hey all,
as discussed at last week's meeting, we are hoping to have a sewing
hackathon on sunday, February 10th. we talked about 1-4pm, but I heard
LOLspace is having its anniversary party on that day around 3pm, so I am
wondering if people want to have our sewing party on a different day, or
earlier so we can head over to LOLspace too?
i am proposing 12-3pm instead! thoughts?
also, how does one become endowed with the powers to add events to the
calendar? or alternately, where does one submit events for the calendar?
all hail sudo!
Oakland Art Murmur First Friday is this Friday, Feb. 1.
In order to facilitate planning and discussion for this and upcoming Art
Murmurs - a new Sudo Room listserv has been created. If you would like to
help out, are an artist that wants to display stuff, or are just interested
in keeping full track of what's going on, please subscribe at the link
below. Today.
We will keep the sudo-discuss listserv updated on major changes and
announcements, but will otherwise focus all displayed art related energy
and information on the Art Murmur listserv.
Sent from eddan.com
sent from Eddan.com
Hey folks,
I wanted to ask the list if there would be any issues with myself and a
couple of my friends using a wall in the common area to colab on visuals
stuffs tomorrow night?
I know there are some meetings happening tomorrow, but we would be
relatively quiet. We're just experimenting with how to best coordinate
visuals with a couple projectors and possibly test out some projection
mapping stuff which requires a bit more space than I have in my apartment.
I understand it could be visually distracting and I don't want to step on
any toes so please let me know if anyone feels this would be encroaching on
the meetings already in place.
Thanks in advance,
SUDO announce to list -get excited,
sudo shroom is rapidly progressing. We're going to grow oyster and shiitake
mushrooms in sudoroom, to 1) get some delicious mushrooms, 2) master the
growing process, 3) in the future experiement with creating grow kits,
water treatment and more.
We're on the verge of bringing in the simple gear we need. We've got spores
and growing mediums ready. It's going to be an explosion awesome cultures!
Let us know if you want to join.
Our wiki home: http://sudoroom.org/wiki/Sudoshroom
Make a great day,
for those interested:
Also we (the sound art meetup group) would love to do an event for art
murmur on april 5th, anyone into helping us? it would be performances from
the meetup.
hi friends, thought some of you may be interested. - marina
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Daniel Lombraña González <teleyinex(a)gmail.com>
Date: 2013/1/28
Subject: [open-science] Citizen Science Open Technical Workshop on Google+
To: open-science <open-science(a)lists.okfn.org>, okfn-labs <
Dear all,
It's our pleasure to invite you to join the* Citizen Science Open Technical
Workshop* to be held next *Wednesday 30th January 16:00 CET* virtually
using Google Hangout.
You can attend the meeting and send all your comments in this *Youtube
channel <http://www.youtube.com/channel/UCbkYEbbo8qMYbA3P5iLanGw> *or
this twitter
account <http://twitter.com/SOCIETIC_EU>.
During 2 hours we'll have expert's talks and open discussions
about technologies such as BOINC, Bossa, PyBossa, Furnivall, Ourgrid and
others, with the focus on developments, administration issues and use
Speakers are: David Anderson (Univ. Berkeley <http://www.ssl.berkeley.edu/>),
Daniel Lombraña (CCC <http://www.citizencyberscience.net/>), Francisco Sanz
(BIFI <http://bifi.es/>), Eduardo Lostal (Ibercivis<http://www.ibercivis.es/>),
Francisco Brasileiro (Univ. Fed. Campina Grande<http://www.lsd.ufcg.edu.br/>),
Candida Silva (Univ. Coimbra <http://www.uc.pt/fctuc/dquimica/rbritolab>),
Juanjo Molinero (software developer).
The workshop is co-organized by the Ibercivis Foundation and the Society as
Infrastructure for e-Science <http://www.societic-project.eu/>project
funded by the European Commission under FP7.
Looking forward to see you there!
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