Thumbs up gentle people! I (and Jesus, maybe) approve of the infographic.
Big hugs from a revitalized yurt,
Make a great day,
Morten H. D. Fuglsang
US: +1 415 799 6931 // skype: FlyvendeHest
On Wed, Nov 27, 2013 at 11:53 AM, Hol Gaskill <hol(a)> wrote:
i like the 'notconfusing' after the confusing
arrows :)
max - i think we had put utilities under variable costs coming out of the
'operations' fund.
so the gist of the drawing is that we have a logic sequence for month to
month finances:
1) sum up recurring revenues
2) pay fixed costs (rent, internet, fixed license or insurance, mortgage,
3) pay operations costs including utilities, all previously approved
programs, legal & booze permits, maybe toner cartridges, etc, month to
month hum-drum
4) some percentage (say 20%) goes straight into the rainy day fund at this
5) remaining revenue can be discussed and allocated to any projects,
programs, or one-time purchases that are on the agenda and reach consensus
6) remaining revenue is split 50/50 between rainy day and
maintenance/capital funds
we need to discuss program/project confirmation process - should be
simplified for those requiring no money and only want to use sudo room
name/logo. for example, i got approval at last week's meeting to have
sudouino officially associated with sudo room in order to use the name in
fundraising material, but asking for no money, and turning over 100% of net
to general revenue once we have purchased equipment to make and populate
the circuit boards in house. Any project or program using the sudo name,
whether requesting funding or not, should have open finances per whatever
standards we come up with. Some capital-intensive programs will have to
reinvest 100% of revenues for years in order to build operational capacity.
For example, though I haven't helped with subiir I know that beer brewing
is capital-intensive; at my old co-op we reinvested 100% back into
inventory and new equipment, occasionally deploying a 5gal keg during
dinner as "dividends." For others there could be a set,
one-time purchase like a single piece of equipment, with all further
revenues going back into the sudo general revenue stream. Whatever the
financial plan for a given project or program is, as long as it has open
and clearly defined finances, and is agreed to by membership, I want the
general membership process to steer clear of micromanaging that operation.
I just want to reiterate that this is very much a brainstorming document,
looking at how we say we do things in the articles and applying some
classification that is used as logic input, as well as drafting a few
structural classifications that will aid in transparency and consistency as
we move forward and things inevitably become more complex. i consider this
akin to having a conflict resolution procedure prior to the first conflict,
in that the document we craft will define uniform standards for everyone,
thereby reducing the feeling of personal attack in the event a project or
program comes up short of our transparency or conflict of interest
As most of this is based on the articles, if you wish to help brainstorm
and haven't read the financial sections of the articles, it would be wise
do so in order to know which parts we are intending to bring up for
discussion. The whole document will have to be revised and submitted
anyway in...60 days now?
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