Tomorrow is the *first* in a series of monthly events at the sudo room
hacker space in Oakland!
*Ten* humans are given *five* minutes to present a project they're
currently working on!
No long boring lectures. Five minutes and the mic cuts out. Come be
entertained and intrigued by a varied selection of hackery greatness from
the bay and beyond!
*When: Wednesday March 1st. 7 pm until 9:30 pm* followed by socializing
until late.
*Where:* *Omni Commons, 4799 Shattuck, Oakland.* In the ballroom.
Bring snacks if you have them!
*Tentative schedule of talks: *
and yes we totally copied this format from noisebridge :)
If you can help set up beforehand then please let me know at marc(a)
Hey I am thinking about dropping by SudoRoom for hardware hack night - but
this is also a great time to do light planning for 5 minutes of fame as
well, right?
*Romy Mimi Ilano*
*romy.ilano(a) <romy.ilano(a)>*
* <>*
+1 (415) 779-6237
skype: romy.ilano
Hey 👋🏿 I don't usually forward stuff but this is a good read from Jacobin. Sometimes I feel like we get muzzled since we are accused of being politically correct. Interesting thoughts !
Sent from my iPhone
Begin forwarded message:
> From: Romy Ilano <romy.ilano(a)>
> Date: February 24, 2017 at 12:47:56 PM PST
> To: Romy Ilano <romy(a)>
> Subject: Milo and the Mainstream | Jacobin
> Milo and the Mainstream
> Milo Yiannopoulos was no “alt-right” deviation for CPAC — the conference has long been a cesspool of reaction.
> by Branko Marcetic
> Milo Yiannopoulos in 2013. LeWeb Photos / Flickr
> The next issue of Jacobin, “Journey to the Dark Side,” is out now. Subscribe for the first time at a discount.
> The Right is in a bit of a bind. After spending months attacking the “intolerant left” for purportedly abridging right-wing troll Milo Yiannopoulos’s right to free speech, the American Conservative Union has now disinvited him from its annual CPAC conference because of a video dredged up that appears to show him defending sex between grown men and thirteen-year-old boys.
> “We continue to believe that CPAC is a constructive forum for controversies and disagreements among conservatives,” ACU President Matt Schlapp said. “However there is no disagreement among our attendees on the evils of sexual abuse of children.”
> A day later, asked about his position on the “alt-right” more broadly — the loose coalition of white supremacists, misogynists, and others that has gained prominence since Donald Trump’s ascent — Schlapp clarified that “racism has no voice within the conservative movement,” and that the alt-right doesn’t “have anything to do with the conservative movement.” “We won’t endorse it, and we won’t rationalize it,” he concluded.
> Just today, ACU executive director Dan Schneider told attendees the alt-right was “trying to worm its way into our ranks” and, jumping on a familiar right-wing talking point, warned that it was a “hateful left-wing fascist group.”
> But racism and the “alt-right,” of course, have a lot to do with the conservative movement, and they are far from left wing. Over the years, Schlapp’s own organization and CPAC have often played host to conservative figures who are either part of the “alt-right” or hold beliefs that overlap considerably with the racist movement.
> Looking at some of the worst offenders in recent years not only gives the lie to Schlapp’s defense, but lays bare a conservative movement where the odious and the mainstream are often indistinguishable.
> 1. Rush Limbaugh
> Rush Limbaugh’s well-honed shtick was the forerunner to Milo’s act. Limbaugh spent decades spewing obnoxious, deliberately offensive material over the airways to irk liberals and leftists and rile up an excited GOP base.
> But while much of Limbaugh’s material tends to the kind of provocative, anti-left shock-jockery meant to get conservatives nodding in agreement, he’s also trafficked into numerous ugly sentiments that in theory should be deplorable to “mainstream” conservatives like Schlapp and Schneider, who disavow racism.
> There was the time Limbaugh said the NFL “all too often looks like a game between the Bloods and the Crips without any weapons.” Or the time he charged that “all composite pictures of wanted criminals resemble Jesse Jackson.” Or when he told a caller to “take that bone out of your nose and call me back.” Or when he said the NAACP “should have a riot rehearsal” and “practice robberies” on liquor stores, said women are worse at multiple choice tests because the Biblical Eve chose “multiple orgasms” instead, and professed that he didn’t “give a hoot that [Columbus] gave some Indians a disease that they didn’t have immunity against.”
> He suggested that white college students who “see a couple of black boys dressed in baggy clothes with their hats on backwards swaggering toward them” have a right to “fear that they’re going to be shot in the face for their ATM cards.”
> For some on the Right, Limbaugh took it a step too far when he played a “parody” song in 2007 titled “Barack the Magic Negro,” featuring an Al Sharpton impersonator singing “humorous” lyrics to the tune of “Puff the Magic Dragon.” Various Republicans fell over themselves to condemn the song when an RNC chair candidate circulated it a year later, with Newt Gingrich — Newt Gingrich! — saying “it should disqualify any Republican National Committee candidate who would use it.”
> For the ACU, however, using it apparently qualified Limbaugh to give the keynote address at CPAC 2009, one met with a rapturous crowd reaction.
> 2. Tony Perkins
> What do you do about a man who once spoke to a racist group that opposed “all efforts to mix the races of mankind,” tried to use former KKK Grand Wizard David Duke’s phone bank for a Senate campaign, believes and peddles the idea that homosexuality and pedophilia are related, and heads what the Southern Poverty Law Center calls an anti-LGBT hate group? Why, invite him to speak at your political conference multiple times over the years of course.
> Perkins is in many ways par for the course for the conservative movement: his organization, the Family Research Council, promotes gay conversion therapy, opposes allowing gays and lesbians in the military, and supports anti-LGBT discrimination. He’s lambasted an anti-bullying campaign as “disgusting” and supported legislation in Uganda that would imprison gay people for life or even execute them on the basis that it would “uphold moral conduct.”
> More recently, Perkins has somewhat broadened his horizons by dabbling in Islamophobia, claiming that “only 16 percent of Islam is a religion,” warning that Americans could “lose our identity in the shadow of multiculturalism,” and crying crocodile tears over last year’s awful murder of gay nightclub-goers in Orlando by a Muslim man.
> 3. Frank Gaffney
> Think of just about any kooky, racist, anti-Muslim conspiracy theory over the past few years and you can probably trace it back to Frank Gaffney and his think tank, the Center for Security Policy.
> Obama a secret Muslim? Check. Clinton aide Huma Abedin working for the Muslim Brotherhood? You betcha. American government and society being infiltrated by a fifth column of Muslims and slowly coming under the sway of Sharia Law? Do you even have to ask? Gaffney’s imaginary network of secret Muslim agents extends to encompass Keith Ellison, David Petraeus, Obama Supreme Court pick Elena Kagan, right-wing anti-tax campaigner Grover Norquist, and many others.
> Not surprisingly, Gaffney has links to the same “alt-right” that CPAC now purportedly opposes. He hosted white supremacist Jarod Taylor on his radio show in 2015, and attended two events organized by the Breitbart News focusing on the danger of radical Islam and government cronyism. (Conservative luminaries like Newt Gingrich and former Bush attorney general Michael Mukasey were also attendees.)
> The ACU did stop inviting Gaffney to CPAC at the start of this decade — not because of his conspiracy mongering, but because of his increasing attacks on fellow conservatives — which culminated in his accusation that conservative movement was being infiltrated by, who else, the Muslim Brotherhood, a charge partly based on the fact that Norquist’s wife is Muslim.
> But time heals all wounds. Gaffney returned as a speaker in 2012, and he and the center were back in 2015 and had “an expanded presence in 2016.” “Although CPAC and the Center have had some differences in the past, this is no longer the case,” Senior Vice President for Policy and Programs Fred Fleitz wrote last year. Gaffney’s views are considered so pedestrian he was advising Ted Cruz during the Texas senator’s 2016 campaign. Gaffney’s back again this year, hosting a “CPAC Conversation” on “The Vulnerability of the Electric Grid.”
> 4. Phyllis Schlafly
> Schlafly was a regular speaker at CPAC, and there’s little doubt she would have been invited to speak at this year’s conference had she not died last year.
> Perhaps best known as the legendary conservative activist who led a successful effort to kill the Equal Rights Amendment in the 1970s and 1980s, Schlafly was militantly antifeminist, preaching a vision of the world where men had careers and women stayed at home to enjoy a life of domestic bliss (a vision she herself never remotely ascribed to in practice).
> Conservatives outraged that Milo would seemingly offer a defense of pedophilia appeared to be less concerned when Schlafly white-washed marital rape in 2007, arguing that “by getting married, the woman has consented to sex.” A year later, she continued to defend the comments. She also accused the Violence Against Women Act of being a feminist scheme to win child custody more easily, mocked the idea that verbal abuse qualified as domestic violence, charged the “gay ideology” with being about an assault “on our fundamental right to free speech,” and asserted that sexual harassment wasn’t “a problem for the virtuous woman except in the rarest of cases.”
> None of this stopped CPAC from inviting Schlafly to speak year after year.
> 5. Pamela Geller
> Pamela Geller stands apart from most others on this list because she hasn’t been allowed to speak at CPAC for what she claims has been seven years.
> Geller exaggerates: she was part of a panel in 2012 titled “Islamic Law in America: How the Obama Justice Department is Selling Us Out,” and in 2011, her film The Ground Zero Mosque: the Second Wave of the 9/11 Attacks — which cast a proposed Islamic cultural center (with a public swimming pool and basketball court) two blocks away from the World Trade Center site as a “triumphal mosque” — was screened at CPAC. Before that, she was a regular at the conference.
> But Geller should have been persona non grata long before 2012. In various unhinged posts on her blog, she claimed the State Department was “being run by Islamic supremacists,” called Obama a “third worlder” who was “appeas[ing] his Islamic overlords,” and labeled him “President Jihad,” one who was “agitating Muslims against Jews.”
> According to her, Iranian-American author Reza Aslan is a “little wretched jihadist” and Grover Norquist a “stealth jihadist.” Besides vociferously opposing the so-called “Ground Zero Mosque,” she also attacked a Disneyland employee who sued the company because they wouldn’t let her wear a headscarf.
> Geller used her appearances at CPAC to spread the kind of hateful views that are the bread and butter of the “alt-right.” At CPAC 2009, she told the crowd that “Hitler was inspired by Muhammad” and brought along far-right Dutch Islamophobe Geert Wilders to speak to assembled conservatives. Wilders was greeted with a forty-second standing ovation, complete with chants of “We love Geert,” and received applause when he told the audience that “Islam is a threat to the West.”
> 6. Steve Bannon
> The most ludicrous aspect of Schlapp and Schneider’s supposed disavowal of the “alt-right” is that the ACU and CPAC have for years hosted some the most high-profile figures associated with the movement: namely, Steve Bannon and the team behind Breitbart. If Breitbart is the “platform for the alt-right,” as Bannon candidly admitted, then CPAC has served as the platform for that platform.
> Various editorial staff, including current editor-in-chief Alex Marlow and editor-at-large Joel Pollak, have spoken or taken part in panels at CPAC over the years. The website itself boasted in 2013 that it had a “tremendous presence” at that year’s conference, hosting a variety of panels, speeches, discussions, and even a movie screening. This year is no different, with Breitbart staff sprinkled throughout the schedule.
> Bannon, while less well known until a year or two ago, has been a fixture over the years, either in person, speaking, or through screenings of various films he’s directed. In 2015, he chaperoned Nigel Farage, the British right-wing populist, and former Duck Dynasty star Phil Robertson, who was receiving a “First Amendment” award for homophobic comments he had made. Today, Schlapp is hosting a “conversation” with Bannon and Priebus, making his claim doubly ridiculous.
> Bannon’s toxic worldview involves an apocalyptic vision of a war between the “Judeo-Christian West” and the “Muslim world,” a vision often reflected in Breitbart headlines — and completely acceptable at CPAC.
> 7. Ann Coulter
> Where to start with Ann Coulter? In many ways, Coulter should be annoyed that Milo stole her gimmick. For the better part of two decades, Coulter has been the Right’s go-to provocateur, saying deliberately awful things to get a rise out of liberals and leftists, all barely masked in a semi-sarcastic, “just kidding” style that gives her the barest semblance of plausible deniability.
> The list of hateful, noxious remarks she’s uttered over the years could fill a book — in fact, they’ve filled several — but here is a brief greatest hits. She:
> Said “there ought to be a poll tax to take the literacy test before voting” because “way too many people vote.”
> Stated that “few failures have been more spectacular” than court-ordered desegregation, with “illiterate students knifing one another between acts of sodomy in the stairwell.”
> Mocked the United States’s immigration policies, arguing America “welcomes” terrorists and lamenting that America is “so good and so pure we would never engage in discriminatory racial or ‘religious’ profiling.”
> Urged the government to “invade [terrorists’] countries, kill their leaders and convert them to Christianity,” and implied that the United States should kill civilians as in the carpet-bombing of World War II.
> Claimed that “all terrorists are Muslims.”
> Said her “only regret with Timothy McVeigh is he did not go to the New York Times building,” later clarifying that she meant only when everyone but the reporters and editors had left the building.
> Said “it would be a much better country if women did not vote.”
> Complained that women shouldn’t be in the military because they’re not “able to carry even a medium-sized backpack.”
> Complained that “the White House allows that old Arab Helen Thomas to sit within yards of the president.”
> Said to applause, at CPAC 2006: “Our motto should be post-9-11, ‘raghead talks tough, raghead faces consequences.’”
> Accused 9/11 widows who called for an independent commission on the government’s failure to stop the attack of being “self-obsessed women” who were “enjoying their husbands’ deaths.”
> Said that she and other Christians “just want Jews to be perfected” — in other words, converted.
> Said Muslims should be banned from flying on airplanes and should take “flying carpets” or “a camel” instead.
> It’s not as if Coulter has been some sort of fringe figure at CPAC. She’s been a major draw. The conference’s organizer told the Washington Examiner in 2015 that Coulter was consistently the most popular speaker among attendees, Coulter herself claimed she had been voted “best speaker” in previous years, and her books were bestsellers at the event.
> It wasn’t until 2015 that the ACU stopped sending Coulter invites to their yearly confab (not counting a brief hiatus after her “raghead” comments at CPAC 2006).
> CPAC’s Line
> So to recap, the things that will apparently get you disinvited from CPAC (after a number of years, anyway):
> Appearing to defend pedophilia
> Attacking other conservatives
> Promoting a particularly conspiratorial form of Islamophobia
> Things that won’t get you disinvited from CPAC:
> Racism
> Sexism
> Islamophobia
> Homophobia
> Association with well-known racists and racist groups
> Defending marital rape
> Defending verbal abuse by a spouse
> Advocating for war crimes
> Calling for the murder of journalists
> What’s more, while this list above may name some of the worst offenders, it doesn’t even begin to account for the likes of Islamophobic congressman Steve King, Black Lives Matter–hating sheriff David Clarke, anti-gay former senator Rick Santorum, disgraced former Reagan staffer Oliver North, and the many other reactionaries who are every year invited to speak to “mainstream” conservatives who applaud and cheer for them.
> Aside from Geller, none of the figures named here are considered particularly far outside of the mainstream in today’s conservative movement. And while the ACU has tried to clean house, the Milo disinvitation being the most recent and well-publicized instance, it’s clear CPAC has been and remains a platform for a variety of odious figures who are fortunate enough never to have been caught on tape appearing to defend pedophilia.
> The ACU presumably disinvited Milo because defending child molestation is considered so beyond the pale it would be obscene and/or damaging to give him a platform. What does it say that they don’t feel the same way about everything else on this list?
> Our next issue, “Journey to the Dark Side,” is out now. Subscribe today.
> If you like this article, please subscribe or donate.
> Google +
> Sent from my iPad
Hi! I would also enjoy being interviewed about this subject. Also ccing
sudoroom regarding this thread to see who would be interested.
--- emailing from a cell
On Feb 22, 2017 2:56 AM, "'Amber Olson' via Counter Culture Labs" <
counterculturelabs(a)> wrote:
> Hey there!
> Was wondering if any of you could help me out... I'm making a short
> documentary for a class about what community means to people and I intend
> to focus on the community that is at Omni Commons, its' collectives and the
> goings on there. Since I'm still on the mailing list for Counter Culture
> Labs, I figured this would be a good place to ask if you know any people
> who might be interested in being interviewed. I came last Thursday hoping
> to get subjects during a general assembly meeting, but I found no such
> meeting taking place and very few people in the building. I did talk to
> one person, but he wasn't a member of any of the collectives and it would
> be nice to get some varied perspective. Thanks to all or any help in this
> matter and please don't hesitate to contact me with any questions/concerns
> regarding this.
> With Appreciation,
> Amber Olson
> (831)566-8093 <(831)%20566-8093>
> On Tuesday, February 21, 2017 12:56 PM, Leticia Menchaca <
> lbmenchaca(a)> wrote:
> Hi Patrik,
> Lara has proposed
> March 6th.
> for her talk.
> Can you check with everyone if this is o.k. and what time, room, etc.?
> Thanks,
> Leticia
> On 2/2/2017 6:15 PM, Patrik D'haeseleer wrote:
> On Thu, Feb 2, 2017 at 5:06 PM, Leticia Menchaca <lbmenchaca(a)>
> wrote:
> I finally heard back from the phytoremediation group and
> Lara Reichman has accepted to give us a presentation
> about phytoremediation.
> It would have to be after February 20th
> so maybe March.
> Excellent! Could you ask her which days of the week would work best for
> her? Weekday evenings starting at 7pm, or any time on the weekend. Her
> schedule is likely more restrictive than hours, so let's try to get some
> date penciled in as soon as possible.
> Thanks for organizing this!
> Patrik
> --
> Leticia B Menchaca Immigration Case Coordinator Tel: 510-643-8308
> <(510)%20643-8308>
> --
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> "Counter Culture Labs" group.
> To unsubscribe from this group and stop receiving emails from it, send an
> email to counterculturelabs+unsubscribe(a)
> To post to this group, send email to counterculturelabs(a)
> For more options, visit
> --
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> "Counter Culture Labs" group.
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Spreading the word: My sociologist friend is looking for people in tech to
interview for her dissertation (themes: diversity, meritocracy), her email
is copied below if you're interested in contributing your story to this
study, or know someone who might be.
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Sigrid Luhr <sigridluhr(a)>
Date: Wed, Feb 22, 2017 at 4:01 PM
Subject: Dissertation Help
Hello friends,
As you probably know, I'm currently interviewing folks who work in the tech
industry as part of my dissertation. After exhausting most of my own
contacts, I'm reaching out to you. Do you know anyone who works in the
industry in the Bay Area who might be willing to sit down for an interview
with me? I'm casting a pretty wide net right now in terms of who I
interview, so if you think someone might be a good fit for the study, they
probably would be!
Gere's a little blurb that I've been using to send out to potential
respondents (feel free to copy and paste to send to friends you know):
My name is Sigrid Luhr and I am a PhD candidate in the Sociology Department
at the University of California, Berkeley. I am currently conducting
interviews with tech workers living and working in the Bay Area as part of
my dissertation research. Broadly, the project centers around diversity and
narratives of meritocracy within the tech industry.
If you are interested in taking part or have any questions about the study,
please let me know. Interviews typically last an hour and mostly cover work
experiences and perceptions of the tech industry. The interview itself can
take place at a time and place most convenient to you (most take place in
coffee shops). And, as is the case with most sociological research like
this, I will never use your name or any identifying information in my
dissertation or anywhere else. Please get in touch with me at
sigridluhr(a) or 301-655-8153 if you have any questions or are
interested in participating.
Thank you!
Sigrid Luhr
301-655-8153 <%28301%29%20655-8153> sigridluhr(a)
the front door was open by operation of the smaller door being left ajar
and the larger door being closed which caused the smaller door to stay open.
upon inspection, i discovered that one of the bolts holding the vertical
bar, that locks the smaller door closed, was missing & the vertical bar
assembly was dangling loosly on it's other bolt.
i rebolted the assembly back down but i think it may be time to install the
lower bar on the smaller door, that goes into the floor to secure the door
from the top & bottom.
i've been told there's a place in emmeryville that sells commercial door
i'll try to find out where it is.