Hey all,
I wanted to forward some expectations on behalf of landlord George Rosen.
1. Please be mindful of maintaining the furniture in the building.
2. Please limit scuffs on walls and carpets, or various other damage that
can be avoided.
3. We need to participate in cleaning up or painting over scuffs and
markings, especially obvious places such as some of the common room walls.
4. It is essential to make more room by cleaning the sudo room so it can be
more usable, making us less reliant on the common space and providing wider
5. Please keep the bathrooms clean, and check them regularly.
6. Please do not tamper, move, remove, or otherwise augment any of the fire
safety equipment in the building.
7. Please keep the heating and air conditioning under control, not left on
at high or low temperatures at inappropriate times. The 2141 systems should
be fully operational, the 2135 system is almost repaired.
Finally, thank you for your patience, and as always, thank you for flying
// Matt
For those of you who are members of the Cooperative Development Center Federal Credit Union and/or interested in political dimensions of democratic organizations... Read on
And to all a happy Sunday!
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: "Tim Huet" <easytospell(a)sbcglobal.net>
Date: Sun, Dec 1, 2013 at 3:31 AM
Subject: from Tim Huet; URGENT info and help needed
To: "tim(a)arizmendi.coop" <tim(a)arizmendi.coop>
> {This is a matter of great urgency for what-should-be a democratic
> organization that can do great good for its community. I apologize for
> the mix of personal and work email addresses, especially if you got
> duplicate messages. I'm trying to get this message out to members of
> the Cooperative Development Center Federal Credit Union before Tuesday's
> meeting; I'm writing you as people who hopefully know me as someone who
> has dedicated myself to building democratic organizations and would not
> do the things that certain people in power are accusing me of. Please
> feel encouraged to forward this message on to any friends you know who
> might be members of the credit union to assist the effort to fight this
> assault on democracy.}
> Hello. I have started to receive enquires from friends and worried
> credit union members regarding the action of the credit union's
> Supervisory Committee to suspend Tye Kirk, Mike Leung, and myself.Let me
> begin by saying that I believe the suspensions reflect a grave
> governance crisis for the credit union, but I also believe the credit
> union is financially secure.My primary interest continues to be to
> revive the credit union as a democratic institution and have it serve
> its community/members well, even if other parties wish to engage in
> factional warfare and divert resources that could better serve the members.
> I will provide a brief response to the charges here because past
> experience indicates I might not be given a fair opportunity to respond
> to charges in the meeting.Though fair process would involve an unbiased
> investigation, the Supervisory Committee did not even interview me
> before issuing its charges and suspension.The allegations are that Tye,
> Mike, and I...
> ·"Attempted to hold one or more Board meetings without giving notice to
> the other directors"
> ·"At improper meetings attempted to remove two legally seated directors..."
> We never endeavored to remove other board directors. We endeavored to
> have timely legal elections as part of the 2013 annual meeting.I tried
> everything I could to inform Board Chair Garrett and Vice Chair Shabaka
> the bylaws called for their terms to end with the next annual meeting
> unless re-elected at that meeting.
> The reason the election could not happen on the meeting date Mr. Shabaka
> proposed (11/1/13) was because Mr. Garrett, as Board Chair, did not
> fulfill his legal duty of appointing a Nominating Committee with a
> sufficient period to seek out qualified candidates.It would be
> understandable if Mr. Garrett simply forgot that his maximum three-year
> term was coming to an end (though two annual meetings without an
> election in a row should never happen in a credit union with three-year
> terms).But his failure to take appropriate action/responsibility once
> notified of his lapse is entirely another matter.Instead of seeking
> guidance and approval from the National Credit Union Administration
> (NCUA) about how we could carry out an election with the greatest haste
> and least waste of member resources, Mr. Garrett and Mr. Shabaka kept
> pushing toward an early annual meeting without elections...and
> apparently stayed on the board without being re-elected.So we had a 2013
> "annual meeting" with no elections or substantial opportunity for the
> members to give input, at the cost of thousands of members' dollars; and
> now we will apparently have an extra annual meeting/election in early
> 2014 (likely costing thousands more of the members' dollars). Yet the
> Supervisory Committee (primarily charged with making sure members' funds
> are not wasted) ignored this violation.
> We tried to organize a meeting of the board within seven days of the
> annual meeting as the bylaws would appear to require; the bylaws require
> this meeting primarily to elect new officers (presumably because an
> election would have happened and there might be occasion/need for a
> change of officers).There was an effort to reach every board member and
> the one possible time that Mr. Shabaka, Mr. Leung, Mr. Kirk and I could
> make was arrived at, with the hope that Mr. Garrett would be able to
> find a way to fulfill this obligation under the bylaws.But when Mr.
> Garrett was called and asked about time in the remaining day to meet the
> bylaw obligation, he would not listen or engage in a cooperative effort
> to fulfill our obligation; he instead hung up on the caller.Though I
> expect Mr. Garrett will have more opportunities to speak for himself, he
> apparently objected that only he as the Chair could call a meeting (not
> true).But the real issue was that a meeting was required the bylaws; he
> was responsible as anyone to understand the bylaw requirements; and
> particularly if he was the only one who could call the meeting he would
> be the person most responsible for making sure not to violate that
> bylaw...but he wouldn't want to have a meeting where he wouldn't be
> eligible to be elected to a one-year officer term when he was beyond his
> election term and it could not be presumed he would be re-elected.So
> another actual bylaw violation -- failure to have the meeting within
> seven days -- due to Mr. Garrett's inaction and obstruction.
> Yet the Supervisory Committee again ignored this in favor of suspending
> directors trying to work out bylaws that would comply with NCUA
> regulations, allow for lawful elections, etc. (the bylaws supposedly
> adopted by the previous board, including Ms. Pitrie of the Supervisory
> Committee, proved to be a jumble of contradictions that could not
> possibly have been approved by the NCUA).
> This is despite the Supervisory Committee's claim that it "takes
> seriously your, and each of our members' rights, to vote on the
> composition of your Board."The Supervisory Committee is required by law
> to let the members decide on approving suspension and
> reinstatement...and only if members show up December 3^rd (Ed Roberts
> Campus, above Ashby BART, 3075 Adeline; 6 p.m.) who care about democracy
> will a fair process and result be assured.
> Thanking you for your consideration,
> Tim Huet
See attached statement: $1704.25
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Laurie Cooperman Rosen <Lscoop(a)comcast.net>
Date: Sun, Dec 1, 2013 at 10:11 PM
Subject: December Statement, 2141 Broadway
To: exchequer(a)sudoroom.org
Cc: eddan(a)eddan.com, mattsenate(a)gmail.com
Hi All-
Attached please find the December statement. Hope you had a great
Thanksgiving weekend!
*Sudo Room Board Meeting Summary*
Please see https://sudoroom.org/wiki/Board for succinct summation :-)
Attendees (8/13): Marc, Jenny, Matt, Hol, Julio, Romy, Max, Vicky
Please do any independent Research for the a Non Profit California Benefit
Corporation beforehand to inform us.
If folks want to update our wiki page collaboratively -
We are:
- a "Non-profit public benefit corporation" under the state of
California, organized for public and charitable purposes
- California corporations code 5110 (5300?)
- Incorporation Process followed to get us here "Nonprofit Public
Benefit Corporation"
- The specific purpose of this corporation is to promote and encourage
scientific, technical, engineering and artistic skills through individual
projects, social collaboration, and education. In the context of these
purposes, the corporation shall engage in scientific, charitable and
educational activities within the meaning of Section 501(c)(3) of the
Internal Revenue Code.
- but we are not Federally 501(c)(3) yet.
1. What are our responsibilities?
- Legally. What do we have to report?
- How are we going to ensure those reports?
- Pay taxes, or the treasurer is liable
2. How often should the board meet?
- 0 or more times per year?
- Announce only once a year?
- During regular weekly sudo meetings? [enthusiasm for this one]
- over email?
What are Articles of Incorporation?
- Proposed Articles of Incorporation (Marc copy pasted from NB's made
some edits with Matt): https://sudoroom.org/wiki/Bylaws
Marc's proposal is to break out the Articles to be the minimum of board
responsibilities and have a more fluid bylaws define how we operate... to
separate legal stuff from doing stuff.
It's all on the wiki, and on meeting minutes
Date of Incorporation: Nov 5 (auspicious!)
*=**=**O**ffi**cial requirements for board of directors**=**=*
*File a Statement of Information once every two years - $25
Form: Form SI-100 (Statement of Information)
*Due Date: Biennially before the end of the calendar month during
which the original Articles of Incorporation were filed, but no sooner than
the immediately preceding 5 calendar months.*
Information: (916) 657-5448
Web Site: www.ss.ca.gov
- https://businessfilings.sos.ca.gov/
- more info: http://www.hurwitassociates.com/l_s_annual_ca.php
*Renewal Registration
California Attorney General
Form: Form RRF-1
*Due Date: 4 ½ months after end of fiscal year*
Information: (916) 445-2021
Web Site: ag.ca.gov/charities
Filing Fee: $0-$300 (depending on revenues)
Note: If gross receipts or total assets over $25,000, include IRS Form
990, 990-EZ or 990-PF.
Charitable corporations organized and operated primarily as hospitals,
educational institutions, or religious organizations are exempt from
*File annually with the IRS
Form: Annual Return Form 990
*Due Date: 4 ½ months after end of fiscal year*
Internal Revenue Service
Information: (800) 829-1040
Forms: (800) 829-3676
Web Site: www.irs.gov/charities
Filing Fee: $0
Public Charities: Please note that, along with the new Form 990, the
IRS has instituted a "phase-in" period to allow organizations time to
adjust to the new form. For a detailed "phase-in" chart, please refer to
the IRS website to determine which form to file (Form 990, Form 990-EZ or
Private Foundations: Submit Form 990PF, regardless of revenues.
*File with the California Franchise Tax Board
Note: For a general discussion of the California Franchise Tax
Board's requirements for exempt organizations, please refer to their Exempt
Organizations publication.
a. Form: Form 199 or 199N (California e-Postcard)
*Due Date: 4 ½ months after end of fiscal year*
Phone: (916) 845-4171
Web Site: www.ftb.ca.gov
Filing Fee: $0-25 (Form 199 Only, form 199N is free)
Notes: Some organizations may be exempt from this filing depending
on the type of organization. Refer to the Franchise Tax Board's website
for details.
b. Form: Form 109 (Exempt Organization Business Income Tax Return)
*Due Date: 4 ½ months after end of fiscal year*
Phone: (916) 845-4171
Web Site: www.ftb.ca.gov
Filing Fee: $0
Note: This filing is required *only* if the organiztion derived more
than $1,000 in gross unrelated business
have to notify all members of meetings
quorum is majority
can make actions with out meeting if over email
- An action required or permitted to be taken by the board may
- be taken without a meeting if all directors individually or
- collectively consent in writing to that action and if, subject to
- subdivis
=May need to update these=
yearly benefit statement
- yearly california requirements
*==Action Items==*
**DUE: Wed, Dec. 11 at next sudo meeting:*
*Add to our proposed bylaws / Articles of Incorporation:
https://sudoroom.org/wiki/Bylaws [Everyone]
*Do we need a business license? (Hol)
*Send paperwork (incorporation docs and EIN) to board members [Marc]
*Set up google calendar (or other) reminders for when we have to file. [who
wrote this? Romy? Max? Matt? Whoever wrote it just signed theirself up]
*Julio+Vicky: create FAQ doc for posterity
- Does a board member have legal duty to fundraise? Not unless it's
written in the articles of incorporation.
*Make sure online checkin happens if people can't make the Wed Dec 11th
meeting [Jenny]
One of the things that the expectations email got me thinking about is how
to make the interior (not common) space more functional. I want to come up
with a plan, and want your input.
I've started a wikipage that I hope you'll add to:
Here are my preliminary thoughts.
==A master map of where everything goes==
*If we had a map where everything went then we would know what is in- or
out-of place.
*Less "where is x?" type questions.
*The uninitiated could clean since they would know where to put something.
*Dedicate a wall to this map.
**Is it paper?
**Is it a floor plan view?
***Does it have numbered dots on the floor plan, and an index of the
numbered dots for lookup?
==De-[https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cruft crufting]==
*One proposal for precepts: (add your own)
**Projects older than x months are trash.
**Components and unsorted material are trash. (Like misplaced books in a
library are lost).
**Err on the side of trash - that aggravation is better than cruft.
**It is OK for trash to go in the landfill.
==It's all about the desk==
*This is the main point of entry for a lot of our working.
*Discourage leaving things on the desk
**If only there were a way to hinge the surface, so that the entire
tabletop contents could slide off into a rubbish bin.
**Make a laminate that surface that insults/reminds you.
**Or a laminte suface that has visible squares so its always easily
countable what surface percentage can be seen.
==2:1 cleaning oath==
*As a member, you vow to clean in ratios of 2 times the mess you make.
Last night I installed "CollabOERate" on the Sudo Room wiki. This is a
feature that permits real-time collaboration on a wiki page! It's sort of
like having an Etherpad experience within a wiki page. I haven't yet made
it active by default, it's probably worth experimenting a bit first.
To try this feature, you will need (ideally) a recent version of Firefox or
Chrome, and a friend. On the Sudo wiki, you both need to:
- go to Preferences -> Gadgets
- check: <gadget-CollabOERate>
- click "save"
Now, as you browse around the wiki, you will see a button: [CollabOERate]
in the lower left of every screen. When you click that, you'll be assigned
a custom URL you can send to your friend.
Have fun, and please let you know what you think!
I am thinking I might offer a wiki training session some time this week to
try using this feature. Watch for an announcement -- and if you want to
participate, feel free to let me know what times work best for you!
p.s. Thanks to Mozilla for the enabling technology "TogetherJS",
WikiEducator for making the gadget that works on MediaWiki sites, and Matt
Senate and various Mesh folk for helping me test it out!
I'm giving another "Arduino For Total Newbies" workshop at San Francisco's newest hackerspace -- RockIT CoLabs, in Chinatown.
Thursday, 5-Decemeber, 7:00pm - 10:30pm
Learn Arduino. It's fun, it's easy. Anyone can learn! All welcome!
Limited to 25 people.
Still some seats available!
Registration and Details:
Hi everyone,
Just a reminder that we'll be having "Today We Learned" open
co-learningtime at Sudo Room today from 2-5PM.
Come learn and hack with us.
Tiny amount of details at https://sudoroom.org/wiki/Today_We_Learned
PS - If this is your first time at Sudo Room, the best way to get in is
from 22nd St (between Broadway and Telegraph) and to take the elevator
upstairs. We'll be there!