The wiki has been fixed, there was a problem with the wordpress common
login with mediawiki plugin. This means, unfortunately, there is no
unified login. So reset your wiki passwords and you'll get a
new temporary pw emailed to you.
It is a long and arduous process, but the spirit of righteous
revolutionary sudo solidarity, nay, Sudodarity, calls on us to bear it
together. The spirit of Sudodarity will ring from our glorious
Kopimistic towers and halls! Sudodarity Forever!
In case folks are curious about what is going on at NB regarding this
individual who repeatedly stalked people to their homes.
Whatever your take on safe spaces and openness, this discussion may help to
inform your conception of potential dangers to different members of the
community. I hope we all work to be open to the experiences, and needs, of
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: "Snail" <snailtsunami(a)>
Date: Mar 21, 2013 12:18 PM
Subject: [Noisebridge-discuss] Consensus on Barring Shawn Landden from the
Noisebridge space and community (Was Re: On Asking People To Leave (Was Re:
Shawn L. ))
To: "Noisebridge-discuss" <Noisebridge-discuss(a)>
Last night, we reached consensus on the decision to ban Shawn from
Noisebridge and the community, which in full wording goes, "Shawn Landden
is barred from Noisebridge. He is prohibited from entering the space or
participating in the community."
The statement is intentionally worded to so it can be interpreted to
encompass DIGITAL as well as PHYSICAL space.
You can see the meeting notes at
I am relieved to see the community band together on this decision, without
hesitation, and hope that it encourages people hurt by this person to
return and continue to be a part of our community. :) Because we do care.
And I always look forward to discussions on what we can do to do better
next time, because it will happen again, at Noisebridge, at every
hackerspace, and it will happen with people we like and are very attached
to and we need to be prepared, mentally, to make difficult decisions.
I know members of other hackerspaces like to joke about Noisebridge drama,
but this is not silly Internet drama. These are real problems that happen
in every hackerspace, every place on the planet, and we're trying to solve
a problem that is unsolved (how can you guarantee the safety of people in a
space, when that space is in a society where violence and threats against
people is accepted, even lauded, because the recipients are women?).
We talk about it openly, and I'm glad talk is open. Information is our best
tool here.
On Wed, Mar 13, 2013 at 1:01 AM, Danny O'Brien <danny(a)> wrote:
> Shawn,
> We are consensing on banning you from Noisebridge next week, which is
> a fairly serious step that we've only had to enact twice before.
> As in a previous case, there is a document containing ten Noisebridge
> community member's statements about your behaviour among the
> Noisebridge community. The document is being kept offline for privacy
> reasons, but can be read by anyone who wishes to contact the keepers,
> who are Alex Peake and Tom Lowenthal, both of whom are well known in
> the community.
> There was swift consensus on making the banning proposal, with no
> We went onto discuss how, as a community, we would pass the collated
> information more widely to other hacker communities.
> I speak only for myself when I say that the best thing you might
> consider doing right now is returning back to Washington where you
> have an outstanding warrant for your arrest in the matter of violating
> probation, felony stalking, violating a restraining order, harassment,
> and stalking.
> I do speak for a large proportion of the Noisebridge community who
> have made it clear that they wish to communicate as widely as possible
> what we know about your current state, and to warn others who you
> might harass. We are already reaching out individually to hackerspaces
> in our area, and will be relaying the news to Portland.
> We also spoke about how we might better react more quickly, and listen
> more swiftly to those who were concerned about your behaviour earlier.
> Shawn, I don't think I can say this any more explicitly than this in
> public: we at Noisebridge are extremely concerned by your behavior,
> and worried for your mental health. Please return home and seek care.
> You have been banned from several houses in our city, you are about to
> be banned from Noisebridge, and we are about to make even more public
> our concerns. You have been told all of these things repeatedly by
> individuals, groups of housemates, and law enforcement, and have made
> no change in your behaviour. Please change it now.
> d.
> On Wed, Mar 13, 2013 at 12:20 AM, Shawn <shawnlandden(a)> wrote:
>> To be terse here, I am currently not in San Francisco, but in Portland.
>> Consequentially, I can neither be at Noisebridge while unwanted, (by
>> nor attend meetings.
>> ---
>> Shawn Landden
>> +1 360 389 3001 (SMS preferred)
............. _@y
Noisebridge-discuss mailing list
the wiki is down
so this is an ultra simple question
new person wantsto hack on a saturday or sunday afternoon
how does a noob do it?
i know there is some code thing... i always prefer to go there when someone
else is there.
it's irc right?
Hi, I wanted to start publicizing my workshop this Saturday for Today I Learned. But it looks like the wiki for Today I Learned is broken. Is it still OK to do the workshop on Saturday afternoon? My idea is to teach anyone and everyone to solder using lots of fun and intriguing kits for total beginners to complete successfully (and cool enough for experts to enjoy, too). TV-B-Gone kits, Brain Machine kits, blinky-light kits, and lots, lots more. Anyone can learn this stuff! All skill levels, all ages -- all welcome! More info: Any way to get the workshop on the Sudo Room main calendar? It would be nice to use this to attract some new folks to Sudo Room. Thanks,Mitch.
for your reading pleasure:…
Cisco has made the assertion that there will be 50 billion devices on the Internet by 2020. That number might be high or low as it related to “devices” but I think it seriously underestimates the number of connected things that we’ll need to eventually contend with—by several orders of magnitude. The real number is likely in the trillions.
The driver, of course, is Moore’s law. John Clippinger reports that an Android phone can be had for $30 in some places. That same connected, computational, sensor platform will cost $3.00 and then $0.30 and then $0.03. When a wireless sensor platform costs $0.03 where will it be? Everywhere. Everything, even disposable things like razors or pens, will be gathering data…about you.
We probably don’t really have a choice about whether a $0.03 wireless sensor platform will exist. Technology marches on.
But we do have a choice about how it will be employed. If we follow the path we’re on now, all those devices will be controlled by some company somewhere that is providing the service behind them. [snip]
hi everyone,
tonight is the inauguration and launch event of hack the gallery, a new
creative collaborative space in north berkeley. there will be a short panel
of speakers (including mitch altman and a number of sudoers and
sudofriends), a live piano performance, and socializing in the space (which
used to be a theater!)
PLUS ray will be catering with vegan ice cream!
Where: 1861 Solano Avenue A, Berkeley, California
When: 7-9PM (doors open at 6PM)
Why: because we support more hacker and creativespaces in the bay area and
beyond! :)
More info (including the list of speakers):…
RSVP here:
- marina
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Patrick Schmidt <psbschmidt(a)>
Date: Tue, Feb 26, 2013 at 3:56 AM
Subject: Re: [sudo-discuss] Hack The Gallery
To: Andrew <andrew(a)>
Cc: ":::Marty:::" <mrwood(a)>, sudo-discuss <
Hi guys, (all sexes)
I just came back from the noisebridge to go over some details with Mitch,
who checked out my space in berkeley last week.
i wanted to announce it Wednesday at the Meeting but as you are
talking about Friday 22nd
I have to do it now:
So I am running this community Art Gallery called the "Open Fine Art
Gallery" in the storage room of the vacant Oaks Theatre in north
Berkeley, 2 miles north of downtown.
As an art gallery its fun to bring people together, lots of new
artists that never showed before,
but nothing sells and financially it really sucks to be honest, all
savings almost gone.
We have been transitioning to a community center, every open day
(wed-sat) there is a free and donation based class...
On Friday March 22 we have a Fundraiser and Kick-Off coming up and we
are going to declare the Space a quantum community space, which means
a superposition of
- hackerspace
-co-creator space
- coworking space
-developer space
- you name it whatever space
- avocado institute
- nyan cat university
and whatever the people who use it as a creative community space want to
call it
(declare it sudo!?)
I have been asking some folks that opened community spaces to give talks as
and want to announce that anybody who wants to give a talk on
- opening a community space
- why a community space is awesome
please let me know for the awesome people in our community who have
awesome stuff to share about this and might wanna do so. With or
without Powerpoint, well planned or spontaneouly.
The place has a huge potential (45 feet high walls, vacant theatre next
So I would like to invite you all to the Kick-Off Event, and also to
be part of transition,
please let me know if you wanna get involved.
best ,
2013/2/26, Andrew <andrew(a)>:
> For anyone who watched TPB_AFK last week. If you are interested, you can
> throw some money at the creators of the film here
> at least sign up for the email list.
> --Andrew
> On Tue, Feb 19, 2013 at 4:39 PM, :::Marty::: <mrwood(a)> wrote:
>> I can bring speakers for Friday!
>> On Tue, Feb 19, 2013 at 4:33 PM, Andrew <andrew(a)> wrote:
>>> +1 for Friday evening. Anyone have speakers they could loan? We have an
>>> awesome projector, but dinky sound.
>>> On Tue, Feb 19, 2013 at 3:36 PM, Jenny Ryan
>>> <tunabananas(a)>wrote:
>>>> The wikitown meetings are on hold unless folks decide to meet without
>>>> Evan and I, as we're both maxed out on bandwidth atm :/
>>>> This evening I am attending an OpenOakland project meetup at City Hall.
>>>> I would *love love love* to watch the film on Friday evening; the only
>>>> scheduled activity for which being Hacker Happy Hour with our very
>>>> first
>>>> homebrewed subiir! :D
>>>> Jenny
>>>> `~`~`~`~`~`~`~`~`~`~`~`~`~`~`~`~`~`~`
>>>> "Technology is the campfire around which we tell our stories."
>>>> -Laurie Anderson
>>>> "Storytelling reveals meaning without committing the error of defining
>>>> it."
>>>> -Hannah Arendt
>>>> "To define is to kill. To suggest is to create."
>>>> -Stéphane Mallarmé
>>>> ~`~`~`~`~`~`~`~`~`~`~`~`~`~`~`~`~`~`
>>>> On Tue, Feb 19, 2013 at 3:01 PM, rusty lindgren
>>>> <rustylindgren(a)
>>>> > wrote:
>>>>> Hi Marty,
>>>>> There is only one thing happening until 8:30 tonight . I'm sure the
>>>>> maker-village group wouldn't mind moving to one room or the
>>>>> other(whichever
>>>>> is convenient), while we watched the movie. We could also do it after
>>>>> 8:30pm.
>>>>> I really want to see it, but if Friday works better, I suppose that's
>>>>> fine too.
>>>>> Thanks,
>>>>> Rusty
>>>>> On Tue, Feb 19, 2013 at 11:15 AM, Morten H. D. Fuglsang <
>>>>> vallebo(a)> wrote:
>>>>>> Hai -- Friday works for me.
>>>>>> On Tue, Feb 19, 2013 at 11:05 AM, :::Marty:::
>>>>>> <mrwood(a)>wrote:
>>>>>>> Hi Sudoers
>>>>>>> A couple of things. I didn't get much of a response for screening
>>>>>>> *The
>>>>>>> Pirate Bay film* and as Jenny pointed out Tuesdays are super busy.
>>>>>>> How does this *Friday 2/22 *work for people? There are no conflicts
>>>>>>> i can see on either the Sudo calendar or the Public school.
>>>>>>> Also i wanted to know that i've acquired a *first aid kit for
>>>>>>> Sudoroom* so we can take it off the wish list. Ill bring it in later
>>>>>>> in the week.
>>>>>>> I am also looking for folks interested in *developing The Public
>>>>>>> School *website. There are a lot of improvements to be made and
>>>>>>> there is a test server already running. The site runs on Drupal. So
>>>>>>> if any
>>>>>>> dev types have some extra time or interest i can get you access or
>>>>>>> could
>>>>>>> do a hackathon to shore up the site.
>>>>>>> Best,
>>>>>>> Marty
>>>>>>> --
>>>>>>> twitter: @resonantcity <!/resonantcity> ,
>>>>>>> @uselessunless <!/uselessunless> [ personal ]
>>>>>>> _______________________________________________
>>>>>>> sudo-discuss mailing list
>>>>>>> sudo-discuss(a)
>>>>>> _______________________________________________
>>>>>> sudo-discuss mailing list
>>>>>> sudo-discuss(a)
>>>>> --
>>>>> Cheers,
>>>>> Rusty Lindgren
>>>>> **
>>>>> _______________________________________________
>>>>> sudo-discuss mailing list
>>>>> sudo-discuss(a)
>>>> _______________________________________________
>>>> sudo-discuss mailing list
>>>> sudo-discuss(a)
>>> --
>>> -------
>>> Andrew Lowe
>>> Cell: 831-332-2507
>> --
>> twitter: @resonantcity <!/resonantcity> ,
>> @uselessunless <!/uselessunless> [ personal ]
>> _______________________________________________
>> sudo-discuss mailing list
>> sudo-discuss(a)
> --
> -------
> Andrew Lowe
> Cell: 831-332-2507
sudo-discuss mailing list
Tamale is our door controller, as you probably know. It controls the
doorknob by a USB cable. The cable is spliced in two wires which were
apparently VERY LOOSELY attached to two pins on the raspi. In the
process of running ethernet cable from the crawlspace, we accidentally
knocked into tamale and both the wires came loose. We don't know how
they were attached! We'll try trial & error, but it would be very
helpful if someone could help us, who actually put it together in the
first place. How ironic that we finally get the outer door connected,
and then we break the inner door.
tl;dr could tamale's makers please help us fix the USB pins?
Hash: SHA1
Oh hai!
NymRights is dedicated to making sure people can use the names they
choose on the Internet. This saturday at 2pm we're having a meeting at
sudo room. Among things we'll be discussing:
How the Phoenix IDESG plenary went
The NymRights "suggested policy" for names on websites
Reception of my Shmoocon talk
General name-related nuttery
It is open to all, please come if this is something that interests
you! for more info!
Version: GnuPG/MacGPG2 v2.0.18 (Darwin)
Comment: GPGTools -
Hi Sudo room-
So we had our show on Saturday night and felt like it went really well. We
love the space, you guys and the feeling of 2141 Brdwy. A lot more people
showed up than expected, but it felt like the space could handle it and I
think we cleaned up well afterwards.
We wanted to check in and see if you were okay with us continuing to have
the show there monthly, hopefully on the 2nd Saturdays. If you have any
concerns, either about what happened on Saturday or about what you imagine
could happen in the future then lets talk about them. Either way, if you
are into the show, we would love to talk a little bit about how to make it
sustainable for everyone.
Also, if have the show at the space next month, we were hoping to have the
theme be Hacking and would love to have a guest or two though Sudo room!
Tell us what you think about everything. Thanks!
Jeremy Michael Dalmas
Oakland Nights...Live!