I wrestled these photos (just kidding) and am trying to get more
interesting details from Carl - but does anyone have any photos of visiting
other hackerspaces as a delegate of sudoroom?
These are so cute! Carl, tell us more! These are nice to share on the blog.
Romy Ilano
Hey folks, Thursday morning my coffee & algorithms session with other
people were disrupted by two rats. I accept the rats as an acceptable risk,
because it's great to share creativity and food. However. I figured out
what was up and instead of getting embroiled in more rat drama I quickly
disentangled myself and quarantined the session.
It was important for me to take some rotting fruit out and toss it out, and
not entertain any of the rat nonsense.
In the future we might be able to sequester the rats in their own space,
and then folks who want to create can go in separate areas. Rats have
feelings too! I've had a lot of fun at hackerspaces over the year, but
ignoring the problem isn't the solution, and we are always going to have to
accept the reality of rats if we want to have community.
keep on learning folks!
*Romy Mimi Ilano*
*romy.ilano(a)gmail.com <romy.ilano(a)gmail.com>*
4799 Shattuck is now deeded to the Land Liberation Institute. There were
also four leases recorded - one of which was a lease to Sudo Mesh.
Multi Seq: 0
Date Filed: 09/09/2024 02:42:23 PM
Document Type: DEED
# Pages in Image: 3
Grantor Names
Grantee Names
Who are you, Edwin ? Why do you keep emailing me privately ?
What is your agenda ? I asked if you are a member of the Sudo Room.
Did you read the forwarded email from the Food Not Bombs volunteer
that described what Sierk has been doing to people? Can a Sudo Room verify
who this is ?
*On Wed, Sep 11, 2024 at 2:19 PM Edwinsaurus <plutosaurus(a)gmail.com
<plutosaurus(a)gmail.com>> wrote:*
> *On what evidence is your statement about Sierk abusing women based?*
> *
> On Wed, Sep 11, 2024, 12:25 PM Ashley T <ashleydurdenclub(a)gmail.com>
> wrote:
>> I know there have been many safety issues lately and I know that this
>>> person mistreats women. I want no part of that.
>> I hope this answers your question about why I do not feel safe visiting
>> Sudo, Edwin.
>> Are you a member of Sudo Room ?
>> Is there a meeting tonight ?
>> *On Wed, Sep 11, 2024, 11:16 Edwinsaurus <plutosaurus(a)gmail.com
>> <plutosaurus(a)gmail.com>> wrote:*
>> *Why don't you feel safe? *
>> - Ash
>> On Wed, Sep 11, 2024, 11:12 AM Ashley T via sudo-discuss <
>>> sudo-discuss(a)sudoroom.org> wrote:
>>>> Thank you, I do wish to add that I will feel safer if this is acted
>>>> upon immediately though.
>>>> - Ash
>>>> I am checking if the Sudo Room received info about a member being
>>>> banned from Omni Commons.
>>>> Sierk was banned by a Food Not Bombs member yesterday and the ban went
>>>> into effect immediately for the whole Omni building.
>>>> Highlighted information of Sierk being banned by FNB member:
>>>> "Sierk - I think not making Omni your home and being open to receiving
>>>> proper medic care will help you.*
>>>> *- It would be better if you don't repeat the dishonesty in your response
>>>> to volunteers so they can better help you.**- Please remove all your belongings and yourself from the building.* *You
>>>> are no longer welcome in the space due to the numerous concerns mentioned.**- Currently there are no mediations nor restorative justice planned (from
>>>> me anyway) since it may be too late, we didn't prioritize the incidents
>>>> when it first occurred.*
>>>> *-If you can, do some reflecting and reach out to whoever you feel
>>>> comfortable speaking with.*"
>>>> [ebfnb] Sierk update*Toan Nguyen* guqinone at gmail.com
>>>> <ebfnb%40lists.omnicommons.org?Subject=Re%3A%20%5Bebfnb%5D%20Sierk%20update&In-Reply-To=%3CCAA4J92ukFQdtb-fSgt3xq%3D8d%3D-3HGn4R1DrViZmxaOgdBR11Hw%40mail.gmail.com%3E>
>>>> *Mon Sep 9 06:35:43 PDT 2024*
>>>> - Previous message (by thread): [ebfnb] Fwd: Homeless Anthology
>>>> <https://omnicommons.org/lists/private/ebfnb/2024-September/007857.html>
>>>> - Next message (by thread): [ebfnb] Sierk update
>>>> <https://omnicommons.org/lists/private/ebfnb/2024-September/007861.html>
>>>> - *Messages sorted by:* [ date ]
>>>> <https://omnicommons.org/lists/private/ebfnb/2024-September/date.html#7858>
>>>> [ thread ]
>>>> <https://omnicommons.org/lists/private/ebfnb/2024-September/thread.html#7858>
>>>> [ subject ]
>>>> <https://omnicommons.org/lists/private/ebfnb/2024-September/subject.html#7858>
>>>> [ author ]
>>>> <https://omnicommons.org/lists/private/ebfnb/2024-September/author.html#7858>
>>>> ------------------------------
>>>> Hi all,
>>>> *I have concerns on Sierk volunteering within EBFNB.*
>>>> *I think the concerns are serious enough that Sierk no longer be part of
>>>> East Bay Food Not Bombs and Omni for the time being.*
>>>> *EB PREC / CALLI will have issues with Sierk inhabiting the building.*
>>>> *The lax atmosphere at Omni enables individuals taking advantage...*
>>>> *...Sierk's disregard and disrespect of the communal spaces around Omni is
>>>> an ongoing problem for years. We have been following up and the results
>>>> were more negative and dishonesty from him.*
>>>> *Below are updates and concerns:*
>>>> - On Tuesday August 20th, the Tuesday and Friday WFM (Bay & Harrison
>>>> Oakland) pick up crew agreed to stop donations going to Omni's food
>>>> giveaway on Tuesday / Friday that Sierk coordinated.
>>>> - On Thursday September 5th, I have asked Sierk to stop handling EBFNB
>>>> donations and he agreed.
>>>> - I'm also asking Sierk to stop welcoming people who are not a part of Omni
>>>> to go in our fridge downstairs and help themselves on their own. I found
>>>> out on Friday (Sept. 6) after two people were seen doing that and they told
>>>> me Sierk gave them permission.
>>>> There was no communication from Sierk to any EBFNB volunteers or Omni
>>>> members.
>>>> (My leniency reached its limit from this)
>>>> *The concerns are:*
>>>> *- Food handling from Sierk are unkempt, unsanitary, unhygienic body and
>>>> foul body odor.*
>>>> *- Sierk never proposed the food giveaway event (on Tues / Fri) to neither
>>>> Omni or EBFNB for a discussion and approval.* *Despite several request and
>>>> suggestions to do so.*
>>>> *- Non communicative and irresponsible and disrespectful with food
>>>> donations and usage of EBFNB spaces and in other areas at Omni.*
>>>> *Recently there were hundreds of pounds of food (grains stored in the
>>>> kitchen) that had to be discarded that he accepted and not taking
>>>> responsibility for it. Leaving it out that attracted rats, and volunteers
>>>> to deal with.*
>>>> *Smelly soiled clothing of his were found in the corners of the kitchen.*
>>>> *This was addressed to him and he disregarded it.*
>>>> *- Inappropriate and erratic behaviors towards volunteers.*
>>>> *Includes talking down to and shouting at people.*
>>>> *There's a video footage (taken by an Omni member) of Sierk shouting at a
>>>> new EBFNB volunteer. She disengaged and walked away.*
>>>> *His angry behavior is a pattern towards volunteers including myself last
>>>> Thursday the 29th.*
>>>> *- M**ade decisions that risks the building and people in it to harm.
>>>> Includes allowing known problematic persons in (that are not members of any
>>>> groups at Omni).*
>>>> *- Disregard multiple requests to not sleep inside Omni, not cleaning up
>>>> after usage of space.*
>>>> *Sierk sleeps in Omni sitting up on his desk area and when approached he
>>>> says he is working (non Omni or collectives related) on his laptop late
>>>> into the night or all nighters. His leg is swelling up as a suspected
>>>> result of habitual sleeping while sitting up.*
>>>> *- Rejected several offers from different people to assist in getting
>>>> proper medical care. Have been self diagnosing his body as a "medical
>>>> condition" and using it as a reason for behavior.*
>>>> *- P**rior violent verbal interactions at volunteers. Was never held
>>>> accountable or acknowledged wrong doings and tried to justify his actions
>>>> (and believable to some volunteers...)*
>>>> *This preventable harm resulted in several upset volunteers that are afraid
>>>> and hurt to quit EBFNB and not going to Omni specifically to avoid him.*
>>>> *This is not an exhaustive list and there are proof for all the concerns
>>>> and claims.*
>>>> *The concerns has negatively affected collectives and the spaces in the
>>>> building; Liberated Lens, Sacred Maker Arts Collective, individuals at
>>>> Omni, and volunteers within EBFNB.*
>>>> *The organizations, individuals, and volunteers has put in their numerous
>>>> complaints and it was addressed without a sustained helpful solution,
>>>> acknowledgement, or accountability from EBFNB.*
>>>> *I foresee new complaints to us from the new entity that will soon manage /
>>>> be responsible to the building begining this week.*
>>>> *On Friday they discovered another person who appears to be sleeping in a
>>>> part of the building:*
>>>> *" *He said he was not sleeping there, and would be leaving at 6pm after
>>>> doing some sewing. I hope my concern is unfounded, but it definitely looked
>>>> like he might be staying there. When I asked what collective he was a part
>>>> of he said he was with CC. There were also some cats with him.
>>>> Since CALLI doesn’t own the property yet I can’t really take any action. I
>>>> am hopeful he does leave by 6pm today, but wanted to alert you delegates
>>>> since until Monday or Tuesday you are still responsible for the building. I
>>>> would appreciate if you could make your best non-violent efforts to ensure
>>>> that space is vacant by the time CALLI does take ownership and
>>>> responsibility for the space. *"*
>>>> The person mentioned above is not Sierk. I'm sharing this to share a sense
>>>> of how the building will be managed.
>>>> I have been patiently following up throughout the years and was
>>>> unsuccessful in my attempts to remedy the situation.
>>>> There are others that have been trying to help without success. We had a
>>>> help Sierk committee that was created this mid year that included several
>>>> of us: Ron, Helen, Joe, Judith and I.
>>>> I have not shared updates to this email list since a couple of volunteers
>>>> (Judith, Ron) requested I don't do that or even mention his name. Our
>>>> attempts to support failed and we need to update / reach out to the larger
>>>> group.
>>>> *Sierk - I think not making Omni your home and being open to receiving
>>>> proper medic care will help you.*
>>>> *- It would be better if you don't repeat the dishonesty in your response
>>>> to volunteers so they can better help you.*
>>>> *- Please remove all your belongings and yourself from the building.* *You
>>>> are no longer welcome in the space due to the numerous concerns mentioned.*
>>>> *- Currently there are no mediations nor restorative justice planned (from
>>>> me anyway) since it may be too late, we didn't prioritize the incidents
>>>> when it first occurred.*
>>>> *-If you can, do some reflecting and reach out to whoever you feel
>>>> comfortable speaking with.*
>>>> Compassion differs from pity. Pitying Sierk isn't helping him or us in any
>>>> space, it doesn't address solutions but provides a temporary sense of
>>>> relief such as bringing him clean clothes and food regularly and not
>>>> laundry / food service that he can attend to himself (the clothes begins to
>>>> soiled in corners and food accumulates and spoils in the upstairs fridge).
>>>> Pity prolongs the problems and makes it difficult for the person to grow
>>>> out of the accustomed unhealthy lifestyle.
>>>> All - Please refrain (especially those who do not frequent Omni to have
>>>> enough understanding) from reacting to my message. We can have
>>>> conversations and talk about it further for details and context, which I
>>>> can be open to share more.
>>>> If a fluid meeting is necessary I can set up a video call where we can all
>>>> interact in a timely manner and see each other.
>>>> Thanks,
>>>> Toan
>>>> On Fri, Apr 12, 2024, 6:52 PM Judith Gips <yipslsquirrel2 at gmail.com <https://omnicommons.org/lists/listinfo/ebfnb>> wrote:
>>>> >* Thank you for keeping us posted.
>>>> *>>* Has Sierk tried Suitcase Clinic? great all volunteer program that includes
>>>> *>* physicians, podiatrists, chiropractors, and more.
>>>> *>>* I can buy some soap, shampoo etc and maybe some clothing.
>>>> *>>* On Fri, Apr 12, 2024 at 4:30 PM Ron Weisberg <ronwei at yahoo.com <https://omnicommons.org/lists/listinfo/ebfnb>> wrote:
>>>> *>>>* Hi all, Toan, Sierk and I met Friday afternoon as follow up on hygiene
>>>> *>>* and food handling. Here’s what I have observed and shared with Toan and
>>>> *>>* Sierk:
>>>> *>>>>* 1. Overall hygiene seems better, less odor and generally better body and
>>>> *>>* clothes cleanliness
>>>> *>>>>* 2. Reduced handling of food by Sierk; I am there at 12:30 on Fridays to
>>>> *>>* sort the food donations. (We are still looking for Tuesday help.)
>>>> *>>>>* 3. Sierk has relocated to another part of OMNI, so no longer in proximity
>>>> *>>* to the collectives which have complained.
>>>> *>>>>* 1. Sierk needs help with laundry and bathing (has a few options but needs
>>>> *>>* more)
>>>> *>>>>* 2. Needs more clothes; at least another change of shirt, trousers and
>>>> *>>* jacket and socks. Perhaps someone could take him shopping. Shirt and
>>>> *>>* Jacket size = x-large; trousers = 38X34; shoe = 12.
>>>> *>>>>* 3. Needs medical attention to his lower leg persistent skin problem;
>>>> *>>* complicated by possibility any free service will end up being billed to a
>>>> *>>* third party, who has assisted in the past; Sierk does not want this.
>>>> *>>>>* Please contact Sierk directly if you can help.
>>>> *>>>>* Ron
>>>> *>>>>>>
Hi Sudo Room, there is a fire inspection Friday. I suggest we do some
cleaning today and tomorrow. I am able to help clean at 7PM tomorrow, can
anyone else join?
Below is a list from Ojan and Sarah of what to do. Our main work will be
making things look less messy.
---------- Forwarded message ---------
From: Ojan Mobedshahi <ojan(a)ebprec.org>
Date: Tue, Sep 10, 2024 at 10:03 PM
Subject: Fire Inspection this Friday
To: omnidelegates <omnidelegates(a)googlegroups.com>, cc OrangeLush <
Cc: Noni Session <noni(a)ebprec.org>, Candida Haynes <candida(a)ebprec.org>,
hiroko kurihara <hiroko(a)ebprec.org>, Freeway <freeway.the.writer23(a)gmail.com
Hi Team!
*I know we should probably have a party to celebrate the building being
saved! BUT, we have a fire inspection scheduled for this Friday, so we have
to get through that first lol.*
I'm going to be around for a few hours Tomorrow and Thursday to prepare,
and will be entering all the spaces. I hope each collective can organize
their own spaces as you have in the past to pass fire inspections. I will
need to open all doors for the fire inspector on Friday, so please let me
know if there is a space you have an exclusive key to.
A few typical items that Sarah has flagged for me:
*1. Things blocking electrical panels*
*2. Things obstructing egress paths*… the rear hallway leading to the 48th
St exit and the hallway in the basement leading to the stairs that go up to
the back of the ballroom are the two that regularly are blocked
*3. Extension cords used in place of permanent wiring (unplug and wind
these up)*
*4. Hazmat items not stored in cabinet that aren’t being used by a person
present* — also make sure hazmat cabinet in the basement isn’t obstructed
by stuff … this has also been a regular occurrence
*5. Items stored within 24 inches from ceiling.*
*6. Piles of things - anything that looks like a messy pile might look
flammable to the inspector!*
Thank you all for your cooperation so we can keep Omni's fire assembly
permits in good standing! Don't hesitate to reach out with any questions.
With gratitude,
*Ojan Mobedshahi* (he/him)
Finance Director
East Bay Permanent Real Estate Cooperative
1428 Franklin St. Oakland, CA 94612
Facebook <https://www.facebook.com/ebprec> | X <https://www.x.com/ebprec> |
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<https://www.youtube.com/ebprec> | LinkedIn
You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups
"omnidelegates" group.
To unsubscribe from this group and stop receiving emails from it, send an
email to omnidelegates+unsubscribe(a)googlegroups.com.
To view this discussion on the web visit
> I know there have been many safety issues lately and I know that this
> person mistreats women. I want no part of that.
I hope this answers your question about why I do not feel safe visiting
Sudo, Edwin.
Are you a member of Sudo Room ?
Is there a meeting tonight ?
*On Wed, Sep 11, 2024, 11:16 Edwinsaurus <plutosaurus(a)gmail.com
<plutosaurus(a)gmail.com>> wrote:*
*Why don't you feel safe? *
- Ash
On Wed, Sep 11, 2024, 11:12 AM Ashley T via sudo-discuss <
> sudo-discuss(a)sudoroom.org> wrote:
>> Thank you, I do wish to add that I will feel safer if this is acted upon
>> immediately though.
>> - Ash
>> I am checking if the Sudo Room received info about a member being banned
>> from Omni Commons.
>> Sierk was banned by a Food Not Bombs member yesterday and the ban went
>> into effect immediately for the whole Omni building.
>> Highlighted information of Sierk being banned by FNB member:
>> "Sierk - I think not making Omni your home and being open to receiving
>> proper medic care will help you.*
>> *- It would be better if you don't repeat the dishonesty in your response
>> to volunteers so they can better help you.**- Please remove all your belongings and yourself from the building.* *You
>> are no longer welcome in the space due to the numerous concerns mentioned.**- Currently there are no mediations nor restorative justice planned (from
>> me anyway) since it may be too late, we didn't prioritize the incidents
>> when it first occurred.*
>> *-If you can, do some reflecting and reach out to whoever you feel
>> comfortable speaking with.*"
>> [ebfnb] Sierk update*Toan Nguyen* guqinone at gmail.com
>> <ebfnb%40lists.omnicommons.org?Subject=Re%3A%20%5Bebfnb%5D%20Sierk%20update&In-Reply-To=%3CCAA4J92ukFQdtb-fSgt3xq%3D8d%3D-3HGn4R1DrViZmxaOgdBR11Hw%40mail.gmail.com%3E>
>> *Mon Sep 9 06:35:43 PDT 2024*
>> - Previous message (by thread): [ebfnb] Fwd: Homeless Anthology
>> <https://omnicommons.org/lists/private/ebfnb/2024-September/007857.html>
>> - Next message (by thread): [ebfnb] Sierk update
>> <https://omnicommons.org/lists/private/ebfnb/2024-September/007861.html>
>> - *Messages sorted by:* [ date ]
>> <https://omnicommons.org/lists/private/ebfnb/2024-September/date.html#7858>
>> [ thread ]
>> <https://omnicommons.org/lists/private/ebfnb/2024-September/thread.html#7858>
>> [ subject ]
>> <https://omnicommons.org/lists/private/ebfnb/2024-September/subject.html#7858>
>> [ author ]
>> <https://omnicommons.org/lists/private/ebfnb/2024-September/author.html#7858>
>> ------------------------------
>> Hi all,
>> *I have concerns on Sierk volunteering within EBFNB.*
>> *I think the concerns are serious enough that Sierk no longer be part of
>> East Bay Food Not Bombs and Omni for the time being.*
>> *EB PREC / CALLI will have issues with Sierk inhabiting the building.*
>> *The lax atmosphere at Omni enables individuals taking advantage...*
>> *...Sierk's disregard and disrespect of the communal spaces around Omni is
>> an ongoing problem for years. We have been following up and the results
>> were more negative and dishonesty from him.*
>> *Below are updates and concerns:*
>> - On Tuesday August 20th, the Tuesday and Friday WFM (Bay & Harrison
>> Oakland) pick up crew agreed to stop donations going to Omni's food
>> giveaway on Tuesday / Friday that Sierk coordinated.
>> - On Thursday September 5th, I have asked Sierk to stop handling EBFNB
>> donations and he agreed.
>> - I'm also asking Sierk to stop welcoming people who are not a part of Omni
>> to go in our fridge downstairs and help themselves on their own. I found
>> out on Friday (Sept. 6) after two people were seen doing that and they told
>> me Sierk gave them permission.
>> There was no communication from Sierk to any EBFNB volunteers or Omni
>> members.
>> (My leniency reached its limit from this)
>> *The concerns are:*
>> *- Food handling from Sierk are unkempt, unsanitary, unhygienic body and
>> foul body odor.*
>> *- Sierk never proposed the food giveaway event (on Tues / Fri) to neither
>> Omni or EBFNB for a discussion and approval.* *Despite several request and
>> suggestions to do so.*
>> *- Non communicative and irresponsible and disrespectful with food
>> donations and usage of EBFNB spaces and in other areas at Omni.*
>> *Recently there were hundreds of pounds of food (grains stored in the
>> kitchen) that had to be discarded that he accepted and not taking
>> responsibility for it. Leaving it out that attracted rats, and volunteers
>> to deal with.*
>> *Smelly soiled clothing of his were found in the corners of the kitchen.*
>> *This was addressed to him and he disregarded it.*
>> *- Inappropriate and erratic behaviors towards volunteers.*
>> *Includes talking down to and shouting at people.*
>> *There's a video footage (taken by an Omni member) of Sierk shouting at a
>> new EBFNB volunteer. She disengaged and walked away.*
>> *His angry behavior is a pattern towards volunteers including myself last
>> Thursday the 29th.*
>> *- M**ade decisions that risks the building and people in it to harm.
>> Includes allowing known problematic persons in (that are not members of any
>> groups at Omni).*
>> *- Disregard multiple requests to not sleep inside Omni, not cleaning up
>> after usage of space.*
>> *Sierk sleeps in Omni sitting up on his desk area and when approached he
>> says he is working (non Omni or collectives related) on his laptop late
>> into the night or all nighters. His leg is swelling up as a suspected
>> result of habitual sleeping while sitting up.*
>> *- Rejected several offers from different people to assist in getting
>> proper medical care. Have been self diagnosing his body as a "medical
>> condition" and using it as a reason for behavior.*
>> *- P**rior violent verbal interactions at volunteers. Was never held
>> accountable or acknowledged wrong doings and tried to justify his actions
>> (and believable to some volunteers...)*
>> *This preventable harm resulted in several upset volunteers that are afraid
>> and hurt to quit EBFNB and not going to Omni specifically to avoid him.*
>> *This is not an exhaustive list and there are proof for all the concerns
>> and claims.*
>> *The concerns has negatively affected collectives and the spaces in the
>> building; Liberated Lens, Sacred Maker Arts Collective, individuals at
>> Omni, and volunteers within EBFNB.*
>> *The organizations, individuals, and volunteers has put in their numerous
>> complaints and it was addressed without a sustained helpful solution,
>> acknowledgement, or accountability from EBFNB.*
>> *I foresee new complaints to us from the new entity that will soon manage /
>> be responsible to the building begining this week.*
>> *On Friday they discovered another person who appears to be sleeping in a
>> part of the building:*
>> *" *He said he was not sleeping there, and would be leaving at 6pm after
>> doing some sewing. I hope my concern is unfounded, but it definitely looked
>> like he might be staying there. When I asked what collective he was a part
>> of he said he was with CC. There were also some cats with him.
>> Since CALLI doesn’t own the property yet I can’t really take any action. I
>> am hopeful he does leave by 6pm today, but wanted to alert you delegates
>> since until Monday or Tuesday you are still responsible for the building. I
>> would appreciate if you could make your best non-violent efforts to ensure
>> that space is vacant by the time CALLI does take ownership and
>> responsibility for the space. *"*
>> The person mentioned above is not Sierk. I'm sharing this to share a sense
>> of how the building will be managed.
>> I have been patiently following up throughout the years and was
>> unsuccessful in my attempts to remedy the situation.
>> There are others that have been trying to help without success. We had a
>> help Sierk committee that was created this mid year that included several
>> of us: Ron, Helen, Joe, Judith and I.
>> I have not shared updates to this email list since a couple of volunteers
>> (Judith, Ron) requested I don't do that or even mention his name. Our
>> attempts to support failed and we need to update / reach out to the larger
>> group.
>> *Sierk - I think not making Omni your home and being open to receiving
>> proper medic care will help you.*
>> *- It would be better if you don't repeat the dishonesty in your response
>> to volunteers so they can better help you.*
>> *- Please remove all your belongings and yourself from the building.* *You
>> are no longer welcome in the space due to the numerous concerns mentioned.*
>> *- Currently there are no mediations nor restorative justice planned (from
>> me anyway) since it may be too late, we didn't prioritize the incidents
>> when it first occurred.*
>> *-If you can, do some reflecting and reach out to whoever you feel
>> comfortable speaking with.*
>> Compassion differs from pity. Pitying Sierk isn't helping him or us in any
>> space, it doesn't address solutions but provides a temporary sense of
>> relief such as bringing him clean clothes and food regularly and not
>> laundry / food service that he can attend to himself (the clothes begins to
>> soiled in corners and food accumulates and spoils in the upstairs fridge).
>> Pity prolongs the problems and makes it difficult for the person to grow
>> out of the accustomed unhealthy lifestyle.
>> All - Please refrain (especially those who do not frequent Omni to have
>> enough understanding) from reacting to my message. We can have
>> conversations and talk about it further for details and context, which I
>> can be open to share more.
>> If a fluid meeting is necessary I can set up a video call where we can all
>> interact in a timely manner and see each other.
>> Thanks,
>> Toan
>> On Fri, Apr 12, 2024, 6:52 PM Judith Gips <yipslsquirrel2 at gmail.com <https://omnicommons.org/lists/listinfo/ebfnb>> wrote:
>> >* Thank you for keeping us posted.
>> *>>* Has Sierk tried Suitcase Clinic? great all volunteer program that includes
>> *>* physicians, podiatrists, chiropractors, and more.
>> *>>* I can buy some soap, shampoo etc and maybe some clothing.
>> *>>* On Fri, Apr 12, 2024 at 4:30 PM Ron Weisberg <ronwei at yahoo.com <https://omnicommons.org/lists/listinfo/ebfnb>> wrote:
>> *>>>* Hi all, Toan, Sierk and I met Friday afternoon as follow up on hygiene
>> *>>* and food handling. Here’s what I have observed and shared with Toan and
>> *>>* Sierk:
>> *>>>>* 1. Overall hygiene seems better, less odor and generally better body and
>> *>>* clothes cleanliness
>> *>>>>* 2. Reduced handling of food by Sierk; I am there at 12:30 on Fridays to
>> *>>* sort the food donations. (We are still looking for Tuesday help.)
>> *>>>>* 3. Sierk has relocated to another part of OMNI, so no longer in proximity
>> *>>* to the collectives which have complained.
>> *>>>>* 1. Sierk needs help with laundry and bathing (has a few options but needs
>> *>>* more)
>> *>>>>* 2. Needs more clothes; at least another change of shirt, trousers and
>> *>>* jacket and socks. Perhaps someone could take him shopping. Shirt and
>> *>>* Jacket size = x-large; trousers = 38X34; shoe = 12.
>> *>>>>* 3. Needs medical attention to his lower leg persistent skin problem;
>> *>>* complicated by possibility any free service will end up being billed to a
>> *>>* third party, who has assisted in the past; Sierk does not want this.
>> *>>>>* Please contact Sierk directly if you can help.
>> *>>>>* Ron
>> *>>>>>>
Hi Sudoers:
There’s a bright flyover of the International Space Station (ISS)
tonight (Tuesday Sep 10) at 8:53PM:
Rises 20:51:12 0° 230° (SW) 2,345 0.5 -17.6°
Reaches altitude 10° 20:53:16 10° 230° (SW) 1,487 -0.6 -18.0°
Maximum altitude 20:56:37 87° 317° (NW) 422 -3.9 -18.6°
Enters shadow 20:57:25 49° 47° (NE) 545 -3.4 -18.8°
Magnitude -3.9 is very bright, if it’s not foggy it’ll be very easy to spot.
More details here:
Those of us at Omni Commons this evening we should go outside and look
at this.
Sincerely, -Peter
Hi Sodoers:
We had a great time at last night’s USA-CA-South San Francisco Library
Fixit Clinic Repair Advice Workshop
(Photos at https://photos.app.goo.gl/qyXw5zNzzf9XkEYv8)
- We’ve got one person (Terry) who registered for tonight’s Hardware and
SoftWEAR Hack Night /Fixit Clinic at https://bit.ly/itemcheckins:
Desktop computer Cyberpower PC C Series / ET8160-47547 Turns on, but
shows nothing when connected to monitor I went to Best buy, they
suggested fried motherboard
- Also: Sudoroom member Hilary is going to bring some linux-converted
Chromebooks she needs help with.
Typically on Tuesdays we have lots of new people visiting the space and
it can be intimidating if you don't know anyone and don't know where to
go and what to do. So can someone try to arrive early, say, 7:30 or so
to greet people for Sudoroom (or SoftWEAR downstairs) and get them
started on their projects? And to keep an eye out for people who are
standing tentatively in the entrance between Counter Culture Labs and
Sudoroom and be welcoming to them?
Extra Credit: 1) confirm that the VOIP phone number 442-252-8386 is
working by dialing it 2) put the Fixit Clinic sandwich sign out on the
Many thanks, -Peter
Does anyone have any cool tidbits bout audio engineering or female
pioneers of audio? Next week is a theme
*Romy Mimi Ilano*
*romy.ilano(a)gmail.com <romy.ilano(a)gmail.com>*
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From: Luma <noreply(a)luma-mail.com>
Date: Mon, Sep 9, 2024 at 12:53 PM
Subject: Women & Non-Binary Night: Female Audio Pioneers, Open Source AI, &
hardware & analog audio hacking is live on Luma
To: <romy.ilano(a)gmail.com>
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The prompt for this week's hardware hack night is "open source"
So far I got PSUD
Inkstich / inkscape
Could you mention in a snippet why the open source has helped you and why?
Blender is a biggie -
I will put this hopefully in a blog post when I have time.
Also, next week's theme is "hidden potential" and wil feature inventors who
have beat the odds to overcome stuff like child marriage, lack of formal
educatio and even famine to shine!
Romy Ilano