Dear All,
Lina from Tekla labs has reached out and would love to have some entries
for the DIY lab equipment contest from CCL and Sudo Room. If you're
interested please sign up :)
"Tekla Labs is about to launch a DIY Lab equipment contest, hosted by the
maker site Instructables. We'll go live this August (ie any day, as soon as
the final t's are crossed). There'll be a Lab Equipment category, as well
as a Lab Hacks option for quick and clever hardware solutions in the lab.
We'd love to get some help getting word out about the competition and maybe
see some Bay Area folks (and beyond) applying for the $5000 in prizes.
Even more immediately though, you and your DIY network could really help us
out by simply helping us create some site activity by joining our member
network (which only takes a minute! I promise! And there's no spam)<…>
Of course, it'd be awesome if you or others submit designs (more soon) or
get involved in the competition itself in some other capacity, but this
quick 1 minute favor would really help our group of fellow science
enthusiasts! Please help spread the word! Thanks,
Ryan Bethencourt
Tel: (415) 825 2705
Conf Call: (650) 741 5013
We really need to put pressure on these F*!&^#(&-ing A*!&^#(&-holes at the Boy Scouts of America. They really do not seem to care about the world we all inhabit, and need to be put in their place.
MAKE, Sparkfun, Adafruit are into pressuring the BSA. If we can get a bunch of hackerspaces to do the same, we will make an impact.
"no matter what happens, how we all react to a group like the BSA will define "us" fighting and losing is ok, but i think you need to fight it all the way… think of a world where there are hacker scouts, learning sharing and it would all start with a shared victory together over an old oppressive scared group trying to get in the way of the future." -- Phil Torrone, of Adafruit
Here are just a few places to add some well-placed comments:
>>>>>> Boy Scouts Google+ page:
>>>>>> Boy Scouts Facebook page:
>>>>>> Bot Scouts on Twitter:
>>>>>> Boy Scouts on YouTube:
>>>>>> Email:
>>>>>> PR(a)
>>>>>> The official publication for the adult volunteers site:
>>>>>> On Twitter:
>>>>>> On Facebook:
>>>>>> Email:
>>>>>> scoutingmag(a)
>>>>>> Boy's Life Magazine:
>>>>>> On Twitter:
>>>>>> Email:
>>>>>> boyslife.mag(a)
At our last general meeting we had people mention they were very
uncomfortable with pitching their idea/project/innovation to a VC and those
alike, so I thought how could I help in that area!
Here it is guys
I host post show for the largest pitch event in Silicon Valley which is
called SF New Tech (
The event is a monthly event where startups from across the world come to
launch officially in SF. Well launch or re launch or re introduce.
I wanted to personally invite a few Sudoers to come and observe and get
tips and inspiration from great startups. Network,meet friends, or lookf
for a job (people are always hiring)
This month you will hear Prezi, Fiverr, BitBalloon,SaasMax,Situation
Assesment Global,and Twibfy
The event is Wed Aug 21( so I will not be at the general meeting) and I
hate to steal people from it but it will be a great opportunity to look,
watch,observe,network,and meet people in Tech ,if thats your thing. Tickets
are 25, but I do have a guest list and I can get you in under #ThatTechGirl
for a smile.
So if you want to go for free let me know
I will be on bart
Doors open at 530 for free tacos
Pitches start at 730- I estimate a wrap at 930p
Location is Mighty at 119 Utah
FULL INFO- Go to <>
*Fiverr rescheduled for next month, due to a family emergency
StoryCorps <> is about preserving the
stories of our lives. Have a friend or family member interview you, or
interview them.
They are coming to Oakland. Open time slots this Friday at Peralta
Hacienda (in Fruitvale):
Contact Dennis Rojas if you're interested in taking part.
Hey all sudoers!
Tonight's Sudo Kids' theme is Twist Ties! We will b making twist tie art,
jewelry and doing some pre-viz for a twist tie stop motion epic (Atom &
Iris have kicked around a Twist Tie treatment of Moby Dick or The Rhyme of
the Ancient Mariner). So bring your twist ties or pipe cleaners and let's
make it happen!
Does anyone have a stop motion program? Something with onion skinning?
See you tonight 5pm for the start of food and 6:00pm-ish for festivities.
Oh, and tonight is the P.O.S.S.E. party. So bring delish-ous-ness!
Nom nom nom,
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Sebastian Benthall <sbenthall(a)>
Date: Tue, Aug 20, 2013 at 11:37 AM
Subject: Course for the Fall: i290M- Open Collaboration and Peer Production
To: oa-team(a), open-it(a)
Cc: D-Lab Team <dlab-team(a)>, Aaron Culich <
Hi all,
Just wanted to circulate this course announcement for what we'll be
teaching this Fall.
Note the section at the end where we are encouraging people working on open
projects to contact us so we can direct students towards them.
Please forward widely. Thanks -- Seb
*i290M Fall 2013 : Open Collaboration and Peer Production*
*Instructors : Sebastian Benthall, Thomas Maillart and John Chuang*
*Class : F 11am-1pm in South Hall 210*
*Lab : T 1-2pm in South Hall 202 and on Internet Relay Chat (IRC)*
*Course Description :
*This course is a hands-on exploration of the theory and practice of open
online collaboration. Students will engage multi-disciplinary literature
about collaboration while contributing to an existing open project (such as
open source software, Wikipedia, or OpenStreetMap). Readings will explore
business models for open source software organizations, incentives of
cooperation and organization design for open source projects. Practical
work will be organized around themes of project management infrastructure,
community self-governance, and engineering education through open source
participation. The goal of the class is to engage students in an existing
open source community while developing functionality and expertise that can
be part of iSchool Masters projects, faculty-directed research, and beyond.
*Prerequisites* :
Programming skills are not a prerequisite, but programmers are more than
welcome to join. Students will come to the first lecture with an idea of
the open project they want to contribute to, and which problem they want to
address. If possible, a first contact with the community active in the
project should already be established.
*UC Berkeley Open Source Projects Promotion
This class promotes contributions by students to UC Berkeley Open Source
Projects. Feel free to contact us at sb(a) to explain
your progress so we can match students with it.
I have been told that one or more of the people currently running sudo mate
have removed mate-brewing gear from sudo room and are apparently brewing at
another location.
This seems like something that should have been brought up with the group,
or at least been announced to the mailing list. (Perhaps it was and I just
missed the email?)
There are now a few issues:
1. No-one else can now brew mate at sudo room.
2. Some of that gear was purchased by and for the beer brewing group,
which made the last bottling session problematic.
3. I don't know the contact info for anyone who knows about this.
Who-ever moved the gear: We love you for brewing delicious sudo mate for
sudo room, but please reply to this email and update the sudo mate wiki
Marc Juul
The Fixit Clinic is going to do a TIL on August 24, and I have a few
- Will the common room be available for us to expand into if there are more
people than comfortably fit in the sudoroom?
- Is anyone with knowledge of the 3D printer planning to be there? At a
recent Fixit Clinic in Boulder, CO someone was able to fix a broken blender
by 3D printing a part "while you wait". I think that is incredibly cool,
and would hope that if an opportunity presented itself to do this here, it
would be fun, but I don't know anything about running the printer, the
modeling software, etc.
Thanks, and see you next Saturday.
hi everyone,
BACE, the Bay Area Community Exchange, will be having their monthly POSSE
Party (potluck, orientation, skillshare, swapmeet, event) at sudo room this
coming Tuesday evening 8/20 in conjunction with SudoKids. come join for
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: rick s <900lbadvertising(a)>
Date: Thu, Aug 15, 2013 at 5:48 PM
Subject: SudoKids
To: 900lbadvertising(a)
[image: </a] <> SudoKids
Bay Area Community Exchange BACE is having a POSSE Party at
Sudo Room this Tuesday! Do you have kids in your life who need to be
entertained, socialize, learn and try interesting activities? All while
getting to share in a delicious potluck and hangout in a cool hackerspace.
Then this event and SudoKids <> is for
your family.
"We like to keep activities *a la carte*, said Ray Lai one of the
organizers of SudoKids. The kids let us know what they are interested in
"My kids are always saying 'Mom let's go to Sudo Room!'" says Stephanie of
Richmond. They love it here!
SudoKids is the children’s program at Sudo Room <>, a
community hackerspace in downtown Oakland located at 2141 Broadway.
SudoKids happens every Tuesday night from 6-8:30PM (dinner at 5PM).
This Tuesday will be our BACE monthly POSSE Party (potluck, orientation,
skillshare, swapmeet, event). We invite all families to join us for the
fun. If you would like to offer a kids activitiy or have any questions
please contact Rick Simon - rick(a)
Go to the SudoKids <> wiki for more info.
A dream you dream alone is only a dream. A dream you dream together is
John Lennon