Hi All,
It's Yuri's night tonight in at the Rainbow mansion. I''ll be going with a
bunch of friends. Any other Sudo'ers want to join?
Join us for Rainbow Mansion's annual Yuri's Night party!
There will be DJs, dancing, drinks, real NASA folk, space pirates, and more!
Come dressed as your favorite space character, alien, astronaut, or soviet
super-human. Anything that is space or soviet/russian related will do. A
costume is not required, but if you don't dress up, you will make your host
cry and no one wants to see a grown man cry at a party.
At the door suggested donation: $5-$10 (please). We have to pay for the
booze some how!
Yes, you can invite/bring friends!
Please park either past our driveway, or on the cross street before Rainbow
Drive. Look for "No Parking" signs on Rainbow Drive before our driveway!
(These are actual signs, not like the ones from God.)
Address: 21677 Rainbow Drive, Cupertino CA 95014
What is Yuri’s Night?
Yuri’s Night is the largest annual celebration of space exploration
encompassed by humankind’s curiosity through scientific and technical
achievements. Taking place each year in hundreds of cities around the
world, Yuri’s Night was established to commemorate humankind’s first
venture into space by Russian Cosmonaut Yuri Gagarin on April 12, 1961.
Ryan Bethencourt
Tel: (415) 794 6463
Happy Caturday, sudoers!
I'm a lead volunteer for the upcoming Psychedelic Science
Conference,<http://www.maps.org/conference/>and our very own Ray the
Ice Cream Man will be providing delicious holistic
nutrition for staff and volunteers throughout the weekend!
MAPS <http://maps.org>, the Multidisciplinary Association for Psychedelic
Studies, is looking for some local Oakland folks to pick up some of the
early (Wednesday) and late (Monday) volunteer shifts. If you've been
thinking about attending, volunteering is a great way to interface with the
amazing international array of artists, scientists and therapists in the
psychedelic community. Signing up for 3 4-hour shifts also earns ya a
discounted $125 ticket to the conference.
Shoot me an email for details!
Dear friends,
come on out tonight to hack the Gallery in Berkeley,
we are having a community art show 'Networks and Transitions", artist
reception from
7-10 pm with wine and snacks.
Hope to see you then,
1861 Solano Avenue A
Berkeley CA 94707
With Bus 18 from Oakland (or Downtown Berkeley) towards Albany,
get off "Solano Avenue / the Alameda" at the oaks Theater.
Walk down a bit and turn right into the small all, voila.
My friend Alfred Twu developed a free online educational game in which you
can alter the cityscapes of a number of northern Californian cities (such
as Oakland and San Francisco) so that once-blase storefronts can become
food cooperatives, streets that once favored cars can be loaded with bike
lanes and bioswales, big banks can be occupied and entire city blocks can
be CONQUERED BY SUDO ROOM (This is a new feature. Not kidding)!! While
making these changes, you can have the option of following external links
to learn more about the topics covered.
I'm dying of laughter. This is awesome!
Find a photo of the Sudo Block ("Sudo Square"?) here:
The full game launches in the summer, but in the mean time, you can warp
Oakland and other cities here:
Hey folks,
The Public School dance teacher is at SudoRoom today at 6pm.
Come by to brainstorm, participate!
She's going to be rehearsing and is open to new ideas about how to
integrate LED lights, electronics, possibly sound?
- Dancers - you don't have to go to all of the rehearsals, and you can
perform in front of the audience.
Rehearsal is every Saturday at 6pm until May 3rd. see wiki for details
- Sound experiment / light artists / costume artists- to give Jen ideas
- Costumes welcome
May 3rd @ Berkeley Museum
I was doing it during the first half, but now have to head home during the intermission. Can the Sudo folks there do some tweeting plugging #SudoRoom and #oaklandnightslive for the second half? There are a LOT of them there by the way. Re-tweeting does count as helping, but only half.
sent from eddan.com
Hi All,
It's going to be a beautiful weekend and I was wondering if anyone is
interested in starting an occasional Sudo hike group? We could hike, enjoy
the outdoors and talk about tech... which to me is winning :)
Anyone interested? If so, let me know and we can plan something for this
Ryan Bethencourt
Tel: (415) 794 6463
Anyone interested in musical clothes? I'm interested in creating a beatbox hoody (saw a project in. Book)
I'm not so interested in buying musical clothes stuff that already exists / anything to do with Zumba <3
Romy Ilano
Founder of Snowyla
Hi everyone, I'm a new potential member (see you at the Python meetup tonight).
I'd like to share an essay by Bruce Schneier:
"To the older generation, privacy is about secrecy. And, as the
Supreme Court said, once something is no longer secret, it's no longer
private. But that's not how privacy works, and it's not how the
younger generation thinks about it. Privacy is about control. [...]
Your loss of control over that information is the issue. We may not
mind sharing our personal lives and thoughts, but we want to control
how, where and with whom. A privacy failure is a control failure."
With that in mind, here are my personal commandments for software that I write:
-- If someone is ever surprised by the privacy outcome of a piece of
software, the software needs to be made more clear. Never blame the
user for not understanding things
-- Allow people to delete or take down their content
-- The extent to which content is indexed / searchable matters.
There's a practical difference between public-but-not-searchable and
public-and-appears-on-Google. Technically neither is secret, but
that's not the only thing that matters.
-- Things that people say in an ephemeral context, like small talk,
should stay ephemeral.
One way to move forward would be to have two lists -- a public
archived-forever one and a private ephemeral one.
(P.S. is the IRC channel logged too?)
On Thu, Apr 11, 2013 at 2:09 PM, William Budington <bill(a)inputoutput.io> wrote:
> On 04/11/2013 11:58 AM, aestetix wrote:
>> There's also the use case issue (I'm sure there's a more proper term).
>> I'm totally ok with our list being transparent to people who want to
>> learn and teach others. I'm a lot less ok with it going to a large
>> company that will be using it to data-mine what products to target
>> consumers with. If you take that a step further you'll find a
>> quasi-analogy to Real Genius.
> Unfortunately, I don't think there is a clear separation between what
> will be used to benefit others by being transparent and what will be
> used to harm us personally. We can talk theoretically about this issue,
> but there is no practical situation where we can prevent someone with a
> disproportionate amount of power from using our written words against
> us. Based on these words, an employer can hire or fire us, pressure us,
> and political authorities can do whatever they want to us. So our words
> don't operate in a vacuum where we can control their lateral effects.
> Words are not circuits, and have no control flow. Or if they do, it is
> by no straightforward mechanism that they travel.
> We can also develop policies and opt-out strategies (robots.txt for
> example) to limit the archivability of our words, but this seems to me
> an imperfect solution. Primarily because it only limits the webcrawlers
> that themselves opt-in to obeying these requests.
>> That said, this is part of a much larger "boundaries" discussion the
>> internet is forcing the world to have right now.
>> Anyhow, just my two cents, feel free to disregard at your pleasure :)
>> Hail Eris,
>> aestetix
>> User-agent: googlebot
>> Disallow: *
>> On 4/11/13 11:27 AM, Anon195714 wrote:
>>> Sorry but a little more "transparency and openness" about what was
>>> going to happen to emails to that list, rather than using overtly
>>> misleading language, would have prevented this kerfluffle in the
>>> first place.
>>> "Categorically object" all you like, but that boils down to an
>>> assertion that you have some kind of right to make and spread
>>> copies of someone else's words _against their will_, and infringe
>>> their privacy _against their will_, which is truly authoritarian.
>>> Aestetix, if you're reading this, your input would be highly
>>> welcome.
>>> Meanwhile I have work to do today.
>>> -G.
>>> =====
>>> On 13-04-11-Thu 10:58 AM, rachel lyra hospodar wrote:
>>>> At the bottom of every email to this list is a link to
>>>> 'listinfo' which opens with an archive of every post to the list.
>>>> If the boilerplate seems unclear to people we can talk about
>>>> changing it but I categorically object to removing anything from
>>>> the archive.
>>>> Transparency and openness are part of our core values, archiving
>>>> emails is very standard, the listinfo page makes it clear that
>>>> this is done using completely standard language, and if anyone
>>>> wishes to have their statements go unattributed they are welcome
>>>> to not enter them into the Internet, or to use a pseudonym.
>>>> R.
>>>> On Apr 11, 2013 10:53 AM, "Anon195714" <anon195714(a)sbcglobal.net
>>>> <mailto:anon195714@sbcglobal.net>> wrote:
>>>> Let's be really clear about this:
>>>> This is the explicit language in the sign-up document:
>>>> "Subscribing to sudo-discuss Subscribe to sudo-discuss by filling
>>>> out the following form. You will be sent email requesting
>>>> confirmation, to prevent others from gratuitously subscribing
>>>> you. This is a private list, which means that the list of members
>>>> is not available to non-members."
>>>> That's a representation of a material fact. And the link to the
>>>> archive says NOTHING about that archive being anything that
>>>> would violate or contradict the language I quoted above: no
>>>> disclosure, no nothing.
>>>> Blatant misrepresentation.
>>>> "May need to be doing a better job" is the understatement of the
>>>> year.
>>>> The answer is, I'm going to hold SudoRoom to the terms &
>>>> conditions I signed, and that material is going to be taken down
>>>> immediately until such time as anything I've posted in it can be
>>>> removed from any publicly searchable content. This is not
>>>> optional, any more than free repair under warranty is optional,
>>>> or the absence of horsemeat in "100% beef frankfurters" is
>>>> optional.
>>>> I'm holding SudoRoom to its stated language.
>>>> -G.
>>>> ======
>>>> On 13-04-11-Thu 10:42 AM, Marina Kukso wrote:
>>>>> hi george,
>>>>> i'm very sorry that you feel that you did not consent to
>>>>> having this information public. this list has been publicly
>>>>> archived since it began and i think that we've tried to make
>>>>> that clear (although it seems that we may need to be doing a
>>>>> better job!).
>>>>> unfortunately i'm not sure to what extent the "welcome to
>>>>> sudo-discuss list" email that new list members receive
>>>>> includes information about content being publicly archived
>>>>> (could someone help with this?), but perhaps we may need to
>>>>> make this more explicit in that letter.
>>>>> for additional background on why we made the decision to
>>>>> publicly archive contents, the idea is not necessarily to
>>>>> promote "transparency and openness" as a matter of principle
>>>>> only, but because part of what we wanted to do with sudo room
>>>>> is to make our history as easy for others to use as possible so
>>>>> that others who are starting and running hackerspaces can learn
>>>>> from our experience and discussion. in other words, to
>>>>> facilitate ctrl-c/ctrl-v of hackerspaces around the world.
>>>>> - marina
>>>>> On Thu, Apr 11, 2013 at 10:29 AM, Anon195714
>>>>> <anon195714(a)sbcglobal.net <mailto:anon195714@sbcglobal.net>>
>>>>> wrote:
>>>>> Right, and when you slip LSD into the fruit punch at a party
>>>>> and don't tell anyone, do you justify that by saying you're
>>>>> trying to encourage enlightenment? Who needs informed consent
>>>>> anyway, right? Hey, who needs consent of any kind?
>>>>> Sorry yo, that don't go. It's NON CONSENSUAL, like seducing
>>>>> someone and failing to disclose to them that you have STDs.
>>>>> It's a trust-break in a big way.
>>>>> I'm asserting my right to put this on the meeting agenda for
>>>>> next Wednesday, and pull in any record of anything I signed
>>>>> that contained TOS.
>>>>> Let me be really clear about this: I'm as serious as a fucking
>>>>> heart attack about this, and anyone who thinks it's a joke is
>>>>> fucking sick.
>>>>> This "open and transparent" stuff is starting to become a chant
>>>>> fit for a cult, that short-circuits reason and critical
>>>>> thinking. In reality it's a house of one-way mirrors foisted
>>>>> by the powerful on the masses to enable "prediction and
>>>>> control" down to the level of the individual.
>>>>> Enough was enough long ago, just like muggings and the rest of
>>>>> it.
>>>>> -G.
>>>>> =====
>>>>> On 13-04-11-Thu 10:07 AM, mattsenate(a)gmail.com
>>>>> <mailto:mattsenate@gmail.com> wrote:
>>>>>> We set the list up to be public in an effort to remain as
>>>>>> transparent and open as possible. This is a blessing and a
>>>>>> burden. We should be mindful of the scope of our language and
>>>>>> interested in maintaining private conversation off the list.
>>>>>> Additionally, if you seek a lot of privacy, I don't recommend
>>>>>> communicating over the internet if it can be helped.
>>>>>> // Matt
>>>>>> ----- Reply message ----- From: "Tracy Jacobs"
>>>>>> <kinetical(a)comcast.net> <mailto:kinetical@comcast.net> To:
>>>>>> "Romy Ilano" <romy(a)snowyla.com> <mailto:romy@snowyla.com> Cc:
>>>>>> "sudo-discuss" <sudo-discuss(a)lists.sudoroom.org>
>>>>>> <mailto:sudo-discuss@lists.sudoroom.org> Subject:
>>>>>> [sudo-discuss] Michael Orange - film events - Battle for
>>>>>> Brooklyn - any sudo members interested in an intro? Date:
>>>>>> Thu, Apr 11, 2013 9:54 AM
>>>>>> Sudoers,
>>>>>> Why does our discussion list have to be published on the
>>>>>> internet? I don't personally want it to be that public. Who
>>>>>> decided it should be done that way, and is there another
>>>>>> option?
>>>>>> Tracy On Apr 10, 2013, at 12:32 PM, Romy Ilano
>>>>>> <romy(a)snowyla.com <mailto:romy@snowyla.com>> wrote:
>>>>>>> Hey here is one of the film events that Michael Orange
>>>>>>> from top 10 social is presenting.
>>>>>>> https://www.facebook.com/events/563556023675662/?notif_t=plan_user_invited
>> Michael's also working with the Oakland Library as well,so
>>>>>>> I'll mention the history wki people from sudoroom are
>>>>>>> there!
>>>>>>> this probably isn't necessary for anyone here... but in
>>>>>>> case one or two people gets the temptation:
>>>>>>> -- Michael Orange is an all around good guy--please treat
>>>>>>> him well, minimize over the top business plans, "industry
>>>>>>> type behavior", and approach him as you would a family
>>>>>>> member. If we talk to him the wrong way it will be a smear
>>>>>>> on my reputation and his opinion matters a lot to me. =D
>>>>>>> _______________________________________________
>>>>>>> sudo-discuss mailing list sudo-discuss(a)lists.sudoroom.org
>>>>>>> <mailto:sudo-discuss@lists.sudoroom.org>
>>>>>>> http://lists.sudoroom.org/listinfo/sudo-discuss
>>>>>> _______________________________________________ sudo-discuss
>>>>>> mailing list sudo-discuss(a)lists.sudoroom.org
>>>>>> <mailto:sudo-discuss@lists.sudoroom.org>
>>>>>> http://lists.sudoroom.org/listinfo/sudo-discuss
>>>>> _______________________________________________ sudo-discuss
>>>>> mailing list sudo-discuss(a)lists.sudoroom.org
>>>>> <mailto:sudo-discuss@lists.sudoroom.org>
>>>>> http://lists.sudoroom.org/listinfo/sudo-discuss
>>>> _______________________________________________ sudo-discuss
>>>> mailing list sudo-discuss(a)lists.sudoroom.org
>>>> <mailto:sudo-discuss@lists.sudoroom.org>
>>>> http://lists.sudoroom.org/listinfo/sudo-discuss
>>> _______________________________________________ sudo-discuss
>>> mailing list sudo-discuss(a)lists.sudoroom.org
>>> http://lists.sudoroom.org/listinfo/sudo-discuss
>> _______________________________________________
>> sudo-discuss mailing list
>> sudo-discuss(a)lists.sudoroom.org
>> http://lists.sudoroom.org/listinfo/sudo-discuss
> _______________________________________________
> sudo-discuss mailing list
> sudo-discuss(a)lists.sudoroom.org
> http://lists.sudoroom.org/listinfo/sudo-discuss
I'm curious about the future implications of big data, sharing and employer
Suppose I said on the publicly searchable google list that I love drinking
Coca-Cola more than Pepsi.
Suppose I hacked a Coca-Cola jacket etc. and said I just "wasn't into"
Now suppose that that thread was the first thing to show up in a list of
googleable searches for my name.
If I were to interview at a dot com for a developer position and that firm
had close business associations with Pepsi but not Coca-Cola, then I might
not get hired.
Or if big data became very powerful, a potential health insurer could see
that I drank Coca-Cola, and it's less healthy than Pepsi, and charge me
higher rates, rates as high as someone who has severe diabetes. How would
that go?
So I know that this list is open, and I'm joining it knowing it's
transparent, but I'm wondering how much more we will have to edit our
opinions in the future in order to remain reputable or employable.
On Thu, Apr 11, 2013 at 4:29 PM, Liz Henry <lizhenry(a)gmail.com> wrote:
> Whoa.... It's a mailing list you sign up for of your own free will isn't
> it? At http://lists.sudoroom.org/listinfo/sudo-discuss. Where it has a
> link to a public archive on the web. Using totally standard mailing list
> software.
> I think some cultures have an expectation of openness, and some of default
> privacy. Hackerspaces seem to tend to frown on things like camera
> surveillance, but to default to a lot of free/open source tech and culture
> standards otherwise where there is a lot of transparency.
> There could always be another, private, sudo room mailing list, you just
> would have to set another one up.
> The language about "list of members not being visible to other than list
> members" is about looking at the full list of people subscribed.
> It sounds like a) you made a mistake b) it might be good for the mail
> admin to add something more clear to the standard sign up email to
> emphasize the archives are public.
> Cheers,
> - Liz
> On Thu, Apr 11, 2013 at 11:34 AM, Eddan Katz <eddan(a)eddan.com> wrote:
>> also, before we continue along the path of discussion, i would suggest
>> steering clear of strong incriminating language being used to describe
>> things that simply have no support in the law. this is an important
>> discussion - i think we'll all be best off if we take it down a notch.
>> On Apr 11, 2013, at 10:17 AM, "Anon195714" <anon195714(a)sbcglobal.net>
>> wrote:
>> >
>> >
>> > I've taken this email off the sudo list and added Anthony and Eddan and
>> > Aestetix to it for reasons that will be obvious to them when they read
>> > this.
>> >
>> > Here's the cut-and-paste of Tracy's remark on this thread:
>> >
>> > "Sudoers,
>> >
>> > Why does our discussion list have to be published on the internet? I
>> > don't personally want it to be that public. Who decided it should be
>> > done that way, and is there another option?
>> >
>> > Tracy"
>> >
>> > So now there are TWO of us who DO NOT want our EMAIL to be fed to the
>> > GOOGLE.
>> >
>> > And YEAH there's another option, which is to NOT publish our stuff to
>> > the internet. That's what the fucking WIKI is for. Email by definition
>> > is not that.
>> >
>> > It was never disclosed to me, and I never gave consent, to EMAIL being
>> > published to GOOGLE. Email is not a blog, a wiki, or a website, any
>> > more than a conference call is a radio broadcast. How would you like it
>> > if you discovered that your telephone calls were being broadcast on the
>> > radio, eh?
>> >
>> > So let's be really clear about this: I feel VIOLATED by this in a most
>> > intimate and personal way. I was deceived by a failure to disclose a
>> > material fact. Had I been informed that this stuff was going to be
>> > published to the internet and made searchable by email address, I would
>> > have created a compartmentalized address specifically for this purpose,
>> > and used that address, not a personal address that I use for other
>> > purposes. I routinely compartmentalize things for security purposes, it
>> > takes only minor effort to do.
>> >
>> > INFORMED CONSENT IS A RIGHT, NOT A PRIVILEGE, and there is no getting
>> > out of it by way of fine print or any other such garbage.
>> >
>> > And being violated is not a joke. Ha ha ha, someone put LSD (or Roofies
>> > for that matter) in your soda, ha ha ha, the guy you slept with last
>> > night had every disease in the book but he didn't tell you, ha ha
>> > fucking ha, if you don't like salmonella don't eat the chicken at the
>> > barbeque, we all like salmonella what's wrong with you if you don't? Oh
>> > look, there's a VEGAN, let's slip him some LARD in his beans, ha ha ha.
>> > Sorry y'all, that's not funny, it doesn't wash, it doesn't rinse, and
>> > I'm fucking sick of spin.
>> >
>> > Holy fucking shit, I just pulled an allnighter for work, I'm about to
>> > try to get four hours' sleep and then go into San Francisco and move
>> > EFF's telephone service and about 50 phones, and THIS comes up.
>> >
>> > Believe me when I say this is way past my limit, and I am so fucking mad
>> > right now that you don't even want to hear the first three metaphors for
>> > it that come to mind.
>> >
>> > So do whatever it takes to disconnect this mailing list from Google,
>> > NOW, and put this on the meeting agenda for next Wednesday, and you'd
>> > better believe I'm going to raise a fucking stink that's going to make a
>> > den of skunks look like a bouquet of roses if this doesn't get done.
>> >
>> > This shit totally puts the lie to every ounce of anarchist rhetoric I've
>> > ever heard around here.
>> >
>> > -G.
>> >
>> >
>> > =====
>> >
>> >
>> > On 13-04-11-Thu 9:42 AM, Romy Ilano wrote:
>> >> In this case what are the practical solutions for your / non privacy?
>> >>
>> >> I'm curious. There is a lot of character assassination going on
>> between companies where people hire trolls to harass victims and leave a
>> trail of bad results in google searches
>> >>
>> >> I wouldn't say it happened to me but maybe!
>> >>
>> >> ---
>> >>
>> >> Romy Ilano
>> >> Founder of Snowyla
>> >> http://www.snowyla.com
>> >> romy(a)snowyla.com
>> >>
>> >> On Apr 11, 2013, at 9:24, Anon195714 <anon195714(a)sbcglobal.net> wrote:
>> >>
>> >>> Oh Fuck.
>> >>>
>> >>> Fucking fuckity fuck.
>> >>>
>> >>> Fucking surveillance monster on the rampage.
>> >>>
>> >>> OK, time for me to change my fucking email address on the server, and
>> >>> say Fuck a few more times just to get it out of my system.
>> >>>
>> >>> Thanks for the heads' up.
>> >>>
>> >>> Anyone here who believes in a deity is welcome to join me in praying
>> for
>> >>> Google's servers to melt into little puddles of colorful metallic
>> >>> swirls, seething & bubbling on their server room floor.
>> >>>
>> >>> One more thing: Putting this list on the fucking Google was NON
>> >>> CONSENSUAL and YES I am going to bring it up at a meeting, and if
>> >>> there's any way to scrub my stuff off there, it's going to get done.
>> >>>
>> >>> -G.
>> >>>
>> >>>
>> >>> =====
>> >>>
>> >>>
>> >>> On 13-04-11-Thu 9:18 AM, Hol Gaskill wrote:
>> >>>> http://lmgtfy.com/?q=anon195714
>> >>>>
>> >>>>
>> >>>> Apr 11, 2013 07:57:08 AM, lizhenry(a)gmail.com wrote:
>> >>>> Sorry Romy that I sounded harsh and unclear. I'd be happy to talk
>> any time.
>> >>>> Anon195714, it is a public mailing list and its archives are public.
>> >>>>> See http://lists.sudoroom.org/listinfo/sudo-discuss and click on
>> the link for Archives.
>> >>>>>
>> >>>>> - liz
>> >>>>>
>> >>>>>
>> >>>>>
>> >>>>>
>> >>>>> On Thu, Apr 11, 2013 at 4:08 AM, Anon195714
>> anon195714(a)sbcglobal.net> wrote:
>> >>>>
>> >>>>
>> >>>>
>> >>>>
>> >>>> How is it that this EMAIL list is "Googleable"?
>> >>>>
>> >>>> Is this being posted to a website or something else that has a URL
>> >>>> on it?
>> >>>>
>> >>>> Or has Google figured out a way to spy on email beyond what it
>> >>>> already does with gmail?
>> >>>>
>> >>>> Sheesh.
>> >>>>
>> >>>> -G.
>> >>>> "Consume! Obey!"
>> >>>> "Big Data is Watching You."
>> >>>>
>> >>>>
>> >>>> =====
>> >>>>
>> >>>>
>> >>>>
>> >>>> On 13-04-10-Wed 12:51 PM, Liz Henry
>> >>>> wrote:
>> >>>>
>> >>>>
>> >>>>
>> >>>> What are you
>> >>>> talking about? This sounds completely, completely bizarre to
>> >>>> me.
>> >>>>
>> >>>> I can't remember if you and I have met, but I hope that if we
>> >>>> do meet, you won't approach me as a family member. Why are
>> you
>> >>>> quasi-introducing this person to an entire public mailing
>> >>>> list? With these caveats? It seems not only weird, but
>> >>>> outright rude, both to Orange and to the sudo community.
>> >>>>
>> >>>> Also, are you aware this is a public mailing list, perfectly
>> >>>> visible and googleable?
>> >>>>
>> >>>>
>> >>>> Really....
>> >>>> whoever you are you just showed your ass.
>> >>>>
>> >>>>
>> >>>>
>> >>>>
>> >>>>
>> >>>>
>> >>>> On Wed, Apr 10, 2013 at 12:32 PM, Romy
>> >>>> Ilano romy(a)snowyla.com>
>> >>>> wrote:
>> >>>>
>> >>>> Hey here is one of the film events that
>> >>>> Michael Orange from top 10 social is presenting.
>> >>>>
>> >>>>
>> >>>>
>> >>>>
>> >>>>
>> https://www.facebook.com/events/563556023675662/?notif_t=plan_user_invited
>> >>>>
>> >>>>
>> >>>> Michael's also working with the Oakland Library as
>> >>>> well,so I'll mention the history wki people from
>> >>>> sudoroom are there!
>> >>>>
>> >>>>
>> >>>>
>> >>>>
>> >>>> this probably isn't necessary for anyone here...
>> >>>> but in case one or two people gets the temptation:
>> >>>>
>> >>>>
>> >>>> -- Michael Orange is an all around good guy--please
>> >>>> treat him well, minimize over the top business plans,
>> >>>> "industry type behavior", and approach him as you
>> >>>> would a family member. If we talk to him the wrong
>> way
>> >>>> it will be a smear on my reputation and his opinion
>> >>>> matters a lot to me. =D
>> >>>>
>> >>>>
>> >>>>
>> >>>>
>> >>>>
>> >>>>
>> >>>>
>> >>>>
>> >>>>
>> >>>> _______________________________________________
>> >>>> sudo-discuss mailing list
>> >>>> sudo-discuss(a)lists.sudoroom.org
>> >>>> http://lists.sudoroom.org/listinfo/sudo-discuss
>> >>>>
>> >>>>
>> >>>>
>> >>>>
>> >>>>
>> >>>>
>> >>>> --
>> >>>>
>> >>>>
>> >>>> . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
>> >>>> Liz Henry
>> >>>>
>> >>>> lhenry(a)mozilla.com
>> >>>> lizhenry(a)gmail.com
>> >>>>
>> >>>>
>> >>>>
>> >>>>
>> >>>>
>> >>>> _______________________________________________
>> >>>> sudo-discuss mailing list
>> >>>> sudo-discuss(a)lists.sudoroom.org
>> >>>> http://lists.sudoroom.org/listinfo/sudo-discuss
>> >>>>
>> >>>>
>> >>>>
>> >>>>
>> >>>>
>> >>>>
>> >>>>> --
>> >>>>>
>> >>>>> . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
>> >>>>> Liz Henry
>> >>>>> lhenry(a)mozilla.com
>> >>>> lizhenry(a)gmail.com
>> >>>>
>> >>>>> _______________________________________________
>> >>>>> sudo-discuss mailing list
>> >>>>> sudo-discuss(a)lists.sudoroom.org
>> >>>>> http://lists.sudoroom.org/listinfo/sudo-discuss
>> >
> --
> . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
> Liz Henry
> lhenry(a)mozilla.com
> lizhenry(a)gmail.com