i received the following transmission today:
"If you, or someone you know, is interested in Bitcoin mining & would like
some *FREE* hardware...I have 600+ powered PCI-E 1x:16x riser packs. Each
pack contains a 1x:16x riserboard, a PCI-E daughter board, a power cable &
a male:male usb cable. These are the boards & assembly which house the
GPUs which can be connected in series...8 risers (Linux) or 6 risers
(Windows)..maximizing your GPU processing power which equates to MORE
Bitcoin you will mine. These particular boards work efficiently for
Bitcoin/Litecoin/Dogecoin mining.
Let me know if you'd like some or have any questions."
argh we interested?
i think we could steward their displacement somehow
Is that #nofilter?
On 12 Aug 2015 21:08, "Michael Stevenson via Cafe-negro-announce" <
cafe-negro-announce(a)tentacle.net> wrote:
> When there is no sun to light the way, there is no day, there is no day;
> there is only darkness. And from this darkness we will glow red with the
> lustre of Satan...
> _______________________________________________
> Cafe-negro-announce mailing list
> Cafe-negro-announce(a)tentacle.net
> https://tentacle.net/mailman/listinfo/cafe-negro-announce
I used to play ingress (https://www.ingress.com/), and I liked it.
Today I received and email with their announcement that they are going solo
(google ditched them, or they ditched google, know knows).
Anyways, they have employment opportunities for those w the skills:
Good luck!
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Help open a people-powered common space in Oakland, California!
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Hi, I'm going to do my first screenshare event, but you'll also be able to
attend live and in person!. This is my "project" from the cyberwizard
- I will be conducting a super newbie tutorial on making command line
tools in node.
- we'll analyze data from Open Oakland - more specifically domestic
violence in Oakland
[image: Learn how this picture relates to Set Theory Attribution:
I'll be doing a special screenshare with comments and drawings.
- This is a super-newbie screenshare on how to set up a node.js
command-line tool to parse data on domestic violence in Oakland using Open
- We'll be going over basic node concepts, parsing JSON
- Best of all, by the end everyone will hopefully understand how to
avoid grunt work and copy and paste in Excel. *Too many smart women with
potential are trapped in dead end pink collar clerical, accounting and
marketing jobs even though they are probably smart enough to learn to code
and make the world a better place. Even in non-profit volunteer
organizations women tend to do a lot of clerical grunt work instead of
having fun and being creators so this will hopefully tip the balance!*
Women Who Code Oakland Node.js Tutorial
This is a basic tutorial on Node.js using the command line. Benefits:
- You can make a basic "networked" app
- You can avoid doing clerical gruntwork and using horrible Excel Macros
written by a javascript newbie for Women Who Code Oakland / Women Who Code
East Bay http://www.meetup.com/Women-Who-Code-East-Bay/
*Women dominate clerical, lower-paid clerical jobs like entry level
accounting and secretarial work or lower-level marketing positions. They
live their lives in Excel sheets. Enabling them to learn basic coding and
taking advantage of their intelligence and potential will help make the
world a better place.*
Romy Ilano
Thanks to everyone who came this weekend to help fix up Omni Commons.
We're throwing another work party this Saturday August 15, 12-6pm.
There is plenty more to do. All skill levels welcome. If you can, RSVP
to volunteers(a)omnicommons.org. Otherwise, just show up. Thank you!
Omni Commons
4799 Shattuck
Oakland CA 94609
Dear Sudoers,
What do you think of this phenomenon in Europe of fake companies (and
banks) used to job-train people while they're un/der-employed (keeping the
meal hot, so to speak)? It's kind of interesting to me coming from a
membership-based, volunteer-run org like Sudo Room--parallels abound
(strangely)! Though I must say that I learned way more practical and
professional skills at Sudo and LOL than at any of my mind-numbing tech
the past 2 weeks have been quite energizing, and every time I see what's
going on at SudoRoom I'm really excited
what's really nice with the things going on lately, especially the
CyberWizard project, is that it's teaching and showing people how to do
stuff in a unique way.
*even though there are quite a few women in our space, we aren't
trivilialized, and the women aren't railroaded into working on projects for
children or motherhood projects or stuff involving charity work for the
needy.* it's often hard to tell if a project is initiated by a man or a
when i do talk to women at SudoRoom i get to see them as people first, not
mother or wives, or someone's girlfriend, and to be frank, that's really
hard to come by in the technology culture.
the men are just as likely to do art as the women. and the men are just as
likely to clean as the women or sew, which is really nice.
we still have a ways to go, but i'm very grateful sudoroom is so awesome
and that they tolerate people like me who are different.
Romy Ilano
Hi all,
I brought two 4ft x 4ft mylar bags into sudo and was going to cut & tape
them together to make sunshades for under the skylights as the daytime sun
makes it impossible to do any work there.
Unfortunately, I got sidetracked helping CCL- which took alot longer that
expected - & when I returned cyberwizard was in sudo so I wasn't able to
look for it.
Today, I looked for them but couldn't find them.
If anyone put them anywhere or took them home with them I would appreciated
it if they were returned to me.
I apologize for not labeling them or putting them away.