Hey everyone. Here is a summary of tonight's meeting, which is also
available at https://sudoroom.org/wiki/Meeting_Notes_2023-01-11
* We had three new member applicants introduce themselves
* We discussed a plan to create five working groups to help organize the
space. There were no blocks or requests for amendment, so now the proposal
sits for one week to see if anyone has any objections. The text of the
proposal can be seen in the link above.
* Glen unveiled a Discord server he set up to see if people like using this
as a way to interact. If you want to join, click this link: https://discord
*Andrew R Gross, (he/him)*
412.657.5332 - shrad.org <http://www.shrad.org>
thanks so much Romy for making this great wiki page!
we have a lot of pages that need updating, and here's an easy example:
the first part is "2D Printing" also known as paper printers. but it hasn't
been updated in a while! Amusingly, we do have a few 2D printers but the list
is inaccurate. Who wants to fix it?
I know that presently, we have a working laser printer (last seen on the table
in front of the vending machine) and a working inkjet printer/scanner combo
(next to the laser cutter). Instructions on how to connect to them would be
if you don't have a wiki login, please request one and it will be approved!
The vending machine now provides some more feedback after money is put in.
Source code associated with my contribution is here. I haven't documented
the other components of the vending machine.
Based on the implementation details, it appears to me that
the bill acceptor is in fact plugged into one board (Arduino Leonardo)
that is connected by serial to another board (Raspberry Pi). Why is
the former board used at all? That is, why is the bill acceptor not
plugged directly into the latter board?
I'm updating the sudoRoom website. For the projects link in the header it's now pointed to the wiki for the cool projects (new placeholder for the fixit clinic, etc)
I'm also adding what meetings we do have in there... I guess folks should know even an hour before or how meetings transpired int he past!
Also will be sprucing up the blog with photos that Andrew took this year. thanks Andrew sorry I neglected it
Tonight we have a delegates' meeting. I didn't make it to the last one and I
didn't do a good job of relaying the discussions (seen in the following
meeting notes) to this list so that people could weigh in on them:
Tonight in the meeting the elephant in the room was a sudden proposal to open
the ballroom (and basement to some extent) to use as an "emergency shelter" as
written here:
that proposal is for opening parts of the omni tomorrow until wednesday as an
emergency shelter. We talked about it at length, and personally i am hopeful
that everything will go smoothly. Advertisements for Omni as a shelter have
somehow already appeared on instagram and twitter and even been
retweeted/advertised by the city of oakland on a list of storm shelters.
When it came time for the delegates to vote, I abstained or "stand aside" on
behalf of Sudoroom since I didn't get a chance to get input from our
membership on this proposal. It passed though, there were enough yes votes.
If anyone wants to help support ah shit this email isn't even going out until
the last day of the scheduled shelter event. They are now talking about
extending it another day.
As your delegate i should really be more on-top of things and not postpone
emails in the middle until they're too old to send.
A friendly reminder that the Voice of America Show "The Road to Zero"
will be filming at Sudoroom tonight starting around 8PM so bring your
stuff to work on. They'll be asking the questions below.
Hopefully see you later, -Peter
-------- Forwarded Message --------
Subject: Re: [Media Inquiry] Fixit Voice of America Show "The Road to
Date: Tue, 10 Jan 2023 03:25:33 +0000
From: Petra Wehbi <petra(a)boghosentertainment.com>
To: Fixit Clinic <fixitclinic(a)gmail.com>
CC: Shova Ale Magar <salemagar(a)smcgov.org>, Anthony Merchak
<anthony(a)boghosentertainment.com>, RAFFI BOGHOSIAN
<raffi.media(a)gmail.com>, austin boghosentertainment.com
<austin(a)boghosentertainment.com>, ALEX WEBER
<alex(a)boghosentertainment.com>, Mario Bou Madi
<mario.boumadi(a)gmail.com>, assignment boghosentertainment.com
<assignment(a)boghosentertainment.com>, Yves Chlela <yveschlela(a)gmail.com>
Hi Peter,
These are the questions in preparation for tomorrow’s filming.
_Peter Mui_
1. What are the main principles of a Circular Economy that make it the
exact opposite of a linear one?
What is the main obstacle keeping people from partaking in a
circular economy?
Introduce us to Fixit Clinics
How did you come up with the idea?
How much waste has been diverted from the landfill thanks to this
What are other benefits of Fixit Clinics?
What do you think is the best way to get people to responsibly and
collectively stand up to this global challenge?
How is the US a favorable place for initiatives like yours to flourish?
What do you envision for the future with everything being done to
foster a circular economy in the country?
_Fixit Coach_
What is your role in this place?
How rewarding is it when you succeed in helping someone repair their
broken things?
How proud are you of contributing to a more circular economy?
What do you hope for in the future in this course? Are you hopeful?
What have you come here to repair? Tell us its story
Tell us about your experience if you have ever repaired something
with Fixit before. How’s the ambiance, how helpful people are etc.
Describe your feeling when you see your broken item working again.
Repairing and reusing instead of throwing away is a major
contribution to a more circular economy. How urgent do you think it
is that we get there?
How proud are you of the positive environmental outcome of being
here and of the community aspect of this event?
Please reach out if you have any questions.
*Petra Wehbi *
Assistant Producer
Direct +1 (818) 860- 9120
Office +1 (323) 543- 4441
Fax +1 (323) 543- 4442
> On Jan 3, 2023, at 10:54 AM, Petra Wehbi
> <petra(a)boghosentertainment.com> wrote:
> Hi Peter,
> We’ll have the crew arrive at 8PM. We’re going to be attending only
> one workshop that is on the 10th.
> Also If possible we will need to speak to coaches who are helping
> people repair their stuff.
> Happy New Year,
> *Petra Wehbi *
> Assistant Producer
> Direct +1 (818) 860- 9120
> Office +1 (323) 543- 4441
> Fax +1 (323) 543- 4442
>>>>>>>> My name is Petra, Assistant Production Manager reaching out
>>>>>>>> again on behalf of Alhurra to feature Fixit for an episode for
>>>>>>>> Alhurra's new show, The Road to Zero.
>>>>>>>> Our show, The Road to Zero, follows the race to zero GreenHouse
>>>>>>>> Gas emissions by changing the way we make things, consume
>>>>>>>> things, and grow things. Scientists warn that the world is
>>>>>>>> getting warmer due to human activities. The show shall address
>>>>>>>> the big question of why we need to get to net-zero in the
>>>>>>>> fields of transportation, manufacturing, buildings, and
>>>>>>>> agriculture.
>>>>>>>> The show is to investigate initiatives and/or existing
>>>>>>>> solutions on how to reduce carbon emissions.
>>>>>>>> Our network, Alhurra, is a U.S.-based public Arabic-language TV
>>>>>>>> channel targeting the MENA region and funded by the U.S.
>>>>>>>> government.
>>>>>>>> Alhurra is part of Voice of America, the largest and oldest
>>>>>>>> U.S.-funded international broadcaster producing in 47 different
>>>>>>>> languages.
>>>>>>>> making it biodegradable to keep plastics out of landfills and
>>>>>>>> the sea.
>>>>>>>> Our vision is to film the fun community-based workshops where
>>>>>>>> neighbors, friends and families work collectively to learn how
>>>>>>>> to repair broken items.
>>>>>>>> Please reach out if you have any questions about our inquiry.
>>>>>>>> Best,
>>>>>>>> Petra Wehbi
>>>>>>>> Assistant Producer
>>>>>>>> Direct +1 (818) 860- 9120
>>>>>>>> Office +1 (323) 543- 4441
>>>>>>>> Fax +1 (323) 543- 4442
HNY! 🎆 I got a booster shot yesterday, so I’m feeling under the weather
rn, prob not going to make it. But pls come over! I know the emergency
shelter is still happening at Omni C, so it may be useful for those showing
up to check if they need volunteers for anything ♥️
Hello everyone,
Jake said someone might be borrowing one of the spot welders. Does anyone
know if there is a suitable spot welder for batteries that my friend could
use in the space on Tuesday night? Thank you!