  • 6 participants
  • 7255 discussions

Submit Nominees NOW - $30K for people who have used Open Access to improve the world
by Matthew Senate
11 years, 7 months

Sudoroom locked
by Julio Rios
11 years, 7 months

Fwd: [sfdug] Want to get involved in BADCamp 2013? Open Community Planning Meeting June 19th, 6:30pm - 8:00pm
by Matthew Senate
11 years, 7 months

Myriad Genetics -- No Patent For You
by Eddan Katz
11 years, 7 months

Lessig: It’s Time to Rewrite the Internet to Give Us Better Privacy, and Security
by Eddan Katz
11 years, 7 months

BAD IDEA Re: Opt out of PRISM
by Matthew Harbowy
11 years, 7 months

Fwd: [liberationtech] NSA Director Alexander @ Senate Appropriations Committee (Jun 12)
by Eddan Katz
11 years, 7 months

East Bay Community Wireless Mesh
by Marc Juul
11 years, 7 months

Opt out of PRISM
by Eddan Katz
11 years, 7 months

Fuck you, NSA
by aestetix
11 years, 7 months
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