Fwd: REMINDER: Join Us for Growing Clean Energy Jobs in Oakland! Sat, April 5, 11am - 3pm
"Trust is the key to any relationship. It must be earned first through respect then through shared experience. Lacking either of these leads to half hearted interest."
Begin forwarded message:
From: Al Weinrub <al.weinrub(a)comcast.net>
Date: April 1, 2014 at 8:26:30 AM PDT
To: Al Weinrub <al.weinrub(a)comcast.net>
Cc: Colin Miller <colin(a)baylocalize.org>
Subject: REMINDER: Join Us for Growing Clean Energy Jobs in Oakland! Sat, April 5, 11am - 3pm
Dear friends of the Clean Energy & Jobs Oakland Campaign,
Below is a reminder email announcement and flyer about about our iupcoming community engagement event this Saturday in East Oakland.
We hope you can attend. Please feel free to send this announcement to anyone who might be interested, using the subject line of this email.
Many thanks, and we hope to see you there!
Al Weinrub
Coordinator, Local Clean Energy Alliance
510-531-0720 (home office)
510-912-3549 (cell)
How do we create more jobs for our community, especially our youth? Is it possible for those jobs to be good for people AND for the planet? ...and how can the COMMUNITY, including youth, lead the way?
The Oakland Climate Action Coalition invites you, your friends, and your family to explore possible solutions that address the economic and the climate crisis by creating hundreds of local clean energy jobs for Oakland residents.
What: Growing Clean Energy Jobs in Oakland - A *FREE* community event
Where: Youth Uprising, 8711 MacArthur Blvd, East Oakland
When: Saturday, April 5, 11 - 3 pm
10:30 - Doors open, sign-ins and breakfast
11:00 - Opening Performance & Blessing
11:15 - Presentation by Clean Energy & Jobs Oakland Campaign
11:30 - Community Leaders Panel
12:30 - Workshops & Lunch: Growing Healthy Communities, Growing Food Justice, and People-Powered Solutions, YOUTH Workshops: Growing Youth Leadership and Growing Our Future
2:00 - Tabling and networking with clean energy employers and job trainers
2:50 - Closing Performance
Join the event on Facebook and RSVP on EventBrite by April 3 to guarantee your seat!
Partnering Organizations: Oakland Climate Action Coalition's Clean Energy & Jobs Oakland Campaign, Youth Uprising, Local Clean Energy Alliance, Communities for a Better Environment (CBE), Allen Temple Baptist Church's Prophetic Justice Ministry, Asian Pacific Environmental Network (APEN) East Oakland Boxing Association, Sustainable Economies Law Center, Planting Justice, PUEBLO (People United for a Better Life in Oakland), Movement Generation Justice & Ecology Project, Energy Solidarity Cooperative (ESC), Emerald Cities Oakland, Bay Localize, RE-volv, Sierra Club SF Bay Chapter, Ecology Center, Artos Consulting.
For more information, Contact Colin Miller
Coordinator, Clean Energy & Jobs Oakland Campaign of the Oakland Climate Action Coalition
(510) 834-0420 - office
Hi Sudoers!
Just wondering who bottomlines Today We Learned -
- On 4/19, Nadia from the EFF wants to have a mass (legal) defense training
for the NLG, at 3pm in the Common Space..:
"Training for attorneys and legal workers to learn about how to provide
legal support for protestors. Focus on taking criminal defense cases and
working with legal support. CLE will be available. Free, although donations
to NLG gladly accepted!!"
I see this overlaps with the 'Today We Learned' which nominally runs from
2-3:45 that day in the common space.
In case Nadia can't move the talks back to 4pm - would it be at all
possible for NLG/EFF to take over the common space at 3pm that day, and
'Today We Learned' to perhaps move into Sudo Room, or the BAPS room?
Or, would that be totally lame?
ps. I un-backwards'd the duration of Today We Learned on the calendar from
3:45-2pm, to 2pm-3:45pm.
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Laurie Cooperman Rosen <Lscoop(a)comcast.net>
Date: Mon, Mar 31, 2014 at 2:49 PM
Subject: Star Elevator Bills
To: melissadmack(a)gmail.com, mattsenate(a)gmail.com, eddan(a)eddan.com
Hi Melissa, Matt & Eddan-
Attached are the bills I promised you to Star Elevator for your records that
we had to pay due to the large amount of usage of the elevator not related
to our monthly invoice from them.
People I worked and played with in China are having a competition for people to hack e-waste into something cool. Winners will receive prizes as well as the opportunity to showcase their creations on Slate.
For details, please see the website and the press release is here (and copied, below):
Future Tense Initiative & Tsinghua University Launch New U.S.-China Green Electronics Competition
Competition to Encourage Innovation on E-Waste Prevention
Published: March 26, 2014
WASHINGTON, DC — The Future Tense initiative – a partnership of New America, Arizona State University, and Slate magazine – is pleased to announce the launch of Green Electronics: A U.S.-China Maker Challenge, an unprecedented online DIY competition focused on preventing the creation of electronic waste (e-waste). The competition, a collaboration between Future Tense, China's Tsinghua University and other partners, invites U.S. and Chinese makers to find creative ways to turn yesterday's cellphone battery into tomorrow's treasure.
"This is a great opportunity for the United States and China to work toward common goals," said Emily Parker, senior fellow and digital diplomacy advisor at New America, who helped spearhead this project. "Both the U.S. and China want to encourage the innovation happening at the DIY or maker level, and both countries face the challenge of reducing e-waste."
Electronic products tend to become unusable after just a few years, and items such as computers, DVD players and cell phones frequently wind up in landfills. Some of the most creative solutions to this problem may come from U.S. and Chinese makers, many of whom already incorporate old electronic components into their DIY creations. Green electronics will encourage makers to showcase their creations online.
Participants will be invited to upcycle or hack an electronic product to create a new electronic product; repair an electronic product; create a sustainable electronic product; or create artwork from used electronic products. They will show their inventions on Instructables.com, where submissions will be accepted from April 7 - May 31, 2014. Following a round of public voting, a panel of judges will choose the best selections from each country. Winners will receive prizes as well as the opportunity to showcase their creations on Slate.
Judges include Chris Anderson, former Wired editor; Joi Ito, Director of the MIT Media Lab; Mitzi Montoya, Vice President and University Dean for Entrepreneurship & Innovation at Arizona State University; and Sun Hong Bin, Dean of Educational Affairs at Tsinghua University. Partners include Instructables, TechShop, Hackerspaces.org, XinCheJian, Autodesk, and Inventables.
For more information, please visit: http://www.greenelectronicschallenge.com/
The cleaning is wonderful.. So much has been cleaned out! I donated a ton of cleaning supplies & will be more conscious about donating more in the future.. Especially things like toilet paper !
Thank you sudoroom for making the world a better place ...
Sent from my iPhone
FYI, looks like the Noisebridge decision-making changes have been reverted.
The reverting commit (now, consensus):
The previous commit (brief period of hierarchy):
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Madelynn Martiniere <mmartiniere(a)gmail.com>
Date: Fri, Mar 28, 2014 at 5:15 PM
Subject: [Noisebridge-discuss] Please Note: Bureaucracy Changes Reverted
To: noisebridge-discuss(a)lists.noisebridge.net
Cc: Naomi Most <naomi(a)nthmost.com>
The board of directors has reverted the changes to /bureaucracy until
further discussion with the greater Noisebridge can be had. Policies to add
required discussion periods are also in motion within the board to make
sure that incidents like this do not occur again. Given the gravity of this
decision, this is a one-time exception, not a precedent.
I believe Naomi put it best in a previous post to the list:
"This "active board" thing is in its infancy. We only just decided at the
ONE meeting we have had so far, what the rules of engagement and proper
process were.
Were we supposed to have gotten it right on the first try? No.
Could I have imagined that the insanity that transpired this first week
would ever take place? Hell no."
The decision to have the board take an active role I think is a pivotal one
in improving some the issues that Noisebridge has been facing increasingly
over the years. But neither I, nor the rest of the board, have any
intention of disempowering the membership, turning Noisebridge into a
dictatorship, or any of the language I have heard used over the last few
days. We want to be in service to the membership, not to rule over it.
My offer to have a productive dialogue with anyone who has feedback on this
process still stands.
Noisebridge-discuss mailing list
The Privacy Working Group would like to use the screen to show a flick
on April 20th at about 6 PM if no one violently objects. I have a
projector and sound system. We figure that the cryptoparty typically
winds down at 5PM, so there shouldn't be a conflict. The movie is Terms
& Conditions May Apply, which I gather is about all those little on line
adhesion contracts we sign every day without bothering to read:
I'll schlep along a case or so for fermented entertainment and probably
some second-hand pizza or other such gut-pack, and endeavor to return
the sudoroom to its full upright and locked position afterwards. If I
don't see any protests, cavils or quibbles in the next day or three I'll
slap the event on the calendar.