---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: AnnaLee Saxenian <news(a)ischool.berkeley.edu>
Date: Wed, Jul 17, 2013 at 10:58 AM
Subject: I School Announces Master of Information and Data Science
To: ecoeconomist11(a)gmail.com
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[image: Berkeley School of Information]
[image: datascience@berkeley]
*UC Berkeley School of Information launches Master of Information and Data
Science (MIDS) degree*
Dear Alumni and Friends of the I School,
I am thrilled to share the news that the School of Information is launching
a Master of Information and Data Science (MIDS) degree with the first
cohort of students starting in January 2014. This will be the country’s
first fully online Master of Information and Data Science
The I School faculty developed this new degree in response to the rapidly
growing need for well-trained professionals who can organize, analyze, and
interpret the deluge of often messy and unorganized data now available from
the web, sensor networks, mobile devices, and elsewhere — often referred to
as “big data.”
The MIDS is a rigorous 27-unit graduate degree aimed at the working
professional. It will combine live, face-to-face classes with interactive,
online course work that can be accessed from anywhere. While the coursework
will be entirely online, all students will also participate in a one-week
immersion in Berkeley that allows them to meet one another and the faculty
as well as to interact with leading data science professionals from the San
Francisco Bay Area.
The program will provide hands-on experience with the diverse tools and
methods for exploring and finding patterns in complicated, real-world data,
and for communicating the findings with decision makers. Just like all
other degree programs at the School of Information, I School faculty will
teach in the program alongside experienced professionals.
If you would like to learn more about the Master of Information and Data
Science program, please visit us
request more information or call 855.678.MIDS.
Anno Saxenian
Dean, UC Berkeley School of Information
*UC Berkeley School of
* - 102 South Hall, Berkeley, CA 94720-4600
*Master of Information and Data
Find us on Facebook
<http://my.berkeley.edu/site/R?i=Zb3xjRPkRqofAEv6tq4_Dw>| Follow
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Troy Massey
2141 Broadway
Oakland Ca, 94612
Bay Area Alternative Press
1847 Alcatraz
Berkeley Ca, 94703
"You are the source of freedom. The price of freedom is awareness and
Anyone been to or checking this out...
Welcome to the 2nd Annual
Obtainium Cup Contraptor’s Rally
July 21, 2013, 3pm-9pm
Come one, come all! Bring your strange and wonderful vehicles to the
former Mare Island Naval Shipyard for adventure!
---------- Forwarded message ----------
Saw this, passing it along, another potential hackerspace in SF, this one
focused on teaching diy/hacker/maker skills to homeless folks and those in
** What is the learning shelter?
On June 1st, [freespace] fellow Marc Roth
shared his vision for the Learning Shelter: a shipping container outfitted
with maker tools – 3D Printers, Laser Cutters, welders, plasma cutters
and more – to serve as a skills training center for those living in
homeless shelters. The Learning Shelter will also provide housing to
program participants (30 at a time for a 90-day intensive).
43 days later, there are 5 shipping containers in the parking lot at 1131
Join the Hackathon
this Friday from 7-10pm and Saturday 11:30am - 8pm to contribute your
skills and address the following:
* Branding/logo design
* Creating a crowdfunding campaign
* Making a website for the Learning Shelter
* Designing curriculum for program participants
* Brainstorming projects for participants to create
* Sharing best practices for recruiting participants from local homeless
We're looking for local leaders who work with the homeless to share their
knowledge and experience, and provide insights to help guide your
creativity. Contact: ilana(a)freespace.io (mailto:ilana@freespace.io)
We want you to be fed. Can you help bring food Saturday? Please email
kyle(a)freespace.io (mailto:kyle@freespace.io)
RSVP on Facebook
and Eventbrite
to see the full schedule of events.
Noisebridge-discuss mailing list
I enjoyed seeing the TIL with git... the SudoBook was an example
Is anyone interested in continuing this project? It would be neat to do
some art through it too...
FYI: Some bike racks coming up sometime soon on 22nd St. Not sure it will
help the safety issue much, but may help with overflow when space upstairs
is limited.
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Stanley, Jennifer <JStanley(a)oaklandnet.com>
Date: Tue, Jul 16, 2013 at 10:27 AM
Subject: RE: Cityracks Request
To: Diana and Julio <dinju.judi(a)gmail.com>
Hi Julio,****
** **
Sorry for the long delay.****
** **
After going out there a couple of times, I concluded that the best location
for racks was on 22nd St. Sites for four racks (accommodating a total of 8
bikes) were marked with white dots. In late May, we mailed the ground floor
businesses and the property owner (per our usual process) and didn’t
receive any comments. (We are also adding two more racks across the street
in front of the Bruner’s Building.)****
** **
The racks were added to a work order submitted to the Public Works crews
who install them on June 7. There is currently quite a back log, so I
apologize again for the delay. I can’t tell you when they will be installed
L--it’s out of my control.****
** **
The reason I opted against the Broadway location was because of the white
zone/loading-unloading in front of the Sound Room and because removing and
replacing the two U-racks there was a bit messy because the sidewalk is in
such poor condition.****
** **
Let me know if you have any questions. Thanks for your patience,****
** **
*Jennifer Stanley*
City of Oakland | Public Works Agency | APWA Accredited Agency****
250 Frank H Ogawa Plaza, Suite 4344 | Oakland, CA 94612****
*(510) 238-3983* | (510) 290-7290 cell | (510) 238-7415 Fax ****
** **
*From:* julio.rios(a)gmail.com [mailto:julio.rios@gmail.com] *On Behalf Of *Diana
and Julio
*Sent:* Tuesday, July 09, 2013 10:56 AM
*To:* Stanley, Jennifer
*Subject:* Re: Cityracks Request****
** **
Hi Jennifer,****
** **
I was wondering what the status was of the bike racks on the SW corner of
22nd and Broadway. I can't find an email about this, but I believe that we
talked and agreed that the best solution was to remove the existing racks
there, and replace them with multiple perpendicular racks. I thought you
said it would take 3 months, but I'm pretty sure nothing has happened yet,
so I wanted to ask and make sure it was still on your radar. Let me know
if I need to do anything else.****
** **
** **
On Wed, Jan 30, 2013 at 9:27 AM, Stanley, Jennifer <JStanley(a)oaklandnet.com>
Hi Julio,****
What about simply adding a bunch of sidewalk racks?****
No need to submit a request online. And I manage the CityRacks program
which includes the bike corrals. (More info on those at
www2.oaklandnet.com/ISBPC.) ****
*Jennifer Stanley*****
City of Oakland | Public Works Agency | APWA Accredited Agency****
250 Frank H Ogawa Plaza, Suite 4344 | Oakland, CA 94612****
*(510) 238-3983* | (510) 238-7415 Fax ****
*From:* julio.rios(a)gmail.com [mailto:julio.rios@gmail.com] *On Behalf Of *Diana
and Julio
*Sent:* Tuesday, January 29, 2013 10:48 PM****
*To:* Stanley, Jennifer
*Subject:* Re: Cityracks Request****
Hi Jennifer,****
We talked earlier about putting a bike rack on the sidewalk in front of our
house. For the moment, those plans are on hold.****
However, I was wondering if the CityRacks Program would be able to put some
bike racks on the Southwest corner of Broadway at 22nd Street (on the
Broadway side). This is a commercial area and, recently, hosts a new
hackerspace called SudoRoom on the second floor of the building, where many
members use their bicycles to get there, but are forced to bring the bikes
upstairs due to the lack of safety and visibility below. This corner would
be a great location to have a pool of bike racks similar to what is in
front of the New Parkway theater on 474 24th Street. I'm not sure if those
bike racks were put up under the CityRacks program, but wanted to explore
what was possible around Broadway and 22nd. There is plenty of room, but I
don't know what kind of process we'd have to go through.****
Let me know if I should just submit a CityRacks request on the website.****
Thanks in advance for any guidance you are able to provide.****
Julio Rios****
On Mon, Oct 29, 2012 at 10:34 AM, Stanley, Jennifer <JStanley(a)oaklandnet.com>
Hello Julio,
First, please accept my apology for responding so late to this request.
Second, the CityRacks program installs racks in commercial areas only, not
residential areas. If the property owner wishes to install sidewalk bike
racks they can; the process is outlined here:
Please let me know if you have any questions. Thanks for your interest in
bicycling in Oakland!
Jennifer Stanley
City of Oakland | Public Works Agency | APWA Accredited Agency
250 Frank H Ogawa Plaza, Suite 4344 | Oakland, CA 94612
(510) 238-3983 | (510) 238-7415 Fax
-----Original Message-----
From: nobody(a)host10.webserveralpha.com [mailto:
Sent: Monday, September 24, 2012 7:41 PM
To: info(a)spaceshare.com; Stanley, Jennifer;
Subject: Cityracks Request
Below is the result of your feedback form. It was submitted by
() on Monday, September 24, 2012 at 22:41:25
name: Julio Rios
city: Oakland
daytimephone: 510 285 6145
emailaddress: dinju.judi(a)gmail.com
establishment: N/A
establishment_address: 936 39th St
establishment_crossstreet: Market St.
establishment_zipcode: 94608
establishment_contact: Julio Rios
establishment_phone: 510 285 6145
establishment_email: dinju.judi(a)gmail.com
establishment_relationship: owner
additional_info: We work from home and only use our bikes for
transportation. Rather than have to lock up our bikes inside the house each
time we come in and out, we would like to have a rack outside the house so
we could quickly lock up during the day. Friends and other neighbors would
also be able to use the racks, since many also use bikes predominantly.
learn_of_cityracks: other
** **
On Mon, Jul 15, 2013 at 4:34 PM, Marina Kukso <marina.kukso(a)gmail.com> wrote:
> ...i spoke too soon! not everything is down, but our ability to access the
> outside door is extremely limited.
> door.sudoroom.org: up, but loading slowly. unfortunately the door appears to
> not be unlocking even if you enter the correct pw.
> buzzer: down
> keypad: working, but again, not unlocking the door
> elevator access system: up
Put simply, everything is working except the outer door is not
actually buzzing opening when it says it does. It appears a wire came
loose between the raspi and the door buzzer. We're trying to figure
out the right way to put it back.
Unrelatedly, our internet connection is being saturated this afternoon
by UDP packets which look suspiciously like either a DDoS or (more
likely) somebody was torrenting earlier. The high network load has
made door.sudoroom.org appear down, but it still works.
take the poll!
- marina
On Fri, Jul 12, 2013 at 2:44 PM, Marina Kukso <marina.kukso(a)gmail.com>wrote:
> please complete the following poll to indicate your availability for a one
> or two day event either the weekend of july 20-21 or 27-28 for a sudo room
> inventory, clear out, and rearrange event.
> poll here: http://www.doodle.com/e8vwvvs6e24wkwy4
> marina
> ps - my perspective is that we will probably need two days (day 1 to take
> everything out/take inventory and day 2 for rearranging & putting things
> back in), but i understand that other people also apparently have lives and
> commitments :)
hi everyone,
the elevator was emergency locked again this morning. it is definitely a
problem to have this continue to be an issue, but we are actively working
on a solution (ie, coordinating with laurie and george to ensure that we're
on the same page regarding the elevator access control system that we
installed last week & the subsequent lack of a need to manually lock the
thank you to everyone for their patience as we resolve these issues and
thanks to everyone who's a part of the ad hoc phone tree that's been
resolving the immediate access problem whenever it arises :) you guys are
- marina