Hi Sudoroom,
Sarah is our bookkeeper and has a lot of experience with organizations like
Omni Commons from her time with Pro Arts (which she's still part of)
Delegates are being asked to approve these ideas for how to distribute the
grant we recieved recently. The grant specified that it was to be used for
"capacity building" and it's important that we explain how that happens, so I
really appreciate the work she's doing to write this up.
If sudoroom people have strong opinions about this, we should discuss it at a
meeting, otherwise i will just advocate for what I think is best on behalf of
---------- Forwarded message ----------
Date: Mon, 12 Jun 2023 18:08:54 -0700
From: Sarah Lockhart <sarah.ee.el(a)gmail.com>
To: consensus <consensus(a)lists.omnicommons.org>
Subject: [omni-consensus] Round 2 of Hellman Grant Budgeting
I hope to get consensus for the remainder of the Hellman Grant budget at
this Thursday's delegates meeting.
It is also a possibility that the delegates could ... delegate ... this
budgeting to the Finance WG if there isn't the capacity among delegates to
do this task.
Here is a new tab in the same google spreadsheet showing what we have left
to allocate, and my initial proposed expenditures for the rest of the
Feel free to comment / add a column etc.
Sarah L
hi sudoroom,
just another issue i will be asked about as sudoroom's delegate. If we have
strong opinions we should discuss it at a meeting, otherwise i'll use my best
judgement as always.
---------- Forwarded message ----------
Date: Mon, 12 Jun 2023 12:18:19 -0700
From: Sarah Lockhart <sarah.ee.el(a)gmail.com>
To: consensus <consensus(a)lists.omnicommons.org>,
Silver <natashazahn27(a)gmail.com>
Subject: [omni-consensus] moving Omni office to basement
Hi everyone,
Recently, Silver and I met with Joey from Village of Love, and he let us
know that he has reduced the usage of his space. When he had initially
approached Omni about using the basement and signed the lease, he was
hoping this work would be funded by a grant, that didn't end up coming
through. Hence, the balance due on rent (though the sense I get is that
part of the reason he is so behind on rent is that he is exceptionally busy
and is juggling so many things that it slips his attention).
Silver and I have also been discussing better ways to use Omni's space. As
Omni is adding paid staff, having a somewhat private place to work has been
noted as necessary for the sanity and productivity of said staff. We have a
tentative agreement with Joey, to have Omni take the smallest room of his
suite for Omni's admin office, in exchange for a $300/month reduction in
rent going forward. This would be great for Silver (who is currently a paid
Omni staff person), as it gives them a private space that is also near the
Media Lab, which is one of their primary projects.
When we collectively were discussing space usage improvement last year (or
perhaps late 2021), we had consensed that moving the Omni office to the
basement would be acceptable.
This would also allow Omni to relocate its files and office supplies out of
the 2nd floor room, which could then be rented out to a new
tenant/collective. From all the feedback both Silver and I have received
from prospective new groups, the room that is currently Omni's office is
quite desirable and the increased income from having that space go to a new
tenant/collective would make up for what we would be losing from Joey/VoL.
Does anyone have any objections to this?
Sarah L
Hey all,
Who is interested in playing or just hanging out while I run my RPG? I was
going to run it this Wednesday at 8 - 10 PM, but a player isn't available
and I'd prefer to run it the following week to accommodate. If you're
interested in playing, please respond and let me know what your
availability is this Wednesday (June 14th) and next Wednesday (June 21).
I'll plan my availability based on who is looking to play which day.
*Andrew R Gross, (he/him)*
412.657.5332 - shrad.org <http://www.shrad.org>
Wanna let you know about this workshop happening at The Midway
on Sunday 6/18, in case you or anyone you know may be interested. Please
feel free to forward this opportunity through your networks/socials, and
get in touch with any questions.
Projection Mapping Workshop
Led by Zoey Vero and Aer
Sunday, June 18, 2-4 PM
The Midway, 900 Marin St, SF
-- Aer
Artist in Residence
[image: image.png]
This guy has been making the rounds taking advantage of communities like
ours and recently got dislodged from Noisbridge. Let's make sure he
doesn't get his foot in the door of Sudoroom, we have much better things to
do than parenting people like him.
from https://www.noisebridge.net/wiki/86
John voldal [image: Voldal-pic.jpg]
<https://www.noisebridge.net/wiki/File:Voldal-pic.jpg> Living in the space,
for weeks. (As well as storage of motorcycle on patio for multiple weeks)
Excessive personal storage in the space. Personal, exclusive desktop (got
mad when others touched it).
Reports from other maker communities of malicious behavior. Gatekeeping
with multiple people. In mediation but would not accept mediator input. Had
to be asked to leave 3 times. Generally manipulative. Banned by consensus
May 30 after multiple attempts from multiple people to set boundaries with
him. https://www.noisebridge.net/wiki/Meeting_Notes_2023_05_30 As of June
6, also came into Noisebridge after being banned, and then, refused to
leave. Several officers of the organization had to show up in person to ask
him to leave and he refused to the point where we called the cops to escort
him out.
KDE is an open-source desktop environment, and also an organization that builds a variety of software tools (also all open-source). They recently added a page to their site specifically talking about how open source software can be used by activists to safely and securely organize and communicate: https://kde.org/for/activists/
I was thinking this might be useful info for other groups at the Omni, but I wasn't sure how best to get it out to them. Any ideas?
Hi all,
I just wanted to follow-up on what I've figured out about the donated
electronics we got a couple of weeks ago.
I grabbed the following:
- Dell Latitude E6420
The Dell laptop seems to be perfectly functional aside from a dead battery.
I installed Debian 11 and Windows 10 on it with no issues. I also ordered a
replacement battery for it for around $20, which seems to be working just
fine. Here's the one I ordered: https://www.ebay.com/itm/264468438245
- iPad 3rd Generation
The iPad 3 tablets need to be factory reset, because the school apparently
didn't bother to even log students out of their accounts on the one I got.
I had to go through the settings until I found "profiles", which had a
student and a teacher profile, and deleted both profiles. That revealed the
hidden factory reset button. After resetting the tablet to a fresh state, I
learned that the iPad 3 is, unfortunately, too old to do much with as is.
The newest iOS version that supports the hardware is iOS 9.5.something, and
there are almost no apps available anymore that will run on it. I did
manage to jailbreak it using 3uTools, but that didn't get me anywhere, as
there aren't any Linux distributions that can be installed on the iPad. The
jailbreak was also kind of a pain, because 3uTools doesn't run on Linux,
the jailbreak required an Apple ID, and the iPad is old enough that the
jailbreak only worked from Windows 7 (which itself is a bit old and not
completely straightforward to get anymore).
One thing I'm interested in is that several people seem to have had success
repurposing the screen, albeit without the touch capabilities:
- HP tablet
I haven't done as much research on this device, as it seems more obscure,
but I'm afraid it had probably suffered a similar fate to that of the iPad;
It's so old at this point, that there's not much that will run on it.
However, I have not confirmed this. It's possible that it's still totally
usable for something.
sudo room will have to form an opinion on this
---------- Forwarded message ----------
Date: Thu, 1 Jun 2023 08:00:00 -0700
From: Z Silver Zahn <natashazahn27(a)gmail.com>
To: consensus <consensus(a)lists.omnicommons.org>
Subject: [omni-consensus] Event working group proposal
Written by Jacqi Galea with references to my previous event manager
Proposed Compensation Model for Omni Events Team
The Omni events team aims to book around 10k in event revenue monthly. Each
event team member spends anywhere from 2-15 hours per event booking as a
point person. In order to create a sustainable labor model, maintain the
event revenue and decrease burnout amongst team members, we propose the
point person for each event receive 10% of the total event revenue. This
percentage is based on the reflection that if we continue to bring in
$10,000 per month this is $120,000 per year, 10% of that amount is only
12k. If we were to hire an events manager at $30 per hour 10 hr/wk (minimal
hours necessary) that would be about $14,400 per year.
10% of all event monthly revenue goes into events team banking accounts.
The budget will allow us to pay event stewards and improve venue facilities
when needed. Each point person can choose to receive 10% of event revenue.
This 10% is based on the following breakdown of tasks. Every point person
completes a combination of the below tasks for every event along with
maintenance tasks in between assigned events. Each event constitutes at
least 1-2 hours of labor, usually more. The event payout will usually be
$100 or more. Events larger than $1,500, payout will be model based on
hours at $25-$30 an hour put into the event.
Events working group members (currently 3-4) would ideally be w-2
employees of omni? Or independent contractors?
Those who are being compensated are responsible for tracking events
dates and payout amounts to be invoiced to the Events Finance Manager
A new member of the events team must complete 2-3 events in partnership
with an experienced member of the events team before taking point and
Max amount of events team members being compensated? Should not matter
as percentages are all relative to the number and amount of events coming
Task Breakdown:
The following tasks are ongoing and split amongst event working group
members through volunteer hours
The following tasks are split between working group members on an
ongoing and event by event basis in order to maintain the functionality and
presentability of the facilities at Omni.
The following tasks are done by all of the events working group members
on an ongoing and event by event basis in order to maintain flow,
communication, and organization of events.
The following tasks are carried out mainly by one member of the events
team (currently silver) who bills their hours accordingly. Maintaining
financial records, invoicing, and following up to ensure payments are
received is integral to events and Omni as a whole.
---------- Forwarded message ---------
From: Omni Commons <info(a)omnicommons.org>
Date: Sat, Jun 3, 2023 at 6:00 AM
Subject: [Test] Updates!
To: << Test First Name >> <natashazahn27(a)gmail.com>
Survey! <https://form.jotform.com/231495103316146>
*Omni Commons wants to know how you feel about the commons! Take our survey
to help us expand collective resilience! *
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What’s Happening at Omni Commons?
Omni is a commons a place where collective ownership can begin by walking
through its doors. Were a collective of collectives. A place where mutual
aid, organizing, hacking, repairing, tranforming shows up in the building
and in our relationship to each other. There so many events and workshops
happening at Omni yet so much room for you to organize your own.
Were activating so many spaces in the Omni and want community creatives
support! Our beloved entrance hall is under going some transformation. We
are building a space that will offer co-working space, event booking,
possibly a cafe? a collective art mural?
*collective spotlight :*
sudo room just recevied 10k grant funding from stop waste for its fix it
clinic program at hardware hacking tuesdays.
*common space spotlight : *
the media lab launched its first sewing cohort. It’s in the practice of
decolonizing fashion through shared collective knowledge & tools.
Omni working groups is key to collective stewardship
Join our building working group ! We meet every Sunday 3pm to 5pm to work
on building & repairing related activates at Omni Commons. All skill levels
are welcome~ This is an opportunity to grow in your building skills
Sign Up!
*We want to build a screen printing shop where community members can print
their own work and also do solidarity printing for movement organizations
and events. This is a call for members. Come get in on the ground floor of
this project and help us design the shop!*
Apply Now!
Media Lab + Membership
Want to have access to screen printing equipment, sewing equipment general
art supplies to share? Omni Commons media lab is opening up for membership
application. Media lab centers creative organizing, mindfulness upcycling &
transformative collaboration.
Apply Here! <https://airtable.com/shruQ2i4SbRLMUkol>
*Upcoming Events…*
Check our calendar for upcoming workshops & events. If there’s something
you’d like to see feel empowered to book an event. The commons is for all
of us! 7 days a week a year round.
Calendar! <https://omnicommons.org/blog/calendar/>
Book an Event! <https://omnicommons.org/blog/request/>
* Donate to Support Omni!*
*Omni Commons has so many opportunities to unfold centering mutual aid
creatively. While capitalism is still an upheavel we ask for donations to
support our mobilization to refinance the building. Collective ownership is
collective stewardship. Caring for spaces and places is a reflection of our
relationships within community! *
*Copyright (C) 2023 Omni Commons. All rights reserved.*
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