you have a number of ways to contribute:
1) online (via wepay):
2) online (via gittip):
3) in person (anytime): please drop cash or checks into the clear plastic
box by the door that goes to the elevator
4) in person (at meetings): bring cash or checks to wed. meetings.
and certainly i barely need to remind you of our *precarious month to month
financial situation*.
pay your dues!
hi everyone,
it is july 19th and our current balance is $1,105.77*.
in 13 days we will have to pay $1700 for rent and utilities.
please pay your dues if you haven't yet.
you have a number of ways to contribute:
1) online (via wepay):
2) online (via gittip):
3) in person (anytime): please drop cash or checks into the clear plastic
box by the door that goes to the elevator
4) in person (at meetings): bring cash or checks to wed. meetings.
- marina
* this doesn't include 2 checks that i need to deposit. additionally,
jenny, is there anything that needs to be transferred from the wepay or
from the box in sudo?
Hey all,
I talked to Danny O'Brien (Noisebridge's financial functionary)
yesterday about the sudoroom legal status. I know this has been an
ongoing discussion so I'm going to summarize the options we've already
looked into and present the new information Danny has brought to my
*Why do we need a legal status?*
Over the past few months we've found various challenges to our normal
operations since we don't have a legal status. We aren't able to sign
up for services like Stripe without having a federal tax id. In
addition, since we are formally under one person's name, he is liable if
anything happens at sudoroom. Also, we aren't able to sign up for most
banks -- only the Community Bank of the Bay will actually give us a bank
account with our status as a DBA. And as we've seen, Community Bank of
the Bay is not the most web-savvy organization, and so it's hard for us
to actually check our balances.
*What we've looked at*
Our eventual goal has been to get 501(c)3 status for sudoroom. This is
a status that would allow us to accept tax-deductible donations and be
incorporated formally as a nonprofit. A lot of Hacker Spaces go this
route, and it seems like a reasonable long-term goal. One of the
problems we've been warned of is that it takes a long time to actually
be granted 501(c)3 status - upwards of 2 years, which can as I
understand be expedited to 10 months.
Because of this delay, we've looked into some other options -- namely
being umbrella'd under another organization's 501(c)3 status. This
would involve 10% of our revenue going to said umbrella organization to
cover costs of the books. I've been in contact with Danny at
Noisebridge and Jenny has been in contact with (Steve?) at the School
Factory and discussing if this is a possibility. It is certainly one
way to go, but as for Noisebridge they've only umbrella'd Noisetor, and
they didn't need a separate account for that.
*What I've learned recently*
Danny mentioned that his partner is looking into nonprofit status for a
new feminist hacker space in SF, and has investigated these options as
well as others. In order to have a certain degree of autonomy, it is
probably in our interests to actually not go the umbrella route and
pursue separate legal status altogether. He also mentioned that there's
no reason why we couldn't incorporate as an LLC or other corporate
status before pursuing 501c3 status, and that even if it takes a number
of years to be granted non-profit status we can transition from an LLC
without much of a problem. There's no real disadvantage to having LLC
status in the meantime, as I understand it. The main advantage of
nonprofit status is tax deduction, but that is usually superseded on
most peoples taxes by the standard deduction. The main place where it
does make a difference is when employers do matching donations for their
employees, then it can make a difference.
*The plan*
It makes sense to me to pursue the options that would resolve our
short-term problems without impeding the path to our long-term goals.
It seems to me reasonable as a short-term goal to register as an LLC
(Jenny tells me this can be done in an afternoon and with $50 with a
drive to Sacramento), and as a longer term goal actually pursuing
nonprofit, 501c3 status.
There may be caveats to this plan and I'm not a lawyer.
Wow! I'm pretty impressed that someone walked the plank and took financial
risk to get SudoRoom going. That's a lot of trust ... especially for things
as tumultuous and socially wacky as non heirarchical collectives.
first penguins, you are honored!
As documented on the wiki, I'm going to teach statistics through doodles.…
With the help of some doodles on paper (or possibly the floor),
I'll will explain the purpose and meaning of various measures of the
relationships between different variables (specifically covariance,
variance, correlation and least-squares regression).
This class assumes literally no knowledge of math, not even basic
arithmetic. But I'll try to skip things that people already know
as not to bore everyone.
For the symbolically inclined, I can relate the doodles to the symbols
you might have seen in an introductory statistics course.
I've done this a few times, so I have enough of a mental script that
I'd like to video it and put it on the website. I'll bring a camera.
It would be awesome if someone could bring a tripod or if someone
held my camera for part of the session. Or we could make a
tripod-alternative out of some wood, a small tripod from the closet
and some duct tape.
There's a hackathon happening in Oakland to build tools that are helpful to
transgender people
Apply by August 2
Happens on Sept 13-15
Research shows that transgender people are unemployed at 2x the national
rate–4x for transgender people of color; have incomes of less than $10,00 a
year; experience homelessness at 2x the rate of non-trans people; and
suffer overwhelming discrimination when it comes to accessing adequate
healthcare and legal services. This problem not only affects transgender
adults but trans and gender nonconforming youth as well. A necessary step
in addressing anti-transgender bias is to create technology that socially
empowers transgender individuals. Imagine if there existed a mobile phone
app that helps individuals find trans friendly doctors or an app that
profiles safe space job opportunities for trans people across the country?
Trans*H4CK is a space in which to turn these possibilities into reality."
*Check out the Meeting archives here: ***<>
July 17 2013
*=Attending= *
*Bill, Jordan, Max, Jenny, Marc, Rock, Timon(photos), Anthony R, Benji
(stars), Antho (pipes), Tyler(no screen saver).
*Question favourite screen saver from history?
- Brief personal intros (< 20 sec per person)
- Icebreaker
*=Announcements (Consent Agenda)=*
- Every Monday 7pm: LOL / Oakland Makerspace Open Hack Night (1234 23rd
- Every Thurs. at 7PM: Oakland Wiki meetup!
- ALSO: Take the 2014 Mayor Key Issues Survey:…
- Every Thurs. at 8:30pm: Mesh Networking meetup:
- Next BACH Event: Third Saturdays, next is 7/20, 6pm at Hacker Dojo -
- Register here:
- Talk to Jenny about carpooling!
- RADIO!!!!
- sign-ups…
- Regular check-in between The Public School and Sudo Room - Thursday
evening Supper Club potlucks starting at 6
- POSSE [Potluck Orientation Skill-share Swap-meet Event] this Friday -
first in a monthly series, hosted by the Bay Area Community Exchange
Timebank -…
- Rusty and Andrew are having a Jurassic Park-themed housewarming party
this Friday, party-o-clock (contact Andrew or Rusty for details)
- We now have a shared calendar for the common space!
- Sudo Room Inventory / Cleanup weekend - take the poll to find the best
- Looks like the weekend of the 27th/28th...
- Tax Status and Organizational Structure
- Bill spoke with Danny (NB) about 501c3 umbrella-ing and Jenny spoke
with James (SchoolFactory)om
- Non-profit benefits include matching donations (employees &
- Getting an LLC is cheap and easy to do, ~700/year for taxes in
- Liz Henry is doing a lot of research on 501c3 status for the feminist
hackerspace starting in SF
*Old Action Items:*
- Add to the Sudo Room Neighborhood Outreach spreadsheet and take on a
few to reach out to:…
- allow comments in tamale secrets file (jordan)
*New Action Items:*
- 1. Research tax structures [] 2. [...] 3. Profit!
- Shelf by downstairs door
- Add robots.txt for sudo room (open item for anyone to take on) MATT
(out of town)
- [Postponed until necessary] Eddan - Reference letter from George
- Set up date for label-printing organizing of stuff event - Jenny!1
- git-ify & flow-diagram-ify our articles
- POSTPONED - Jenny to call bank to find out about online access
- Add calendar to Infobot's screensaver [Max]
- Library - until RPS
- Catalog - Max
- Move more books inside Sudoroom
- push Articles to Github
- Set up a Google Voice number that transcribes and forwards to an email
address, which then forwards to a list of us (Tom)
*=Fiscal Solvency=*
''*In this section we review our current financial situation and budget,
approve monthly budgets, and discuss any other finance-related issues.*''
Exchequer: Marina
- +300 to be deposited from the lockbox
- Marina received an email setup thing from the bank, but it didn't
work. Bill never got one. Marina will call the bank to GET SOME ANSWERS.
** Pay your dues :)*
* Review and consensus process:
** Fiscal Solvency Spreadsheet -…
** Rent: $1500; Utilities: $220; Services: $50
**Target membership contribution: $88 per member (based on approx. 30
*=Amendments to the Articles of Association=*
*=Conflict Resolution=*
*=Discussion Spillover=*
*=Post-Meeting Groups=*
- clean up electronic crap downstairs
"Technology is the campfire around which we tell our stories."
-Laurie Anderson
"Storytelling reveals meaning without committing the error of defining it."
-Hannah Arendt
"To define is to kill. To suggest is to create."
-Stéphane Mallarmé
Context: This comes in the wake of George wanting to clear out the iMac
in the entrance, saying it looks unprofessional and is in the way. I
figured the unused workstation tower (thin) is somewhat more out of the
way, and installed software on it to stream the street. Thanks to Jenny
for helping me do documentation, which I hate doing.
The downstairs thin tower is now streaming video of the street.
You can find out its IP address by listening via the audio out of the
machine. Every 60 seconds it transmits its IP address via text-to-speech!
Right now, that address is
If you go to from within the space on your web
browser, and click Stream, you can now see the street
Additionally, this is accessible via VLC, at the network url:
*Random headless tower
*Random webcam found in the space
*Next Steps:*
*Set up recording on one of the local servers in the space
*Most likely software candidate for recording is ZoneMinder, which can
define a remote source for recording.
read on if you have a multimeter to lend, or want to understand the door
a wire came off the rpi gpio pinout.
i looked in the code and realized that it is supposed to go to GPIO11,
reattached it but still wasn't working, even though confrimed
was being called
then i shorted past the relay that gpio11 goes to and the door buzzed.
we dont have a multimeter so i can confirm if gpio11 is going high, or the
relay is burned out.
can you help please?