We are planning a deep cleaning/purging of all unnecessary clutter!
Who: Everyone and you!
When:* Mar 14-15 (Sat & Sun) @ 10am - 10pm*
Where: Sudo Room in Omni Commons, 4799 Shattuck, Oakland, CA 94609
*Who says what's trash and what's worth keeping?*
This will be up to the cleaning crew's judgement unless claimed and
safeguarded IN PERSON (no hordes of emails saying "hey I've got a thing on
this one shelf!"; though availability and mobility will obviously be
[View More]considered). SO... be sure to gather any personal items before the flush!
And/or be present during the flush to have a say in what gets tossed and
what stays.
*When is this happening?*
March 14-15. We will begin assembling a 'To Be Flushed' pile on Saturday
and it should ideally be disposed of on Sunday afternoon.
*But I don't have anywhere to put all of my things!*
sudo room is not a storage facility! Personal storage space is addressed
via lockers in the back of the space.
Remember that sudo room's official stance is that:
"Note: no personal property should be stored in sudo room unless a system
for personal storage can be provided by sudo room."
meaning you need to label your things for use, use a locker, or accept that
your personal belongings may be hacked or removed without notice.
*Why are we throwing away such perfectly hackable things?*
While many things are useful, let's get beyond the mentality that "I could
totally use this one thing in this one instance!" when the reality is this
thing doesn't get touched for months, if ever. Let's make sudo a more
usable workshop!
*Cleaning crew so far (who to contact):* Matt Senate, Jenny Ryan, Connor
Hogan, ...
*rad flyers by Matt
[View Less]
Coming on March 22, 2015, Restore The Fourth SF and Pow Magazine presents
A Musical Event promoting our opposition to mass surveillance and state
Omni Oakland Commons
4799 Shattuck Ave, Oakland, California 94609
Jimmy Dias
Jordannah Elizabeth
The Spiral Family
Visuals by White Light Prism
DJs - Jonathan Cárdenas, and Shahid Buttar
You can donate to support Restore The …
[View More]Fourth via the Eventbrite page, on
our website or at the venue. To get your tickets for this visual/musical
event, go to Eventbrite:
or visit
[View Less]
Howdy Hackers,
Does anyone local have conductive paint? I borked the
metallized-plastic antenna on my nexus 5, and apparently its an
important antenna (wifi).
I only need a few microliters.
Aperture Systems: Redefining Radiography - - Cell: +1-650-452-0554
Be • knowledgeable • social • patient • fearless • compassionate •
fun • humble • forgiving.
Be a leader
Wondering if we have a separate phone line for faxes in sudo room? And or
if we even have a phone line that's been tested with the fax machine(s)?
Alternately, is there a functional fax system from anywhere else in omni?
Hi Sudoers,
Word on the street is there's a variety show/music showcase coming up in the next week or so. I would like to get in touch with the person organizing the event. Specifically, i would like to request to perform some music. Can someone point me in the right direction?
Thanks ya'll!
-Luis M.
"Help open a people-powered common space in Oakland, California"
Sent from [ProtonMail](, encrypted email based in Switzerland.
Hi there,
Does anyone on this list want a free greenhouse? You'll have to
disassemble it and move it tomorrow; depending on the time I may be able
to help. It's lovely. Photo attached.
Email me if you want it. We'd be thrilled for it to go to a good home
and not get smashed by the city.
Good night,
Thanks to jake and everyone else for forcing screwdrivers into our hands on hardware hack night. I pledge to get more physical . Awesome stuff
Welcome to serial hardware hack night lain !
Sent from my iPhone
The internet just went down and nobody here knows how to fix it. I know
this is a docracy, but it's probably best that I not mess with this without
knowing what's going on. Any guidance? Is it as simple as resetting the
I just checked out the list of collaborators for the SpaceApps Challenge
and wondering if people think it might be a good thing to think about some
ways we can reassert our values / subvert some of the gov / corporate
messaging that might be present...