  • 6 participants
  • 7255 discussions

Fwd: [AMTD] party time!
by Andrew
11 years, 8 months

[sudo meeting] Wed. 4/24 Meeting at 7PM. Please add to agenda (included).
by Marina Kukso
11 years, 8 months

Open Garden is looking to hire a Senior Software Engineer
by Jenny Ryan
11 years, 8 months

Gravy Fixins
by Raymond Lai
11 years, 8 months

Tonight's Nom Noms
by Raymond Lai
11 years, 8 months

Fwd: Interesting 3D printer slide show
by CoCo-SL staff
11 years, 8 months

$375 for sudo room from Open Budget Oakland
11 years, 8 months

Can I borrow a USB stick with a gparted image on it tonight?
by Tommy York
11 years, 8 months

Re: [sudo-discuss] "I will make them disabled"
11 years, 8 months

Re: [sudo-discuss] Tamale's USB pins fell out D:
by Andrew
11 years, 8 months
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