I can't make it to the next 5 minutes of fame event, but I'll help promote
it. Is it going to be televised?
Here's a totally ridiculous video! I hope to go to the May 5 minutes of
fame ... looking forward to you folks accomplishing mutely!
Romy Ilano
I have a proposal - a SudoRoom dystopian science fiction night.
*Background:* Since the November elections [actually the past 2 years]
there's been a sharp uptick in dystopian science fiction novels, especially
for young adults. After the election books like *The Handmaid's Tale
<https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Handmaid%27s_Tale>* and 1984 have
skyrocket to the top of the bestseller lists.
In this climate of fear, many artists' groups are experiencing an uptick in
membership. In this time, more than ever, we need well-meaning art, science
and the humanities to make sense of a dystopian world that has become
*Proposal: *Let's gather all the people who feel overwhelmed by current
events and have a Dystopian Tea Party every week. Ideally Wednesdays.
While the topics are a little negative, they'll also provide *a positive
springboard* - if the future really can go this badly, and it looks like it
might happen, what can we do to mitigate or avoid it?
If we deregulate auto emissions and return to pollution levels of the
1950s, how can we turn this around and reverse the damage?
*Meeting Ideas:*
- *Nuclear War night*
- Create art around nuclear war hitting San Francisco
- Understand the science and art behind nuclear bombs - how would
this affect our environment
- What political arrangements and military mistakes would provoke a
nuclear war? [political science
- What kind of clothes could we wear to protect ourselves from
nuclear war?
- *AntiFeminist Dystopia Night*
- What are all the possible scenarios where women's rights could be
trampled in the US? Could Texan abortion laws reach California?
- art and science fiction around an antifeminist dystopia
- Studies of feminist texts like Backlash and The Handmaid's Tale
- how science is used to oppress women, how science could be used to
free women
- *Environmental Disaster Scenario*
- Predictive Futures Design topic - As the United States looks
increasingly headed for environmental disaster with the assault
on the EPA,
will our cities look like Delhi and China?
- Predictive future illustrations of what a smoggy United States
will look like
- Design of gasmasks for children in places where auto emissions
are deregulated. We could make a 3D printout
- Environmental 101 - how does polluting a national park work? What
are things that can go wrong when oil pipelines spill?
- How can hackers fix Flint Water supply? WHat's the science behind
- Health Sciences Hacking - Poor americans are probably going to live
in increasingly polluted, unhealthy environments with little or no
regulation. More air pollution, more cancer. In a predictive futures
scenario, what kind of low-end hospitals will exist for these
people? What
strange new diseases will appear?
- *Education Disaster Scenario*
- Predictive futures: What happens when education is completely
privatized and what dystopian outcomes can happen as more for-profit
universities and private religious schools become the only option for US
- Science Fiction scenarios: we could do a writing workshop. Imagine
the US became total theocracy and only conversvative Christian schools
believing in creationism were allowed to exist. What kind of evolution
underground would form? What if science had to be conducted in secret?
- We could design a education disaster scenario textbook. What if
only mega corporations took over and presented textbooks full of
"alternative facts" ????
- What kind of society would we become if all funding for the arts
and humanities were entirely cut at universities, as has been
suggested in
Florida. What if nobody was only allowed to study a topic if it
suited the
needs of a mega corporation and no theory was allowed ever? What
if people
were only allowed to take business and commucinations degrees and had no
concept of philosophy?
- This would be pretty cool, it'd be fun to have a film project
where someone in this society would discover the lost book of
and create a secret theater group, then get jailed.
- Muslim Disaster Scenario
- What if muslims in the United States and Europe were systematically
targeted in a way that the jews were by the Nazis in the 1940s?
- In a science fiction novels how could noble heroes protect an
increasingly muslim minority, as some national organization moves to move
them into concentration camps?
- This scenario is actually too depressing, but it would be cool to
highlight great tMuslim scientists of the past and find safety check
- Trump era's top-selling dystopian novels -
- Women don Handmaid's tale robes to protest Texas abortion laws
Romy Ilano
A friend of mine is getting out of the business of making guitar straps
and was dumping a bunch of leather remnants. A lot of it is patterned,
some is not. They are all high quality. They are leftovers from custom
amplifier cabinet coverings at Mesa Boogie.
I packed the trunk of my car with them and am offering them to the
makerz. You all have first dibs on them. If you want them, let me know
and I will drop by tomorrow or some other evening this week and unload
them. The trunk is packed full.
If you are not interested I will keep going down my list....
Euthymia Electronics
Alameda, CA
> Hi!
> (Some) archiving is being coordinated over this wiki:
> http://www.archiveteam.org/index.php?title=UC_Berkeley_Course_Captures
> You have also scripts you can use to download things.
> Feel free to contribute to the effort.
> Mitar
Yeah, as far as scripts to use for downloading things, visited in pretty
much consecutive order
FWIW, although plenty of others probably DO have access to this LBRY for
seeing what's already accessible at the UC Berkeley Archive Wiki,
couldn't gain access for myself.
And a decided No, I'm not yet willing to take the time-consuming effort
of describing my situation in detail in order to supposedly "help" the
admins-that-be on github.com/lbryio/lbry or wherever else fix their
archive accessibility issues :(
Too many hoops for me to go thru, so I'll do without these Cal lectures
for the present, no problem.
http://www.fastmail.com - IMAP accessible web-mail
The Peoples Open Network is hosting a skillshare / workshop this Saturday,
March 18, from 1-4pm at the Omni Commons (home of the Sudo Room
hackerspace), and we'd love for you to join us!
>From the event page
(plz rsvp so we know how many folks to expect!):
Do you think internet should be a public commons rather than a corporate
Come over to Omni Commons to learn about the history of the internet, how
it works, and how to build your own. Meet and mingle with civic hackers and
organizers behind peoplesopen.net: an open, community-based, network in the
East Bay.
1:00pm - Why/what/how of the internet (< 30 minutes)
1:30pm - Snack, mingle, share and experiment
2:00pm - Hands-on workshop with a variety of learning stations such as:
rooftop mounting techniques, ethernet cable-crimping, live node link
demoing radio propagation, q&a table & non-tech signup station for
neighborhood organizers
Donations for pizza and internet are enthusiastically accepted ; )
The Omni Commons' ballroom is wheelchair-accessible via a lift in the
Entrance Hall, where there is also located a wheelchair-accessible
single-stall bathroom.
The Peoples Open Network <https://peoplesopen.net> enables anyone to share
their Internet connection or extend signal from neighboring nodes. Learn
more at peoplesopen.net.
The Omni Commons <https://omnicommons.org> is a 100% volunteer-run space
for community organizing, collaboration, and creative production located in
North Oakland. Learn more at omnicommons.org.
*BYOI Workshop *
*Omni Commons - Ballroom*
*4799 Shattuck, Oakland, California*
*Saturday 18 March 2017 1-4pm*
*RSVP at
Help open a people-powered common space in Oakland, California!
"Technology is the campfire around which we tell our stories."
-Laurie Anderson
"Storytelling reveals meaning without committing the error of defining it."
-Hannah Arendt
"To define is to kill. To suggest is to create."
-Stéphane Mallarmé
The next sudo room 5 minutes of fame is happening on April 5th.
Add yourself to the wiki or respond to this email if you'd like to speak
for five minutes about something you're working on or excited about!
We really need more volunteers to help ensure that the event runs smoothly.
Last time we had more technical issues than needed.
We need:
* Someone to talk about what sudo room is and the rest of the omni during
waiting periods in between talks (when people are setting up their laptop).
* Someone to set up signs guiding people from the outside of the omni to
the right area
* Someone to sit near the door and take donations (you can still see the
* Someone to help set up and clean up the snack table
* Someone to talk to speakers and ensure they have what they need (display
adapters, internet, sound, etc.) before they have to speak.
* Someone to lead a tour around sudo room and the omni during the break
* Someone to sit by the audio mixer and adjust volume as needed
Please respond to this thread or to me if you're able to help out with any
of these.
I managed to score some reels of components to feed the pick&place, at a
lab we were helping to clean out this morning.
Mostly smallish pieces; hardly any full reels. But there should be some
good diversity in there at least. I didn't count but I would guesstimate I
grabbed maybe a hundred reels or so in total. There's a whole bin full of
good quality scope probes, and some other knickknacks as well.
I'll try to drop them off before the delegates meeting tonight. Could
probably use a hand getting all the boxes out of my car...