Hi all!
Our lovely sudoor access system is currently broken. Things look okay from
the server side, so it's likely a hardware issue. Granted, the whole thing
is a bit janky, so I think it's finally time to upgrade to sudoor v2. I'd
like to fix it, but don't have experience, so I thought I'd come to
Hacking Night<https://sudoroom.org/ai1ec_event/microcontroller-hack-night/?instance_id=65…>tomorrow
and see what I can do. If anyone owns or could suggest where to
procure the following, that'd be rad!:
- thin and thick wire mounting materials
- male pinheaders to secure wires to the breadboard
- a case for the t1 microcontroller, and screws to mount it to the wall
- definitely some soldering to be done as well [we have the tools and
material for this at least]
"Technology is the campfire around which we tell our stories."
-Laurie Anderson
"Storytelling reveals meaning without committing the error of defining
-Hannah Arendt
"To define is to kill. To suggest is to create."
-Stéphane Mallarmé
Hi fellow Sudoers,
Art Murmur is coming up next Friday.
With the BACE Timebank and EBBX (East bay Barter Exchange) we are planning
community potluck and a brainstorming and cross pollination event about the
new economy
in the common room. Is there still some of the super tasty Sudo-mate left?
:) What about Subiir?
Looking forward to see many creative people Friday at Sudoroom and hope
many of you join for the event,
best case we get a lot of folks motivated from all the awesome groups that
share the common space...
About to send it over the public school list.
Who knows how to best reach the Community Democracy Project, Oakland Wiki,
Mesh Network? Matt, Vicky, Jenny?
Any groups I forgot?
How can we get it on the new shared calendar with the Public School?
Thanks a lot,
415 425 3240
Hi all!
On Friday, July 19th we held our first POSSE [Potluck Orientation
Skill-share Swap-meet Event] at 2141 Broadway, hosted by the BACE Timebank.
Food was shared, friends were made, and all articulated things they needed
and things they had to offer. We're planning to make this a monthly event
on Third Fridays, and would love for this to be a collaborative project
with The Public School!
*This* Friday, we're having a co-presentation by BACE and EBBX [East Bay
Barter Exchange], followed by an open discussion of how to design cash-free
exchange systems. Bring some food and join us in cultivating a humane
* *
*The New Economy Huddle*
Come join us for a public presentation and brainstorm for future events to
usher in The New Economy. This Friday’s Huddle is being co-presented by
BACE and EBBX–East Bay Barter Exchange. It will be an open format inviting
input from members of our community for designing robust cash-free systems
of exchange. We invite all to bring a dish to share in pot-luck and your
thoughts for what ways would cash-free methods of currency inspire you the
most. We look forward to your joining us–
@ the Community Space of sudo room and The Public School
2141 Broadway@22nd *Note––entrance on 22nd Street
freight elevator, stow your bike upstairs
Friday August 2nd, 6-9pm
*For an up-to-date listing of events held in the Commons of 2141 Broadway,
please visit our collaborative calendar here:
"Technology is the campfire around which we tell our stories."
-Laurie Anderson
"Storytelling reveals meaning without committing the error of defining it."
-Hannah Arendt
"To define is to kill. To suggest is to create."
-Stéphane Mallarmé
Hey all,
better late than never?
I remember some folks talking about setting up carpools/caravans awhile
back,a quick perusal on the list doesn't turn up anything, and it was
suggested to check on the list, so ..
No pressure to reply, just thought I'd drop a line to checkin, as I'm
writing this I realize the lateness makes all impractical, but,meh! Ok
bye! <3
hi everyone,
just a reminder that sudo kids is still looking for folks who want to be
involved in determining and building the future of this program. we are
growing (more kids will be coming this tuesday!) and there are actually
limitless opportunities for trying out different activities and ideas (i
just view the children as test subjects for experiments on
learning...everyone does that right?).
contact me or ray if you want to do one-off or regular activities or if you
want to be a part of coordinating and helping shape the future of the
On Mon, Jul 22, 2013 at 5:27 PM, Marina Kukso <marina.kukso(a)gmail.com>wrote:
> hi everyone,
> you are once again invited to come do things with the awesome sudo kids
> tuesday from 6ish to 8:30ish. want to do a group activity? teach really
> brilliant kids something awesome? build a thing with them? help them build
> a thing? we've done calligraphy, clay, mate-brewing, piano, radio, and
> more. kids have expressed an interest in 3d printing and making videos. if
> you want to do either of those things with us (whether tomorrow or sometime
> in the future), or have an idea for another thing you'd like to do, be in
> touch!
> additionally, ray and i have started working on concrete goals and desired
> outcomes for the sudo kids program. we are doing this because a hackerspace
> without kids is like a diy electronics project without a blinky light -
> extremely sad. kids are natural hackers and if our role is to provide the
> physical and community infrastructure to encourage people to keep building
> and making and learning and exploring things forever, then kids are
> naturally part of that equation :) additionally, having activities for kids
> is a proven strategy to expanding our community. yes, we are operating from
> the principle that if you hook a kid on a thing, that you will eventually
> have an opportunity to speak with their parent. the good news is that we
> are not selling stuff but selling the idea of making stuff and being in a
> community of makers. finally, if you've never done stuff with kids before,
> you may find the experience to be really different than what you'd expect
> (i know i have). i continue to be extremely impressed and more or less
> constantly verklempt at the insight and intelligence of the children we
> work with.
> so, if you want to help coordinate activities and be a part of the cool
> sudo kids organizing/future direction/expanding the program crew, (or are
> just interested in learning more about what "helping coordinate sudo kids"
> involves - it's not a lot), be in touch via email or just come on a tuesday
> night.
> - marina
While Subiir believes in the free flow of alcohol with taste (aka beer) for
everyone, we also acknowledge that sometimes, building up expectations to a
joyous taste-explosion has its worth as well.
We are pleased to announce that the drought of Subiir continues for 3 more
weeks. And we are even more pleased to announce that in 3 weeks, not only
will we release a batch of delicious ipa (batch #6 aka. BitLite), we too
shall release a batch of delicious cream ale (batch #7 aka. Creamy Delight)
at the same time. *What a time to be alive!*
*Wait! There is More!*
- *Open finances:* We're starting to track our expenses paid, donations
received, and donations passed on to sudo room. its still work in progress.
You can follow here: http://bit.ly/subiir all feedback appreciated
- *New investments:* We want to acquire one more propane burner and one
more turkey fryer, so that we can make two batches at once. Donations
received from coming batches will go toward that. And if you have either of
those that you are willing to part with, let us know.
- *You Are Subiir:* We think it is sad our gear is only used every 3
weeks to brew subiir. We want to experiment with letting others brew on it.
if you are itnerested in brewing your own beer on our setup, get in touch.
- *Learn to brew:* On that note, our brew days are open to anyone and
everyone. if you are interested in coming around to learn and hang out, get
in touch and we will keep you in the loop of when we brew. The brewing of
batch #8 will take place within a weeks time.
That is all for now. it seems appropriate to quote the infamous Queen
Lagunitas the MCXXXii:
Beer speaks, people mumble.
Cheers everyone, and make a great day,
Morten on behalf of all of us
Hey sudoers!
So I compiled our clothes/textiles they can stay or be donated but I though it might be helpful to visualize how much we have. I can help donate them if there are no objections.
The other pile is a stack of 7 printers that were labeled as jam monsters. Tom helpfully assembled into a standing desk station. While ergonomic we both agree that they may make a better tear down project for sudo kids or e-recycled.
I don't want to leave these piles here for more then a day because I don't want to clutter the room. If no one has any objections I'll get them squared away by end of day Monday (think midnight).
On Mon, Jul 29, 2013 at 12:49 AM, <karekareraisu(a)gmail.com> wrote:
> So I compiled our clothes/textiles they can stay or be donated but I though it might be helpful to visualize how much we have. I can help donate them if there are no objections.
Most of the clothing is actually scrap fabric, so wouldn't be suitable
for donating as clothing. I think we should sort out the wearable
items first, so as not to waste the time of any shelters.