Dear Sudo Room,
Here's your March invoice! We appreciate your prompt payment.
Thanks for stewarding the commons!
Omni Oakland
------------------------ Invoice Summary --------------------------
Invoice # : 1262
Invoice Date: 02/01/2016
Due Date: 03/02/2016
Terms: Net 30
Amount Due: $2,000.00
The complete version has been provided as an attachment to this email.
Hi everyone,
I'm just finishing up a move from Tech Liminal's space in downtown Oakland
to a much smaller space, and will not be needing some of the furniture.
We've already found homes for everything but this round IKEA table:
[image: Inline image 1]
Would this be useful at the Omni? If so, I can drop it off tonight around
8:30 PM. The table is in okay shape - the top has some dings on it. It's
pretty sturdy and around 48" in diameter.
Anca Mosoiu | Tech Liminal
M: (510) 220-6660 | T: @techliminal | F:
I have a contract position available for someone who is up for the task of
implementing/improving web-based 1D/2D barcode scanning algorithms.
The details are:
1. We have a partial DataMatrix scanner implementation that needs
completion/improvement (speed / fidelity) or replacement.
2. We need 1D barcode scanning ported from Java to JavaScript.
The first one is the most important.
The organization is the BioBricks foundation which is a non-profit: "Our
mission is to ensure that the engineering of biology is conducted in an
open and ethical manner to benefit all people and the planet."
We're developing a system to facilitate the sharing of open wetware (DNA,
strains, etc.) and part of tracking samples is scanning tiny 2D barcodes on
the bottom of sample tubes that are sometimes partially obscured by
All code should be implemented in javascript that can run both in node.js
and in the browser. All code developed will be released as open source.
Work is decentralized so you can work from home/wherever.
Let me know if you're interested or know anyone who might be interested.
a few of us are going to be hanging out in sudo room and putting some grant
applications together and figuring out ways to take advantage of our
newly-acquired 501(c)3 tax-exempt status!
Omni folk, Sudo folk, (Bcc)
As you know, Julie has been helping us around the Omni by holding
Restorative Justice trainings, community circles, and conflict mediation,
in addition to her day job at UC Berkeley's Restorative Justice Center.
If you have the means, please support the UCB RJ Center's current
crowdfunding campaign to raise funds to hire three RJ Student Leaders who
will do RJ in their communities on campus: hold community building circles
in the cooperative student housing and student organizations, help people
resolve conflicts, and do harm and peace building circles.
And please spread the word.
does anyone know what's wrong with the wooden Type A Machines 3d printer?
i can't get it to respond anything sensible, and i've tried several
baudrates; 115200 230400 and 250000
sometimes it gives some gibberish, but mostly it says nothing.
the TAZ lulzbot 3d printer seems to be missing the fan and fan shroud from
the print head. Does anyone know where it went or what happened to it?
also, it needs a software update, does anyone care if i do this?
does anyone want to help get this printer going?
The Omni's insurance company is upset because people are sitting on the
steps outside of the ballroom entrance drinking beer. We have tried talking
to them but they're not being cooperative.
Since it's an emergency exit we can't make it hard to sit on the steps
without also blocking the exit.
So! Taking a queue from the Copenhagen main train station me and Robb have
set up a system that constantly plays loud dramatic atonal symphony music
from the other side of the door.
Unfortunately we don't have any powered speakers that are quire loud enough
to penetrate.
If you have any < 12" powered speakers that you'd like to donate to this
endavour, please bring them by :)
For the technically curious:
It's a cheap Western Digital N750 router running openwrt with a usb stick
full of mp3s, a usb audio interface and some desktop computer speakers.
Feel free to add music but ensure that they are mp3 format. Just turn it
off before unplugging the usb stick. It will automatically start playing
all mp3s on the stick when it boots.
We had the idea that it would be really useful if we could blast it only
when people sit there, so if we had a camera that could specifically only
see the steps and then allowed sudo/omni members to tune in and blast music
when someone is sitting there, that would be nice.
We are composing Omni's first newsletter! This will be digitally and
physically distributed, ideally next week.
As you read this message, please think of a few possible contributions:
announcements about recent and upcoming events; updates on ongoing
projects; opportunities for newbs to learn more about your
collective/working group; requests for volunteers and collaborators; photos
and video links - really, the more hodgepodge and diverse, the more it will
suitably represent the Omni :)
It would be great to have this newsletter ready in time for the anarchist
bookfair, so please send the thing asap, before Friday if possible!
Please reply to this thread or send a message to comms(a)
Help open a people-powered common space in Oakland, California!
"Technology is the campfire around which we tell our stories."
-Laurie Anderson
"Storytelling reveals meaning without committing the error of defining it."
-Hannah Arendt
"To define is to kill. To suggest is to create."
-Stéphane Mallarmé