you have a number of ways to contribute this month:
1) online (via wepay):
2) online (via gittip):
3) in person (anytime): please drop cash or checks into the clear plastic
box by the door that goes to the elevator
4) in person (at meetings): bring cash or checks to wed. meetings.
and certainly i barely need to remind you of our *precarious month to month
financial situation*.
pay your dues!
A friend and I are working on a project that involves an Ultimaker 3d
printer ( I am looking to buy a machine or
lease one for a few months (if we lease it, it would be restored to its
original form when returned). Do you or someone you know have one they
might be willing to part with on a permanent or temporary basis?
Ideally, the machine is already assembled and calibrated. We're hoping to
get started immediately--so please reach out ASAP if you are interested. I
will pay above market price.
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Romy Ilano <romy.ilano(a)>
Date: Sun, Apr 21, 2013 at 3:19 PM
Subject: A great 360 of the hacker retreat pass it on
To: Brandon Peele <b(a)>, Matthew Senate <mattsenate(a)>,
Marina Kukso <marina.kukso(a)>, "J.C." <r33lmm(a)>
@sudoroom visit to #marin hacker house Chaz hack
Click to view interactively:
Captured with [image: 360 Panorama] <>
Romy Ilano
Founder of Snowyla
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Free Culture Foundation <webleader+rss-bot(a)>
Date: Mon, Apr 22, 2013 at 2:15 PM
Subject: [FC-discuss] After 9 Years of free culture advocacy, Students for
Free Culture is now the Free Culture Foundation
To: discuss(a)
We are excited to announce the _Free Culture Foundation_ — the new name
of the organization formerly known as _Students for Free Culture_. This
change reflects the evolution of the organization over the first nine
years of its life to support free culture advocacy in communities beyond
students, to emphasize coalition building with existing free culture
organizations, and to renew our commitment to free culture as an issue
of social justice.
**1. First, this change reflects an expansion of our activism to non-
student communities.**
Although our organization was started within colleges, universities, and
high schools, we have grown to involve the work of many non-students.
Many of our members and leaders have graduated and continue to
participate in the organization. We want an organization that not only
retains its members but has room for those who graduate and still wish
to be organize around free culture. Many non-students have joined and
support our advocacy and activism. To acknowledge the fluidity of
student status as well as the valuable contributions of non-students to
our organizations, we have selected a more inclusive name that reflects
the breadth of our constituency.
That said, with dozens of student chapters that have been established
around the world over the years, our roots and our base will remain in
the academy. A new name and an increased commitment to non-students does
not reflect a retreat from our strong commitment to students and to
student activism in free culture. Although we plan to support local and
non-academic chapters, our organization will continue a strong emphasis
on campus organizing.
Just as we have outgrown our name, we have outgrown our old
institutional structure. With the support of Joseph Dempsey, we are in
the process of filing as a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization.
**2. Second, as the institutional landscape around free culture has
evolved over the last nine years, we aim to reflect a changed position
in an ecosystem of free culture organizations.**
There are many organizations that carry out invaluable work benefiting
the free culture movement: the [Free Software Foundation][1],
[Electronic Frontier Foundation][2], [Mozilla Foundation][3], [Wikimedia
Foundation][4], [ Open Knowledge Foundation][5], [Public Knowledge][6],
[Creative Commons][7], and many other organizations have been founded,
grown enormously, and changed, over the last decade. Today, the broader
free culture movement does much more than our initial goals of promoting
free software and free cultural works. The Free Culture Foundation seeks
to fill a space between these organizations and bring them together.
A decade ago, the free culture movement focused on exploring
possibilities and setting goals. After nine years of work in the broader
free culture community, we can affirm a strong commitment to successful
models of free culture put in practice by organizations like the
Wikimedia Foundation, the [Definition of Free Culture Works][8], the
open access movement, and the Free Software Foundation. The free culture
movement has also grown in breadth. Our work no longer involves only
promoting increased use of free software and free cultural works. With
our strong history of organizing, we aim to build upon, complement, and
fill some of the spaces between the many other organizations to support
a broad range of free culture issues.
**3. Finally, we seek to reiterate a renewed commitment to free culture
as issue of social justice and to connect more effectively with other
activists and movements working on these issues.**
As [our annoncement][9] of support for the [Empowermentors
Collective][10] reads, "It is imperative that we acknowledge that there
are systemic structures of control embedded in our society which
permeate our movement. Refusing to do so in an effort to
compartmentalize and focus on our own goals is detrimental to our
success. We cannot afford to be an isolated, inward-facing movement." We
do not live merely in coexistence with media and technology, but we live
in and through them. They continuously influence how we communicate,
frame our understandings of ourselves, and mediate how we experience the
In our continued advocacy, we want to emphasize that free culture
reflects not only an approach to sharing but an important way to promote
autonomy. Our movement should be grounded in the needs of those most
exploited by private ownership over technology, information, and media.
Songs, films, books, and apps do not need freedom, people do.
In these next steps, there remain many critical open questions and
unfilled needs. We invite all free culture activists to participate in
this ongoing evolution and expansion of our organization and our
movement over the coming months. We encourage existing or former
participants to reconnect. To join our community, please subscribe to
our [discussion list][11].
Discuss mailing list
==While supplies last==
Come to the sudomaté meeting tomorrow night at 7pm and taste our
competitor, shipped directly from Bavaria, gratis!
[image: Inline images 1]
==But We still need==
If you have any of these sign up on the wiki
*More maté
*sugar, and
*Vanilla extract, unless @Ray is bringing it?
*Help Monday night driving To Noisebridge to pick up 3 more Corney Kegs and
a Carboy
(Call Max 7074787023)
-driving round to restuarants asking them if they want our bottle refuse
collection service.
On 19 April 2013 00:12, Ray Lai <raymond.wm.lai(a)> wrote:
> Woot! Now we r in the big time!
> Awesome, Naomi!
> Raymond Lai
> Ice Cream Man
> Atomic Ice Cream
> On Apr 18, 2013, at 11:32 PM, Naomi Most <pnaomi(a)> wrote:
> Today i picked up and brought to sudo room 2 each of everything except
> the containers. So now we have the tools to be able to produce 2
> simultaneous batches.
> We still need the ingredients and the containers for decanting. Large
> mason jars would work...!
> --Naomi
> On Thursday, April 18, 2013, Naomi Most wrote:
>> We also need:
>> * 2 large heat-proof containers for decanting (1 gallon each)
>> * a large fine-mesh strainer
>> * a large wooden spoon
>> * a large heat-proof ladel
>> If no one has these things laying around to donate, I can pick them up
>> from Target or something.
>> And more ingredients:
>> * a large quantity (1-2 lbs) fresh ginger
>> * 3-4 fresh lemons
>> * vanilla extract
>> * sugar
>> * stevia glycerite
>> I am happy to provide everything BUT the sugar, just for
>> ability-to-carry-things reasons. (I come to sudo room directly after work
>> via Bart or ferry, and I already carry way too much stuff.)
>> Cheers,
>> Naomi
>> --Naomi
>> On Wed, Apr 17, 2013 at 11:20 PM, Max Klein <isalix(a)> wrote:
>>> ==Progress==
>>> Sudoroom productivity increased 500% after drinking 4 Gallons of hy
>>> bottle.permateinated liquid. $23 collected - enough to buy more maté for
>>> the time being.
>>> ==Next Meeting==
>>> April 23rd, 7pm. Please bring what you need to refine recipes.
>>> We will have a beer gun and be ready to bottle.
>>> ==Needed - Bottles==
>>> Please collect and bring as many bottles as possible.
>>> Max
>>> On 17 April 2013 09:35, Max Klein <isalix(a)> wrote:
>>>> Amazing Work at the Sudomaté hacking tonight means that there will be 3
>>>> flavour variants of Sudomaté available at the General Meeting tomorrow.
>>>> Come blind taste test for the winner: Chefs doing battle RAY vs. NAOMI
>>>> vs. PATRICK
>>>> all documented at
>>>> p.s. if you want to add to the meeting agenda
>>>> Max
>> --
>> Naomi Theora Most
>> naomi(a)
>> +1-415-728-7490
>> skype: nthmost
> --
> Naomi Theora Most
> naomi(a)
> +1-415-728-7490
> skype: nthmost
Hey everyone! I'm using an iPhone app ( autodesk 123) of various objects in
Would anyone like to join me?
I'm going to get these STL files on our own servers though in the future.
This STL file is on AudoDesk, we will put it on a sudoroom file in the
future powered by Jae's solar power plant that also powers our bitcoin
mining operation.
<<< this is a 3D model in STL of one of the chairs in the mainroom.
I think we could keep it real classy, put up signs and maybe a curtain of some sort, have some volunteers around and keep the common room doors on the Broadway side closed. Keep it simple, consider consent, remain respectful of culture and such.
I hope I'm available, would be happy to help.
// Matt
----- Reply message -----
From: "Hol Gaskill" <hol(a)>
To: <jehan.tremback(a)>
Cc: <sudo-discuss(a)>
Subject: [sudo-discuss] Bike Smut: Sex-Positive erotic bike flims at Sudo Room?
Date: Sun, Apr 21, 2013 11:10 PM
o rly…
Apr 21, 2013 07:57:48 PM, jehan.tremback(a) wrote:
Would be kind of weird to bring your kid to sudoroom and have porn on the big screen. For those opposed to the concept of children, I have it on very good authority that you were children at one point. Hypocrites.
On Apr 21, 2013 7:18 PM, "aestetix" aestetix(a)> wrote:
Hash: SHA1
Please provide clarification on what "kid friendly" means?
On 4/21/13 3:30 PM, Andrew wrote:
> Hey,
> I would love to have screening of bike smut at Sudo Room! There are
> some concerns, however, mainly because we are a kid friendly space
> and want to make sure that if we do have an erotic screening it's
> done in a way that makes it clear to everyone whats going on. Also
> our screen is in a common area, so maybe it would be best to work
> with public school to have the screening in a more semi-private
> space (their room).
> --Andrew
> On Sun, Apr 21, 2013 at 2:08 PM, revphil revphil(a)
> revphil(a)>> wrote:
> Hi, we had a grand screening in Davis! Really responsive Q and A
> afterward!
> Hope to answer your various questions soon!
> rev
> On Thu, Apr 18, 2013 at 12:26 AM, Vicky Knox
> vknoxsironi(a) vknoxsironi(a)>> wrote:
>> In my late night ramblings I forgot to provide links!
>> Bike Smut> Fabulous Friday Films
>> Hacking Sexual Health
>> 2013/4/18 Vicky Knox vknoxsironi(a)
> vknoxsironi(a)>>
>>> THE BACKGROUND: The people from Bike Smut and I think it would
>>> be
> fun and
>>> fascinating and fabulous to have a screening of their erotic
>>> bike
> films at
>>> Sudo Room as a combo of Fabulous Friday Films and Hacking
>>> Sexual
> Health.
>>> Bike Smut encourages "sex-positive bikers to make short films
> about bikes
>>> and sex to help spread a message of joy and liberation through
> sexuality and
>>> cycling". Everything they do is non-commercial, and is backed
>>> by
> the desire
>>> to demystify and provoke more open thought and conversation
>>> around sexuality.
>>> We would like to do this on Friday, May 17th in the evening.
>>> WE NEED YOU: The films are of course erotic in nature, and
>>> will
> involve
>>> nudity and sexual acts. Please let me know if you have any
>>> concerns, reservations or clarifying questions--we realize
>>> pornography may
> not be for
>>> everyone, and are sensitive to any concerns you may have. :]
> -- 7 years of sex-positive, human-powered porno ________Hop on The
> Porny Express________ ----------------------- Bike Smut
> ------------------------
> _______________________________________________ sudo-discuss
> mailing list sudo-discuss(a)
> sudo-discuss(a)>
> -- ------- Andrew Lowe Cell: 831-332-2507
> _______________________________________________ sudo-discuss
> mailing list sudo-discuss(a)
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