old Nexus 4 lying around my apartment for the last year
collecting dust, and realized it was plausible some sudo member might be
in a position where they need but lack a cellphone. Or, if not, it's
probably at the very least a neat spare device to do hacking with.
I was a little worried about just leaving it at the space -- it seems
like the kind of thing that both a) wouldn't be obvious that it's not a
personal item vs a community item, and b) an attractive and easy target
for theft (as per recent door-related discussions).
It's in good condition in its original box, and has the original
charger. The only hiccup is that the earpiece speaker seems to be dying
or maybe has loose wiring -- it's very quiet. However, the 3.5mm jack
and loudspeaker work fine.
Ping me if there's any interest; I'll bring it with me next time I'm at
Hey all,
*Who*: ¡You--at ANY level of skill (newbs encouraged to attend)!
*What*: Work Party (fun, learning, labor, love)! -- Also see TASKS list
*When*: *Sat 9/5 @ 12 noon* (And Every Saturday, FOREVER)!
*Where*: Omni Commons (4799 Shattuck Ave, Oakland, CA)!
*How*: With our bare hands, feet, noses, etc -- plus tools and stuff!
*Why*: Omni Commons needs some serious elbow grease to get ship-shape, for
the safety, accessibility, and delight of all!
* Doors (re-hanging and installing closers)
* Carpentry in the basement
* Plumbing, tile, and other water-related activities
* Drywall 'til you drop
* Felt the feet of our ballroom furniture
* Protect our building from confused critters like pigeons!
* General cleaning / tidying / arranging / creativity / expression /
explosions / excitement / activity!!!!!!!
* much much much more!
¡Please join your fellow volunteers, especially the zany and rambunctious
Building and Maintenance Working Group (woooohooooooooooooooooooooo)!
Dear Sudo Room,
Here's your invoice! We appreciate your prompt payment.
Thanks for your business!
Omni Oakland
------------------------ Invoice Summary --------------------------
Invoice # : 1113
Invoice Date: 08/17/2015
Due Date: 09/01/2015
Terms: Net 30
Amount Due: $367.37
The complete version has been provided as an attachment to this email.