Thank you, Jenny!!
On Fri, Jun 26, 2015 at 10:40 AM, <hol(a)> wrote:
breakout of tasks for sudo/ccl from the google doc:
CodeCompliance-Bldg 1 fire extinguisher anyone Entire room perimeter 5LB
ABC Fire extinguishers at correct height every ~75' - starting with under
each exit sign CodeCompliance-Bldg 1 light cover anyone left (west) CCL
storage room put bulb covers over the 2x 4' flourescents in this storage
room CodeCompliance-Bldg 1 light cover anyone left (west) CCL storage
room annex put bulb covers over the 2x 4' flourescents in this storage
room's annex/closet Electrical 1 elec. wiring experienced electrician CCL install
planned LED's within, or otherwise, replace cover / restore open
flourescent fixture (exposed wiring) - jake's project? Electrical 1 light
fixture experienced electrician hallway Install covered ceiling light in
sudo hallway, facing sudo just before doorway to cafe Electrical 1 elec.
conduit experienced electrician perimeter of CCL area & storage rooms run
new conduit / circuits in CCL to reduce excessive extension cord usage
(fire code) Electrical 1 elec. conduit experienced electrician west wall run
more 3/4" conduit further down west wall. Must know code.
CodeCompliance-Bldg 3 data wiring experienced telco/wiring person along
perimeter / walls of sudo/ccl do better job of affixing & routing
low-voltage 'inside wiring' ie all ethernet, phone cabling
CodeCompliance-Fire 1 shelving limited construction exp Create
dedicated space for storing excess lumber (long pieces), pipe. metal pieces
etc so they are not in jumbles (fire code) CodeCompliance-Bldg 2 plywood
cover limited construction exp left (west) CCL storage room make plywood
plate to cover / inset over exposed ejector pump sticking out under wall
Electrical 1 elec. faceplate limited construction exp right (east) CCL
storage room cover exposed octogon junction box in ceiling with
appropriate octogon plate CodeCompliance-Fire 3 door limited
construction exp stairwell to basement sand down side of door so it does
not stick closed so bad (belt sander optimal) Construction-Finishing 1 door
panic bar lockset experience hallway door Install panic hardware & lock
to this door Construction-Finishing 1 door closer moderate Ballroom door put
closer on this door Construction-Finishing 1 door closer moderate Basement
door if possible, put closer on this door (might not be possible.)
Construction-Finishing 1 door closer moderate hallway door Install closer
to door Electrical 1 ballast moderate electrical exp. left (west) CCL
storage room annex replace ballast in flourescent fixture in this room
Electrical 1 elec. wiring moderately experienced electrician right (east)
CCL storage room replace exposed wiring from new LED fixture to ceiling
with armored flex or EMT 1 bathroom anyone Hallway Bathrooom install
paper towel dispenser and paper towels
On 2015-06-25 22:58, Jenny Ryan (via Google Sheets) wrote:
Jenny Ryan <tunabananas(a)> has invited you to *view* the
following spreadsheet:
Omni Pre-Inspection Tasks By Room
[image: Sender's profile photo]This is a multi-sheet spreadsheet doc
listing all the tasks we need to complete before we can pass our
inspections - what David put together, but split up by room.
These sheets are also physically printed and taped up in the following
* La Commune: Next to ADA bathroom
* Ballroom: Next to chandelier lights
* Ticket Booth Room: On the door
* Crow's Nest: on the inner OpAl door to the crow's nest
* Sudo / CCL: On the west side of the yellow locker in the middle of the
* Rise Above: To the left of the sliding doors
* Basement: Below the lights to the basement
* TIL: Above the little mailbox outside the door to the office
* Cafe Balcony: On the eastern refrigerator
* Disco Room: Below the lights to the room
Please do take on a project if you meet the requisite skill level, then
cross off things once complete. Even better, send an update to
building(a) - we meet every Monday at 8pm. We are
particularly in need of folks experienced with carpentry and electrical.
Primary projects right now are continuing the ballroom south wall
soundproofing (primarily hanging sheetrock) and installing firesafe and
accessible door closers and panic bars. Ping the building list if you'd
like to help out!
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