Hi I made a new prettier landing page that I linked to from the sudoroom
main page
i keep writing these gigantic emails talking about cool stuff we do, but
it's hard to present it to thew old so even though I used to hate web
design, i had fun and dove into jQuery for the sake of the team
You can hack it or add to it:
these pages are by no means permanent, but making stuff clear and pretty
is a good way to entice people to join in on projects
I'd love to see the MRI and health records stuff get going, i just don't
have time to do it all myself!
Romy Ilano
Goddammit ... do you know I hate web design! I really hate it! but i know
one area we can improve on is marketing.
I would much rather we working on making a mobile app this morning but I
did it for the team. Just kidding. I made a landing page for the MRI project
we should probably do this more to get people who are remote / far way to
join in .. and to toot our own horn! ;)
I'll get back to 3D printing... when I have time... argh...
see you later at cyberwizard today
Romy Ilano
this is really cute! If anyone is wondering of ideas of what to do next,
this rps collective / berkeley museum video is very charming
- One of their zine workshops was to have everyone write a letter to
their hometown
Romy Ilano
There's a critical theory and fitness series going on throughout the summer
with the group Heavy Breathing. I'm just writing this because often the
Omni is so large, people visit SudoRoom and then they say "Oh there isn't a
lot going on here" or "I'd like to know more of what's happening"
It's pretty cool - some of their sessions were in the park in Oakland and
at various creative spaces, but they have an event today and they had an
event two weeks ago at the Omni Disco room. Even though it wasn't at the
SudoRoom, it's cool that I can just walk up and downstairs to attend these
It's cool that there are dancers in the same building as the SudoRoom, and
that these kinds of events happen. I think the series pokes fun at the
current obsessions Americans have with fitness, wherein people try to find
some kind of religious and spiritual fulfillment or social identity through
their yoga and crossfit classes.
the series was featured recently in New Yorker magazine:
I don't think they poke fun at it in a mean way, but it's something to
think about, especially as these gym classes push a "spiritual" message
while maintaining themselves as capitalist, chain store type entities whose
only aim is to make money. When someone is pretending to be your friend and
spiritual guidance counselor but is part of a corporate template fitness
system (think of Zumba), that raises larger questions, and it also
illuminuates the future
Tonight there's another session of Heavy breathing at the Omni, and I'm
going to attend it in-between my session learning at the CyberWizard
It looks like it's going to be fun!
I should make this a blog post and clean it up, but my point is that having
this large building at the Omni enables people of different creative bents
and ideologies to hang out with each other and collaborate.
much love!
Romy Ilano
I've blocked this address from sending to sudo-discuss. Don't need
this bullshit.
On Thu, Aug 6, 2015 at 10:29 PM, Gay Negro <gaynigerfagit(a)> wrote:
> message += 1; // U go, girl.
> On Thu, Aug 6, 2015 at 8:33 PM, Josh Juran <jjuran(a)> wrote:
>> On Aug 6, 2015, at 10:10 PM, Jacob Fenwick <jacob.fenwick(a)>
>> wrote:
>> > Yea, the ARPANET was total bullshit, it's too bad DARPA funded it.
>> >
>> > Don't help them ruin the world.
>> Feel free to contribute to the debate, but please keep your vitriol to
>> yourself.
anyone available to do an e-waste run of junk we're piling up to remove
from sudo and take to Universal Waste Management aka "unwaste"
They also have an "unwaste store" with usable objects that they fix and
721 37th Ave near Fruitvale
// Matt
*the Cyberwizard Institute sessions are going so well and they're so much
fun! *
*I was chatting with marina, and we remember the Today I Learned sessions
fondly: people talked about things they learned covering every topic under
the sun: sewing, mathematics, algorithms, hacking your DNA, 3D printing
Unfortunately this ran out of steam. I think we just ran out of topics to
talk about, plus the concept Today I Learned was a little goofy.
Cyberwizard Institute is way more exciting
*after Cyberwizard session 2 is over, it'd be cool to create a new version
of Today I learned - either as an extension of CyberWizard Instiute or
something else! *
Romy Ilano
=D video recordings and drawings for all
It's some great vibes tonight. we learned SVG, DOM review... and substack
even showed us a game that he made!
afterwards people are hacking in a mellow atmosphere.
Romy Ilano