Hey all,
*List of standing action items at the bottom of this message!*
Please update the agenda, add announcements that require no discussion to
the "Consent Agenda" and others below it.
Join the co-facilitation meeting at 6:30pm to help sudo convene and to
level up with one another!
// Matt
- Work with Tommy to improve Fiscal Solvency Sheets and our fiscal
process during meetings - *Marina and Romy* - No progress yet but Marina
is sending reminders
- Reminders for Dues
- Membership survey - *matt* will ask asked rusty
- Email rusty, seriously
- There weren't many respondents, Matt proposes we do another survey
with a Google Form or (open source) equivalent.
- *Jenny* sync with *Troy* on library - Not yet but they will
- Set up date for label-printing organizing of stuff event - *Jenny*!1 -*
- still need to set a date
- *Vicky* looking into syncing with Open Library
- write a script for soliciting donations that can easily be read to
people using the space for meetups, workshops etc; *max tommy *-
*troy*to help troy
- Extension...
- Laptop - from *Yardena*, *Max* and *Matt* will install Linux on it
- :( bad laptop
- Max is probably going to donate his own laptop to Rock, Paper, Scissors
- *Ryan* B will bring in a laptop?
- Talk to *Danny O'Brien*, intro from *JC* to *Jordan*, invite him to
come to a future sudo meeting to share insight!
- Straight to the source--but out of the country :(
- When should we follow-up?
- Add Hacky Happer Hour to the calendar - *Romy* to hosted Hacker Happy
- *Romy* to lead diagram for Articles of Association amendment
- *Romy* to work with *Troy* to turn the articles into a flow diagram.
Diagrams and drawings of sudo room members being passed around.
- Add articles to github (gitorious!!!!!!!? -
https://gitorious.org/+sudo-room) <https://gitorious.org/+sudo-room%29>-
*Yardena* is going to put these articles up
- *Bill* - follow up with public school about a shared scheduling system
for the common space. - Matt to assist Done!
- *Vicky* & *Marina* - follow up with Public School about Oakland Nights
Live. - no follow up yet but *Marina* will follow up
- *Jenny* - Set expectations for sudo events, make this available to
internal & external
- *Eddan* - Reference letter from George
Seems obvious, but I don't think people realize how cheap we can get
thinkpads... thinkpads also last a long time, using superior electronics
components,hinges and other hardware.
If anyone wants to know how to buy thinkpads, I'm willing to sit down with
people and find them cheap computers for hacking.
Rusty Lindgren
so my boss this morning suddenly remembered the VM and immediately shut it
down like he said he wouldn't. It is back on now but this means it's time
to move it.
Let me know what I can do to help facilitate a quick move.
Hey All,
Some Sudoers went over to
http://sfbay.craigslist.org/eby/off/3734928687.html today to check it out.
There are three spaces available. I took some pictures of the 1100 sqft
space that's $1500.
I don't have pictures of the other spaces. I know other people do.
Take a look. The other spaces are larger and have more spaces for shop
like activities and are 4500 sqft for $4000 (no elevator), and a street
facing ground floor retail space at 4000 sqft for $5000.
A big plus is that one of the spaces was being used by the landlord to fix
macs and donate them to non profits and schools. So yeah, good landlord :-)
Andrew Lowe
Cell: 831-332-2507
Dear All,
I just thought you might be interested in a fun upcoming event, the East
Bay Vegan drinks night on Thursday May 18th at Olde Depot in Jack London! I
thought it might be a great cross pollination between Sudo room, East Bay
DIY Bio and the East Bay Veg community (which is also diverse).
At the moment there are 20 people confirmed on Facebook and about 12
maybes, come, join us, hang out whether you're vegan, veg, veg curious or
just want to come and have a beer and hang out :)
Thursday, May 16,
6:30pm until 8:30pm
Whether you're vegetarian, vegan, or just experimenting with meat-free
eating, come meet others in the community for happy hour drinks!
We'll be at the new vegan bar Olde Depot, right down the street from
Souley Vegan, one of Oakland's best.
people, tomorrow is the last day of april. you know what that means: the
day after tomorrow, we will need to once again pay our rent in order to
continue to stay at our current address.
you have a number of ways to contribute:
1) online (via wepay): https://sudoroom.org/
2) online (via gittip): https://www.gittip.com/sudoroom/
3) in person (anytime): please drop cash or checks into the clear plastic
box by the door that goes to the elevator
4) in person (at meetings): bring cash or checks to wed. meetings.
see you soon,
This place seems way too large for any of us individually, but could make
for a good place for a hackerspace collective, if a couple groups want to
band together.
Not close to BART, but with a good bus connection (including the free Emery
Go-Round shuttle).
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Matthew Harbowy <hbergeronx(a)gmail.com>
Date: Mon, Apr 29, 2013 at 5:37 PM
Subject: former pictopia building- thoughts?
To: east-bay-diybio(a)googlegroups.com
just saw this poking about:
7000 sq ft, Emeryville, ~$7030/month
A bit bigger than we need, but it has tremendous curb appeal in terms of a
space that would attract attention. Not that that's a good thing.
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Hi Sudoers,
I've received some inquiries about when we could do a second batch of sudo shirts. Herein I will lay the groundwork for such shirts to happen.
First of all, today I was struck with a very simple sudo shirt design, which combines a few ideals that I've developed from my time screen printing: Using a colored shirt, minimizing ink use through tactful shirt color choice, creating focus from the graphical elements instead of the text. Also since this design would be a one-screen design, it would be ideal for doing an in-house screen printing workshop using water based inks (another environmentally superior decision), not to mention the possibility of keeping the screen on location for impromptu sudo prints.
This design is not actually the original sudo-button .svg that goes around. I modified this one (attached) to enhance the lines, fix a couple corner-jag issues, and to tweak some of the sides to be more parallel.
I'm pretty sure the edges are not all "perfectly parallel" here, and if we have any illustrator gurus on the list, that might be a cool thing to do. That said, this is a more precise sudo logo than we've had before, let me know if the subtle imperfections were cherished and I can revert this design. (Btw- What's the constellation depicted? Any?)
I and other sudo members have volunteered to donate the labor involved in producing these shirts, which would bring the price down to "cost", which will be $4.55 per shirt (American Apparel runs more expensive, but has some good-labor practices, so unless there's another preferred manufacturer, it seems the morally superior choice for now).
I donated the previous batch of shirts, but I'm currently donating what I can per month in dollars, so I'd like the Sudo Room's help to buy the blank shirts. If resold at $20 each, there would be a 339% profit on each shirt sold, which is probably a good thing to ask, since it doesn't require change, and it's a fundraising shirt anyway.
So: How's support for this design, and at $4.55/shirt, how many would we like Sudo Room to stock up on?
When the time to print comes around, I'll organize the volunteer effort, thanks for all the offers I've received!
-Dan Finlay
Hey everyone! Thank you so much for agreeing to host Bike Smut!! Below are
the details that Bike Smut co-organizer Reverend Phil and I are working on.
Your help and input is much appreciated, so please speak up! With your
help, this event will be that much more spectacular!
Due in part to the popularity of the show, and to keep the show going, Bike
Smut has historically been a paid-entry event. They would like to offer to
split door sales with Sudo Room 50/50--yay money!! (And just a note on
this: I don't know if this is a no-brainer, but this would not effect your
ability to access Sudo Room. Please be fair though if you do plan to "sneak
in" and donate a little mulah if you are able to.)
Does anyone here on the list have access to a good audio system for movie
screenings? This will be an ongoing question as we host Fabulous Friday
Films. I have a carshare and can offer to pick up, babysit and drop off
your sound system.
Hooray for all our couches, chairs and pews! We will need help with
arrangement and expanding our seating options.
The show includes live performances, and said performances will need good
lighting. Overhead lighting is not flattering, and a few lamps might be all
we need. Let's try setting this up in advance.
It's a strange beast but absolutely critical to the show. This is the last
screening of their current tour, "Turning Trixxx" in The Bay and possibly
ever. Let's make sure people feel luck they got a seat at all! Please make
a call out to your networks far and wide!
Sudo Room promotion: Bike Smut people will be giving us a shout-out. If you
have any other suggestions for promoting our space, please speak up!
We will need to claim one of the common room tables (5 sq feet or more) to
sell underwear, stickers, and such.
Beverages: Let's talk off-list at the next meeting (May 1st) regarding
Food: Pretzels! Popcorn! If there is something snacky you like making,
consider bringing it for donations/sale!
And finally,
"I'm glad we have got some mustached men on working the door. Ushers who
can make the guests comfortable are very welcome." --Reverend Phil