I got through some node.js lessons today on treehouse, it was awesome.
definitely check out the chaulkers videos, they are nice, I should have
been doing other stuff!!! I have a coding interview sample to turn in. i
have to study for some more stuff.
i made a nice learning repo, and i will probably use it for tutorials at
SudoRoom and Women Who Code. it's nice to just get into node slowly for
easily accessible command line tools.
before i left i made some late night art:
I usually draw animals at sudoroom but for some reason I drew purple and
maroon dancing humans who are probably naked.
Romy Ilano
it points to the sudohumans page.
Hi I overcame any issues I had with marketing and css / web design to make
a shell SudoRoom Donate Now splash page. It's sort of like Marketing but
I grabbed a slideshow and you can modify it and use it...
I feel so dirty now that I used jQuery ;)
Romy Ilano
I work well when learning in clean minimalist empty areas.
Do you think it'd be kosher to carve out a clean minimalist space in the Sudoroom ?
Sent from my iPhone
*Financial Straits! :* We have $1031 in the bank. Our minimum expenses are
~$2400 per month and as of July 2015 we are making $1820 per month through
stripe and gratipay. That means we have 1.78 months until we run out of
cash. Donate now! <https://sudoroom.org/donate/>
my to do: make a comic about this. there will be humans
i don't think it's very clear to outsiders how important the gittip was to
us, and all the internas and how hard we are working on sudohumans.
Romy Ilano
Last night I dropped by the SudoRoom JavaScript meetup.
- *mental state:* I was honestly extremely fatigued, as I have been
skipping a few hours of sleep in the past few weeks. Each hour shaved off
my sleeping schedule seemed like a tiny thing
I was really tired, so I was unable to socialize much with everyone.
Despite that it was cool just being around other people who were learning
and hacking. I was actually trying to get other work done too, and I don't
have time to go deep into javascript.
But being around the community at SudoRoom and knowing that *Oakland is
javascript cit*y <https://oaklandwiki.org/javascript> got me over my
"issues" with JavaScript.
I chatted with people, continue to be unable to get some components of
sudo-humans installed since I have a mac. (it's the canvas installation and
node gyp rebuild that's hitting me)
I'll try to get back to that later and help out.
So I just went through a tutorial while brushing up on javascript with
online learning. I've worked with node.js before, and it's a little hard
for javascript beginners to get into since it's so involved but with a
little practice I'm able to work it.
I've started using node.js for simple scripting jobs. I mostly work as an
iPhone programmer but it's nice to be able to do scripts in python and
node.js to do busy work.
I went over this tutorial, so this is the rough equivalent to a ruby on
rails app:
it's nice having had the web background in ruby on rails through the rails
bridge outreach program. they're the people who first got me using git and
github and heroic several years ago before I decided to focus and learn
programming. I'm not a rails person but it's something I'd like to get
under my belt.
I don't claim to know everything but i was able to get a rudimentary mongo
db down with the tutorial's help
I learned how to push node.js out to heroku. When I first met substack and
Sudoroom i was at a hackathon and working on a node.js learning app for
kids. It was a cool hackathon and substack makes learning javascript and
node.js fun while throwing in a lot of art.
at that time I don't think heroku supported node.js so we were using
nodejitsu. but now it does, which i learned
so it doesn't look like much but i got to understand the inner workings of
and the various frameworks. I'm not saying that it's healthy to dive into
the frameworks first without knowing the language fundamentals (or
relearning them after you've forgotten them) but I'm also actively
reviewing stuff like inheritance, modeling objects in javascript and so on
on the free access to the treehouse learning site that i get through my
publicly funded san francisco library card.
i wasn't able to understand hooking up the app to the free mongodb database
on heroku. that probably isn't hard but id din't want to spend the rest of
the night looking around. it was nice and quick.
i'm trying to focus but it's hard, so now i feel i've gotten past my very
superficial reviews of node.js
now I'm around a lot of really talented people who do a lot of work in
node.js so I can ask around, and I'm capable enough now (I hope) to do a
lot of self-learning and not have to be dependent on too much coursework or
even a book.
one of the hardest things to deal with is how quickly the languages and
frameworks update.
i'm primarily a mobile phone developers who's self taught but i'd like to
do more web stuff and back end work, since I enjoy the speed that comes
with web development. it takes a little longer to do UI on the mobile
phone, and although UI is important it's a different nature and not as
vital on a website. (someone will probably argue with me)
so although this looks pathetic: it was nice
nice because I was around a lot of javascript people, I got over my fear of
node.js and javascript, and i'm on my way to making small web node.js hacks
that are useful for different things <3
Romy Ilano
The cyber wizard institute starts tomorrow
Would a student a day be interested in blogging what they are learning ? It doesn't have to be long but it would highlight what's going on at Sudoroom in a positive way
Sent from my iPhone
Your delegates to the Omni have lately been me, Jenny Ryan and Matt
Senate. We would love more people to fill this role. We also need help
making decisions which represent Sudoroom. Not enough people have been
coming to meetings. Last night there were only 2-3. Other members were
doing important work throughout the building, which is great but we
still need to participate in Omni decisions. Here's some of the open
proposals to the Omni delegates:
* Finance & fundraising working groups should act quickly to buy the building
* Omni should become a 501c3
* Delegates should meet weekly again
* Global Womens Strike should become a member collective
* Black Hole should take responsibility for their fire hazards in the basement
* Use the red stage area in the basement for bike parking
* Post a clear policy about using the shower
Each of these proposals uses a consensus process - first we talk about
the issues in order to learn what everybody's needs are. Then each
collective can say yes, abstain, or block (and give a good reason).
Since few people showed up to last night's meeting, I'm not sure what
we're supposed to say. Should members resort to voting by email? It
would help if people with concerns could make them known somehow, and
people with positive feelings also. Thanks.
Hello everyone!
Katherin is cool & used to volunteer at Rock Paper Scissors Collective. She
relayed me an opportunity for a 9 month fellowship program that would be
cool for any creative artists in the area!
From: Katherin Canton <katherincanton(a)gmail.com>
Date: Thu, Jul 30, 2015 at 11:43 AM
Subject: Share: Step into Cultural Equity - Community/Conversations - EAP's
Good morning colleagues and friends,
We are at a critical moment in the Bay Area and I'd like to share an
opportunity to co-create a space and community to help process and take
action toward cultural equity for the region. Emerging Arts
Professionals/San Francisco Bay Area <http://www.emergingsf.org> hosts a
9-month long Fellowship program (personal/professional development) and the
application deadline is Monday August 10, 2015. I was a Fellow in 2011-2012
and it was a transformational experience then and continues to be one of
those long lasting treats I offered myself for my personal and professional
*My ask of you today is to encourage a friend/colleague to apply by August
10th, you may be the boost towards their transformational experience this
Please contact me if you have questions: Katherin(a)emergingsf.org / C:
*Emerging Arts Professionals / San Francisco Bay AreaInvites you to apply
for the 2015-16 FELLOWSHIP*
OVERVIEW // The Fellowship curriculum, a nine month program, is designed to
enrich and expand the professional skill-sets of emerging and mid-level
leaders working in the Bay Area’s arts and culture field.
Expand your professional capacity for leadership
Develop a national understanding of the arts field
Develop a stronger cross-sector professional network
Expand your capacity for collaboration
Prototype an emerging model for leadership
DEADLINE EXTENDED to Monday August 10, 2015.
Emerging Arts Professionals/SFBA is a network focused on empowerment,
leadership, and growth of next generation arts and culture workers in the
San Francisco Bay Area through knowledge sharing, learning opportunities,
and partnerships. By supporting today’s emerging models and mindsets, we
hope to generate a path for individuals’ meaningful and sustainable work
and to stimulate a vibrant, integrated, and evolving arts and culture
Application form
Much appreciated,
*Katherin Canton*
*Home:510-338-6324 <510-338-6324> *
*Findings: **@streetscapes_KT <https://twitter.com/streetscapes_KT>*
*Thoughts: **katherincanton.blogspot.com
*Portfolio: http://katherincanton.carbonmade.com/
LinkedIn Profile <http://www.linkedin.com/in/katherincanton/>
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