Hey all,
I encouraged Louise to stop by tomorrow.
If this piques your interest, please contact her.
// Matt
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Louise Bloom <louise.bloom(a)qeh.ox.ac.uk>
Date: Sat, Oct 19, 2013 at 3:50 PM
Subject: [!SUDO-INFO!] Pop in visit Sun 20th?
To: "info(a)sudoroom.org" <info(a)sudoroom.org>
Hi Sudo Room,
I am researcher from the University of Oxford working on the Humanitarian
Innovation Project. I am in SF for a week learning what I can on how
innovation and community spaces here in SF work and support the skills and
innovation of the local community. I am taking this learning back for
reflection in the humanitarian world and our work on conceptualising an
innovation centre for refguees in Uganda.
I am going to be in Oakland for the East Bay Mini Maker Faire tomorrow and
wondered if it would be possible for me to pop in to say hi and see what
you're up at some point during the day (perhaps before or after the faire).
I noticed you do have some events running tomorrow, but do you stay open
past 5pm?
Louise Bloom
Research officer
Humanitarian Innovation Project
Info mailing list
Hey All,
I'm teaching a seed saving workshop on Monday through the East Bay Urban Farmer Field School, at the Ecology Center, 2530 San Pablo Ave Berkeley.
11-1 Free
Come one, come all, to sudo room's monthly Cryptoparty, tomorrow from 2-5pm!
We have some excellent organizers who'll be giving talks and leading
workshops throughout the afternoon, covering topics such as:
*Certificate Authorities and SSL
*Encrypted email solutions
*Mobile phone security
*Verifiable Builds
*OTR (off-the-record chat)
*and more!
All skill levels welcome! Bring your phone! Bring your laptop!
It will be rad.
More info here: http://sudoroom.org/wiki/Cryptoparty
"Technology is the campfire around which we tell our stories."
-Laurie Anderson
"Storytelling reveals meaning without committing the error of defining it."
-Hannah Arendt
"To define is to kill. To suggest is to create."
-Stéphane Mallarmé
Hey all,
First: is anyone in contact with folks at The New Parkway Theater?
This group, Existence is Resistance, is trying to put on a screening of a
documentary in Oakland about hip-hop artists who travel to Palestine to
teach and learn. They're reaching out to The New Parkway, but as a
fallback, I've offered the common space at 2141.
I checked the public school and sudo calendars, I did not see any
reservations for 7pm-10pm Saturday night, please correct me otherwise.
I assume The Public School will want to support this as well.
View Trailer: http://youtu.be/PGvP0OREI2E
Hip Hop is Bigger than the Occupation is a documentary about a ten day
journey of artists traveling through Palestine, teaching and performing
nonviolent resistance through the arts. The tour included M1 of Dead Prez,
Shadia Mansour, Marcel Cartier, Mazzi of Soul Purpose, DJ Vega Benetton,
Lowkey, Jody McIntyre and Trinidad, Brandon and Lavie from the South West
Youth Collaborative/University of Hip Hop Chicago.
Staying in the heart of Balata Refugee Camp at the Yafa Cultural Center in
Nablus the group witnesses night raids, toured places like Hebron where
there are roads for the Arabs and roads for the Jews, they meet families of
shaheeds as well as young Palestinians who have been jailed, shot and
humiliated. The group visits Bi’lin where they get shot at and tear gassed
and experience first hand what it felt like living under occupation.
// Matt
This is your informational email for tabling at the East Bay Anarchist
Book Fair. It will tell you most of what you need to know to get through
Saturday. Volunteers and organizers will be milling around to help all
day long, and are identifiable by their name tags. If you need anything
please flag one of them down and we will do what we can for you.
First up. There was some confusion about this last year, so we want to
clarify the issue this year. There are no free tables at the East Bay
Anarchist Book Fair. We have chosen to adopt the percentage model, as
used at The Montreal Anarchist Book Fair successfully for almost 15
years. We will not ask for payment in advance. We will come around late
in the day on Saturday and ask to collect 10% of your sales. If you are
an organization that does not sell anything or asks for donations or
does sales under $200, then we require a minimum of $20. So please be
prepared. We will come around about 4:30 or so to remind people and then
check back in with each table around 5:30. If you are not tabling but
receiving this email please tell those who will be tabling. Last year a
few organizations did not pay stating they "did not know" payment was
required. That response will not be acceptable this year. Anyone who
does not pay this year will not be eligible to table next year. And we
will grimace at you. A lot.
The other thing to give you a heads up about is that we are encouraging
Halloween costumes and would like to give out prizes for the best
costumes. We are going to come around and ask people if they would like
to donate something to the prize vault. Perhaps you will have an item or
two that you would be happy to give!
On to the logistics of the day. The book fair opens to the public at
10am, doors open for you at 8:30am. There are 27 tables, and we are at
capacity. Selection is first come first serve. There is a great deal of
wall space and outlets at regular intervals along the two long walls.
You should bring your own power strips/extension cords if you anticipate
needing power. There is wi-fi in the hall.
We will have the area in front of the hall on 27th Street blocked off,
for unloading and free hands to help you carry your wares. There is free
parking on both sides of 27th Street. However, technically there is a
two hour limit, Humanist hall says the city generally does not enforce
this. We will have volunteers check periodically during the day to see
if cars are being marked. There is a small parking lot behind the Hall
on 28th Street, that will hold roughly a dozen cars, where it is safe to
park all day. The helpers outside can direct you to this lot and it will
be marked so you can't miss it. Again, parking here will be first come
first serve.
Each tabler gets a standard-six-foot-book-fair-table and two chairs. We
can provide additional chairs upon request. We will do what we can to
make the day as comfortable and as enjoyable for you as possible. There
will be volunteers on hand to watch your table if you need a break or
want to spend time enjoying the event.
There will be coffee available on a limited basis to tablers and
conversation holders until early afternoon. In terms of food, there are
several small neighborhood places, and a Whole Foods about a third of a
mile east on 27th Street. About a mile south on Broadway is downtown
Oakland and Chinatown and about a mile northeast is a small business
district on Piedmont Avenue. Each of these areas has quite a number of
restaurants. More information about this will be available on Saturday
at the info table.
Tabling is scheduled to go until 6pm. Again there will be volunteers
available to help carry and load you back to your vehicle if you require
it. After tabling is over there will be karaoke and everyone is
encouraged to attend.
The complete schedule for the day can be found online at
The complete list of tablers can be found at
http://eastbayanarchist.com/tablers/ . Please check your listing and see
that it is to your liking. Words, phrasing, link etc.
For announcements, updates, and information on all the other events
happening over the weekend visit
If you have any questions or concerns please contact us and we will
respond as quickly as possible.
Thanks so much for participating, see you Saturday, October 26!
On behalf of the EBAB planners,
Hi everysudoer
For those of you who don't already know, sudo room is aiming to incorporate
as a california non-profit, with the long-term goal of reaching 501(c)3
For now, we're working out Articles of Incorporation. These are based
mostly on Noisebridge's Articles of Incorporation:
In reading this, it may surprise people to see all of this talk of a board
of directors and hierarchical structures. Most, if not all of this is
required by law ( this law:
http://www.leginfo.ca.gov/cgi-bin/calawquery?codesection=corp ) and we can
safely ignore it in the day to day running of our hackerspace. Instead of
trying to explain, I will quote Mitch Altman responding to the question
"What is the management structure [of Noisebridge] like?":
"There isn't any. The official line is that we're an anarchist collective
but the reality is that it's more of a web of trust model, with the usual
elements of feudalism that crystallize out of any anarchic group. There's a
board that appoints officers who technically have executive authority with
regards to the space, but the reality is that if any of them actually
exercised power they'd get thrown out. For certain things, like insurance,
taxes, and our nonprofit filings, they have duties but those are invisible
to the day-to-day operations."
So, the important thing to remember is that these Articles of Incorporation
allow the members to throw out any director who abuses their power. We will
then go on to define how our day to day space is run outside of the
articles of incorporation (e.g. in our bylaws).
The power of a majority of the members to remove directors is defined in
If we want to tweak the Noisebridge articles of incorporation at all, I
believe that the following are most in need of editing:
* Article 3 - This is about our purpose and values. We can and should
more or less freely change 3.1 and 3.2, but 3.3 should remain unchanged.
* Article 6.1 - A member is proposed for membership by one existing
member. Do we want to change this to two?
* The Articles talk about how the board can fix fees for the members to
pay, but we are almost certainly interested in letting members pay for
their membership with work, by putting in time instead of money. I don't
think we can put this into our articles of incorporation for two reasons:
1. The California Corporations code specifically says that the board
may levy dues, but says nothing about levy'ing anything in place of dues:
"5351. A corporation may levy dues, assessments or fees upon its
members pursuant to its articles or bylaws, but a member upon
learning of them may avoid liability for them by promptly resigning
from membership, except where the member is, by contract or
otherwise, liable for them. Article or bylaw provisions authorizing
such dues, assessments or fees do not, of themselves, create such
2. I'm worried that we may count as an employer if we give out
membership in return for work, which may subject us to a whole set of other
laws. However, I am not a lawyer.
Keep it mind that "membership" for the purposes of the articles of
incorporation only refers to the right to vote on things related to the
board and articles of incorporation. So we could fix this by simply
defining additional membership in our bylaws that define the more important
things, such as being part of decision-making at our weekly meetings and
24/7 access to the space, and defining a membership fee in the bylaws that
can be substituted by putting in work. We then simply have the directors
set an official membership fee of 0. The only weirdness with this solution:
It would be easier to become a member in the eyes of the articles of
incorporation (requiring only trust of another member) than it would be to
become a member in the eyes of the bylaws.
I'd like to post a copy of this Sunday's crypto meetup flyer here at my workplace, but I left my physical copy at home. Can someone direct me to a printable version online, or send me one at this address? Thanks,
#maxogden4cio just saying!
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Adam Stiles <adam(a)stiles.io>
Date: Thu, Oct 17, 2013 at 12:29 PM
Subject: [OpenOakland Brigade] Oakland is hiring a CIO
To: openoakland <openoakland(a)googlegroups.com>
Oakland is hiring a CIO bit.ly/H0hTJS <http://t.co/AeXnr3LTVs>
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