dear sudoroom members, as your delegate i will be asked to represent our
collective will on these proposals. I believe they are uncontroversial and we
should approve the proposal.
---------- Forwarded message ----------
Date: Thu, 25 Aug 2022 12:40:45 -0700
From: Yardena Cohen <yardenack(a)>
To: consensus <consensus(a)>
Subject: [omni-consensus] PROPOSAL: remove inactive member collectives (FYE and
Liberated Lens)
Neither FYE or Liberated Lens has shown up to a delegates meeting or
occupied space in the building for a long time. Neither exists as an
active group in any meaningful way. I think we should formally declare
together that these groups are dissolved, are no longer member
collectives, no longer fiscally sponsored projects, and no longer have
delegates or board members at Omni Commons.
Current delegates, please discuss among your groups. If there are no
objections, we can use our next meeting to formalize this - Thursday
September 1, 2022.
consensus mailing list
OK I have asked this in the past, but Omnicommons and Sudoroom are officially non profits right? I'd like to donate and get my company to do a corporate matching but I need fussy stuff like receipts, verification that it's a non profit. =/ if it's too much bother I'll just donate in small bursts until I find out more.
Does anyone know if there's a stud finder at Sudo room? Or does anyone have
one themselves that I can borrow?
*Andrew R Gross, (he/him)*
412.657.5332 - <>
Dear Sudo Room,
Here's your invoice! We appreciate your prompt payment.
Thank you for stewarding the commons.
Love and solidarity,
Omni Commons
---------------------------------- Invoice ---------------------------------
4799 Shattuck Ave
Oakland, CA 94609 US
Invoice #: 2554
Date: 09/01/2022
Due Date: 09/25/2022
Terms: Net 25
Amount Due: $16,000.00
Bill To:
Sudo Room
4799 Shattuck Ave
Oakland, CA 94607
****************************** Account Summary *****************************
08/01/2022 Balance Forward $14,000.00
Other payments and credits after 08/01/2022 0.00
New charges (details below) 2,000.00
Total Amount Due (activity through 09/01/202 16,000.00
<u> Date </u><u> Activity </u><u> Qty </u><u> Rate </u><u> Amount </u>
09/01/2022 Furnishing Fa 1 2,000.00 2,000.00T
SubTotal: $2,000.00
Tax: $0.00
Total Of New Charges: $2,000.00
Total Amount Due: $16,000.00
Greetings Sudo Room!
This is your monthly donation invoice. Thank you for stewarding the
Love and solidarity,
Omni Commons Finance Working Group
Argh sorry I don't have a paid account on this thing, but starting a omni
whiteboard. What makes omni and sudoroom special? There are so many
intangibles but mostly it's that it's a tangible physical space.
- There are things that you learn and create here that simply aren't
possible in an online learning forum.
- There are a lot of eccentric individuals
- This is one of the few affordable community owned large spaces for
events in Oakland
- There is synergy between the people holding events here as well as the
cluster of collectives!
Romy Ilano
On the lighter side of things (besides the threat of fundraising doom), I'm
submitting a proposal and everyone else is welcome too:…
There's a move to do light projections in downtown SF again! I think it's
nice, the downtown is pretty dead. They did it during the height of the
pandemic, and it's a godo vibe. It transforms a pretty dead financial
district at night into a place of wonder
I mean, hmm now that we think of it, perhaps light projections on a
corridor from Telegraph to the Omnicommons could draw the diners out here
during a first friday! I think it would have to be later in the year though
when it is getting darker earlier. light bulb!!!! another reason to save
the omni.
Romy Ilano
*Petition preceded by boring screed, skip <#petition> to the end:*
During the last days of tRump's presidency he classified Cuba
as a sponsor of state terrorism, with about as much proof as he had of
his allegation that he was cheated out of re-election by massive
electoral other words, /none/. But Sleepy Joe hasn't seen fit
to take Cuba off the list again, so it gets to join the rest of the
current incarnation of the 'Axis of Evil,' Syria, Iran & North
Korea....but strangely not Russia despite that country attacking its
neighbor a few months ago & its widespread bombardment of civilians
I guess its nice to have massive fossil fuel fields.
My friends who are still doing Cuba solidarity work tell me that it has
NEVER been harder to legally send humanitarian support to Cuba. Not even
during The Former Guy <>'s
administration to say nothing of Bush II who declined to extend a
license me and my friends had to send computers to the Cuban medical
community <>. (We sent 3,000 machines to Cuba, but
the licenses we had to get from the Departments of Commerce, State &
"Defense" never let us send anything faster than a 266 Mhz Pentium II.)
It is getting harder & harder to tell the difference between Demublicans
& Republocrats.
Cuba is currently having difficulties after a lightening strike recently
set a massive fire
that destroyed 40% of their fuel storage and is causing wide-spread
blackouts. This is made immeasurably worse by the 60-year long embargo
11 US administrations have imposed on the country for having the
audacity to throw off American political & economic domination.
/(The) embargo clearly //violates the UN charter and the
international law
enshrines...for the 29th consecutive year, members of the UN general
assembly have //voted
<>//to end the embargo
by an overwhelming vote of 184 to two/
Despite this economic hardship, Cuba has exercised solidarity on its
own, sending thousands of doctors
to help poor people in other countries, especially in times of crisis.
Cuba also operates what is possibly the world's largest medical school
<> where 20k
low-income students from 110 countries can study to become physicians
for free. Cuba's medical system is so efficient that the country
actually has longer life-expectancies
<> & lower
infant mortality
than the United States. This despite the fact that the United States far
more for healthcare
than any country in the world, about $11,945 per capita, substantially
more than Cuba's whole nominal GDP per capita
BTW, one of my friends who is active in the Cuba solidarity community
recently told me that she has been doxxed
<>, threatened & harassed by some
alt-right types. She even came home one day and found a bullet on her
table, they had someone broken in to her apartment, so if you want to
sign the petition anonymously, I wouldn't blame you. I'll try not to
politi-spam you again for a few years. Often Wrong Ed
Cuba is Not a Sponsor of Terror!
A crucial policy of the Trump administration remains, and that is Cuba’s
presence on the State Sponsors of Terrorism list. It is critical to
Cuba’s ability to pursue economic, trade and humanitarian activities
that it be removed immediately from the list - a power well
within Biden’s authority. Please sign our petition to the White House
calling for Cuba to be removed from the list.
Read the Petition Below
Click Here to Sign the Petition!
Dear President Biden,
We are concerned that your policies toward Cuba, which have been more
aligned with those of President Trump than President Obama, are hurting
the wellbeing of the Cuban people. While your recent easing of travel
and remittance restrictions are helpful, they are not enough. One
positive and principled measure that you could easily implement is to
remove Cuba from the list of State Sponsors of Terrorism.
As you are aware, in the last days of the outgoing Trump administration,
then Secretary of State Mike Pompeo added Cuba back onto the list of
state sponsors of terrorism, after it had been removed from the list in
2015 by the Obama-Biden administration. After a significant review, the
Obama-Biden White House had certified that “(i) the Government of Cuba
has not provided any support for international terrorism during the
preceding 6-month period; and (ii) the Government of Cuba has provided
assurances that it will not support acts of international terrorism in
the future.”
Trump’s re-designation of Cuba to the list was purely a political move
to please conservative Cuban-Americans. The excuse was that Cuba
was purportedly providing safe haven for Colombian insurgents, but these
insurgents were in Cuba because of the island’s role in facilitating the
historic Peace Accords between the Colombian government and a guerrilla
group. Insurgent activities years ago during Colombia’s civil strife
does not fit the definition of international terrorism, and the guerilla
representatives were in Cuba as part of an internationally recognized
process of peace negotiations supported by the United States, Norway,
Colombia and other nations.
By being on this list, Cuba is subjected to a series of sanctions and
international financial restrictions that limit the nation’s ability to
carry out critical financial transactions, including those needed to
advance its efforts to combat the pandemic and reboot its economy. The
economic deprivations to which U.S. sanctions contribute have resulted
in the mass migration of Cubans, which is currently a major challenge to
U.S. interests in border security, as well as causing a humanitarian
crisis for the very Cuban people that your administration claims to
Far from supporting terrorism, Cuba has a long history of providing
healthcare and saving lives around the world. Since 1963, more than
600,000 Cuban health workers have provided medical services in more than
160 countries, fighting diseases from Ebola to COVID-19. Instead of
working with Cuba to provide healthcare globally in the middle of a
global pandemic, the U.S. government has been sanctioning Cuba and
squeezing its economy with a brutal blockade.
The immense power of the U.S. government over the world financial system
means that banks and traders refuse to do business with Cuba because
they are afraid of retaliation by the U.S. government for not complying
with the embargo. Even during the pandemic, companies have refused to
sell Cuba raw materials, reactive agents, diagnostic kits,
pharmaceutical drugs and a range of other materials necessary for
operating Cuba’s excellent, but stressed, public science and health care
President Biden, you could remove Cuba from this terrorist list with a
stroke of your pen. We call on you to do just that.
Click Here to Sign the Petition!
+++++++++++++++++++sig hell+++++++++++++++++++
Edmund Joseph Biow
328 Haddon Road
Oakland, California 94606
(510) 763-0591 (dumb landline, no caller ID, answering machine in attic, generally monitored in morning)
(415) 623-6473 (cell, I monitor the landline more frequently)
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IM (Instant Messaging, like text messaging but for computers)
(I recommend pidgin with the 'otr' encryption plugin as an instant message client):
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Skype username: edmundbiow
To subscribe or unsubscribe to the lists for which I'm an administrator send an email to the following:
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Once you set up PGP on your computer please import my public key into your local OpenPGP Key-Manager. The valid PGP keys for my biow(a) & biow(a) accounts can be downloaded
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Looking forward to exchange snooping-free messages with you & making the NSA spend mondo bucks to discover the secret of my bube's kartofel kugel recipe.
PGP Public Key for biow(a)
Version: GnuPG v1
Is god willing to prevent evil but not able? Then he is not omnipotent. Is he able but not willing? Then he is malevolent. Is he both able and willing? Then whence cometh evil? Is he neither able nor willing? Then why call him god? - Epicurus (341-270 BCE)
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