oh no romy that sucks!
well, people used to use prosthetic legs which were basically a lower leg
that you kneel on top of. so picture an upside-down L and your bad leg is
bent at the knee 90 degrees. your lower leg is strapped onto the top part
of the upside down L.
you put a bunch of padding on the top, and use padding on the back of your
calf, and then you can wear it for hours and walk on it just fine.
people whose feet or legs were chopped below the knee walked around on
such things their whole life.
like this:
Hey all,
Here is the video on DIY Molecular Design & Cloning by Craig that was
held by CounterCultureLabs at sudoroom on 1/14/14. Video can be found
Lecture details a basic overview of designing and cloning
microorganisms using open access databases.
Subjects discussed include:
- Primer design -- tricks, tools and resources
- PCR-based cloning -- methods and means for the DIYer
- Purification, Isolation and Verification
- Databases and software used for design and cloning
Join us for part II of this lecture series on cloning. Craig Rouskey
will talk in depth on PCR:
a. PCR Principle
b. Components/role of each component
c. setting up PCR/Making adjustments to reagents
d. making PCR buffers (Maniatis)
e. Reconstituting Primers
f. Working the thermocycler
Sign up for the event here:
Held on 2/11/14 6:30PM @ sudoroom
For more CounterCultureLabs events visit the meet up schedule @
Happy sciencing,
I work for a startup, Open Garden, that builds mobile mesh networking
technology (for sharing internet between mobile devices). We've held a
couple of community meetups so far, and this Wednesday we're trying out a
Lightning Talks model!
Come talk about a project you're working on and meet others developing
peer-to-peer technologies and services - or just come enjoy the 'beer
garden' and learn about some cool projects! Free.
RSVP at: http://www.meetup.com/Tech-Garden-SF/events/160432902/
hey everyone,
i'm very new to the worlds of the sudo room but i thought that there might be interest in this design competition on this listserv.
unfortunately the deadline is in 5 days, but hey, grants have been won in less time!
hey everyone,
i'm very new to the worlds of the sudo room but i thought that there might be interest in this design competition on this listserv.
unfortunately the deadline is in 5 days, but hey, grants have been won in less time!
Help! I am lost in a never-ending list of OpenStreetMap apps showcased on
their wiki <https://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Android>! Does anyone here
have any recommendations for a particular one? I have two requirements: no
proprietary software and yes navigation functionality (BONUS: topographic
features). I would also be down to team up with interested parties to split
the task of doing a systematic review of all apps listed.
I've been working with the fine folks who have put out the anti-eviction
maps and been doing some of the counter-displacement organizing lately.
Looking for some volunteers, particularly people who are able to put
together front end animations for critical pieces of legislation that are
coming up. But also stats and backend people as well. There is an
immediate need, but also some upcoming hackathons, which I'll announce
If you or someone you know is interested in understanding and transforming
housing and income inequality in the bay area and has 133t skillz0rs,
please put me in touch!
Hi there! I'm working on this concept, and could use feedback on some good
ideas of what's been done before
This is, so me, and you. I love you, Sudo.... All the thing we've worked on
before. So, I'm looking for some good ideas here as to how we can do this
right, I am designing the transition to not using money and so, would be
nice to have something that explained this paradigm better and more
appropriately to folks one would meet: http://freeworldcharter.org/ . Maybe
these books could have the concepts from the charter?
Ed Che.
On Fri, Jan 10, 2014 at 2:31 AM, Eddie Che <eddiemill(a)gmail.com> wrote:
Freedom paradigm and Anticapitalism on the SudoRoom wiki, have a gander@?
> I hope you guys have been keeping up on the wiki, it's going to be awesome
> hub for some cool change-the-world design ideas, process innovation,
> creative commons, free speech and as always, anarchy!
> https://sudoroom.org/wiki/Anticapitalism
> https://sudoroom.org/wiki/Freedom_Paradigm
> Hack and question, call me out, or contribute, @here, emailing me, in
> comments, or on page :)
> <3.
> EC
Eddie Miller, BU '10
eddiemill(a)gmail.com | 440-935-5434
Facebook.com/eddiemill | Twitter.com/eddiemill
For wide distribution.
On Monday, January 27, 2014 at 10:00 AM, Miguel Vargas wrote:
> This is the press release that just went out. Brian is delivering the Cease and Desist letter to city hall personally this morning.
> On Mon, Jan 27, 2014 at 9:55 AM, Miguel Vargas <unroar(a)gmail.com (mailto:unroar@gmail.com)> wrote:
> > Oakland Privacy Group Press Release
> > Contact: Brian Hofer
> > Cell: (510) 303-2871 (tel:%28510%29%20303-2871)
> > Email: brian.hofer(a)gmail.com (mailto:brian.hofer@gmail.com)
> >
> >
> > The Oakland Privacy Group today demanded through counsel that Oakland city government immediately Cease and Desist building the Domain Awareness Center and stop working with military contractors in violation of Oakland’s Nuclear Free Zone ordinance or face a lawsuit.
> >
> > City staff is currently urging city council to move forward with building the DAC by signing a contract with military contractor Schneider Electric. Signing such a contract would be a clear violation of Oakland’s Nuclear Free Zone ordinance.The council's next vote on this issue is on Tuesday, January 28.
> >
> > In their recommendation, city staff states that they are satisfied that Schneider Electric is not in violation of the Nuclear Free Zone ordinance based on their Google searches. Yet it is hard to believe that city staff missed the many webpages where Schneider markets their nuclear weapons experience. For example, Schneider states on their Naval Technology page (http://www.naval-technology.com/contractors/electrical/schneider-energy/%20) http://www.naval-technology.com/contractors/electrical/schneider-energy/
> >
> > Our main application domains include:
> >
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > > Weapon launching control system for nuclear submarines
> > > Nuclear weapon handling system
> > Oakland has a long tradition of taking strong progressive stands on national issues with legislation such as South African divestment, establishing the City of Refuge (anti-ICE raids), leadership on cannabis normalization, standing against Arizona’s racist anti-immigrant law, and many others.
> >
> > It is from this proud tradition that the Nuclear Free Zone ordinance originates. Oakland has for decades declared that it will in no way be complicit in building nuclear weapons and has refused to work with any nuclear weapons contractors.
> >
> > These are Oakland values.
> >
> > Unfortunately, it seems that our current crop of city leaders do not share these values.
> >
> > Since the beginning of the DAC project city staff has been looking for ways to use nuclear weapons contractors to build their vision of an all-knowing Orwellian surveillance apparatus.
> >
> > The city’s first contractor to work on the DAC, military giant SAIC, was removed from the contract after it’s work on nuclear weapons became public. SAIC also perjured themselves by signing a statement that they did not violate the Nuclear Free Zone ordinance. But public records request documents indicate that city staff knew all along that SAIC was in violation of the ordinance. When they were found out staff were searching for ways to help SAIC bypass the ordinance, they then helped SAIC finish building a major phase of the DAC project and paid them the full $2.6 million for their illegal work before the contract was ended.
> >
> > The Oakland Privacy Group believes city staff are attempting similar maneuvers with Schneider Electric to get the spy center completed in violation of the Nuclear Free Zone ordinance.
> >
> > If the city moves forward with these plans legal action will be taken to stop it.
> >
> > About the Oakland Privacy Working Group
> > The Oakland Privacy Group is a grassroots community organization concerned with the encroaching threat of high-tech surveillance. It has been organizing the swelling grassroots opposition to the DAC since the issue was first noticed at a city council meeting in July of 2013. They have an online presence Twitter @OaklandPrivacy and at http://oaklandprivacy.wordpress.com/
> >
> > About the DAC
> >
> > The DAC is a multi-million dollar data and video spy center funded with federal anti-terrorism dollars originally intended for the port but then turned against the residents of Oakland. The most comprehensive information on the DAC is available on Oakland Wiki at http://oaklandwiki.org/Domain_Awareness_Center
> >
> >
> >
> >