Hey, so in an attempt to be fractionally more organized for this
week's 5MOF, if you have some cool project or thoughts or demos or
rants or code or TARDIS rebuild, and would like to speak to an
audience of many of your most loving peers, drop me a mail, and you
can speak for five minutes on PRECISELY WHATEVER YOU WANT.
It is fun, the audience is always amazing, and sometimes there are
impromptu musical numbers.
Thank you for your attention, humanlings!
Being behind a computer screen might save you from the physical
consequences of being an activist -- but what about the mental effects?
For San Francisco's TA3M this month, we'll be discussingresources and
practical advice for psychological and other health care. From filtering
out the trolls and avoiding timezone jetlag, to dealing with PTSD among
friends and ongoing global effects of the Syrian civil war.
Joining us for the discussion will be security researcher Morgan Mayhem
(@headhntr on Twitter), Laurie Penny (@pennyred) from the New Stateman
and UK Guardian and co-author of Discordia: Six Nights in Crisis Athens,
and EFF's own Director for International Freedom of Expression, Jillian
York (@jilliancyork).
Plus: a round-up of new and ongoing projects, info on the Jeremy Hammond
decision, and a chance to network with your fellow cryptographers,
lawyers, coders, and other involved parties.
EFF's offices are at 815 Eddy St, SF, CA 94109. Please be punctual for
6PM -- if you arrive late, call x 118 from the door to be let in.
A map of 815 Eddy: http://www.openstreetmap.org/go/TZHvUrLDP
Techno-Activism 3rd Monday is a monthly meetup that happens
simultaneously in 18 cities throughout the world. It brings together
individuals interested in censorship, surveillance and open technology.
This includes Amsterdam, Brighton(UK), Cambridge, Dakar, Durham, Kansas
City, London, Madison, Mexico, Montreal, New York, Portland, San
Francisco, Stockholm, Seattle, Tokyo, Toronto and Washington DC.
For more info, see: https://wiki.openitp.org/events:techno-activism_3rd_mondays
In thinking about funding for sudo room, I thought of couple of items that
I believe sudo room has discussed before but never formally decided upon.
I'd like to propose that we formally decide on the following:
* All income and expenses should be open and transparent, including who
gave us grants and how much, though anonymous donations from individuals
should still be allowed.
* sudo room should not allow recurring grants or major donations from
other organizations to fund any recurring critical operations costs since
that would give those organizations significant power over sudo room
through their ability to defund critical operations.
Critical operations costs are things such as rent, utilities. Stuff that is
required for sudo room to continue operation.
What do you think?
Dear fellow Sudoers,
although my 3Dimensial Body left the continent and spontaneously
emmigrated to Asia
(Updates on Chinese Hackerspaces and Community Spaces to follow),
my consciousness is still around.
I was a little bit sad two weeks ago to read in the meeting minutes
that one name alone was listed under "conflict resolution". I assume
that this was done in the absence of our fellow sudoer. I find this a
little problematic to be exposed like this and would propose the
As conflicts (not wanting to talk about inner conflicts within one
person) are always among minimum two entities, in case of a conflict
all names of all parties involved should be mentioned, and not only
the accused (especially in their absence).
Conflict awareness 1 :
Rejecting a person and not being able to handle a disagreement with
compassion reveales a lot about one self.
In 99% of the cases the Ego jumps in and goes with separation and
rejection as the behaviour of the rejected entity triggers us, in
other words:
we subconsciously reject others because their behaviour reminds us on
what we do not like about ourselves.
In this context, lets expand our consciousness and our compassion,
and next time we get angry ask ourselves:
"what is it within me that is triggered right now by that persons behaviour"
Conflict awareness 2 :
Everybody lives in their own universe, and an interesting metaphor for
people is to comparing them with atoms.
In the quantum world of atoms strange rules reign, even things that
contradict each other can be true in the same time.
So this superposition of realities that contradict each other but
simultaneously are true can be applied on human conflicts:
both entities have their own side of the story which contradict each
other, but yet they can still be true at the same time. (Lesson
learned from the first public Sudo conflict)
Conflict Awareness 3:
Often during a conflict when the egos collide it can get nasty,
especially when the ego feels threatened it will accuse, blame,
A good strategy is instead of acusing a person directly,
just talk about your feelings and your inner states what the persons behaviour
made you feel.
In this case, the argument which is likely to follow ("no, this is not true")
is not valid, as your feelings are your feelings and they are true in
your universe no matter what.
just felt like sharing these lessons I learned, and I want to thank
Sudo crowd for my personal development that especially the conflicts
triggered, Im much more Zen, get angry much less at people, also do
not identify with my anger but can see how the ego sneacks in...
sending you cosmic love from the other side of our beautiful planet,
I've often thought of Sudo Room a little bit like the District of Columbia. and Rachel's subject for her email reminded me of that.
It is often forgotten that there was a first constitution of the United States after Independence before the one that people call the Constitution. It was called the Confederacy of States. The nation's capital was in Philadelphia and through a series of events ended up moving to a newly formed neutral district - that we all know now as DC.
It wasn't just a series of events, but a structural flaw in the Confederacy that doomed itself. As James Madison wrote in Federalist 43, "We have seen the inconvenience of this omission, and the assumption of power into which Congress have been led by it. With great propriety, therefore, has the new system supplied the defect. The general precaution, that no new States shall be formed, without the concurrence of the federal authority, and that of the States concerned, is consonant to the principles which ought to govern such transactions."
As population grew and the country was further colonized by the European settlers, the creation of new states turned into a disuniting disaster. Different coalitions of states banded together to promote their collective interest at the expense of others. Those states excluded formed their own alliances and there were many cries of treason thrown around back and forth. Each cluster thought of themselves as the "us" and the others as the "them" until the "them" became the "us" and the "us" was "them". And so on.
So while New York, New Jersey, Virginia, Maryland - all wanted the new federal seat of power in their states, a deal was struck to create a district that didn't belong to any particular state. They all wanted to have the center of the nation's power in their territories. And this is how we got in Article 1, Section 8 of the US Constitution, the provision saying:
"To exercise exclusive legislation, in all cases whatsoever, over such district (not exceeding ten miles square) as may, by cession of particular States and the acceptance of Congress, become the seat of the government of the United States; and to exercise like authority over all places purchased by the consent of the legislatures of the States in which the same shall be, for the erection of forts, magazines, arsenals, dockyards, and other needful buildings."
I'm not sure we need forts and magazines and arsenals and such, but I still think we need a neutral center so that no particular cluster confuses themselves as being what constitutes Sudo Room. Only when the country adopted a political structure that transformed the "us" and "them" into we - did the agreement amongst them create stability and mutual respect that made them united states.
hello everyone,
it appears that someone was cleaning up around the 3d printer and they
decided to throw away or remove a lot of stuff that was in the bottom of
the printer.
this included the fiberfrax insulation for the extruder head!!!!!
if you know where this material went, please bring it back to the printer,
otherwise we will have to get new insulators from the manufacturer.
thank you,
In what's being called an "incident of provocation" sudoers cathartically
purged their souls of paranoid fears, and imbibed a Class-C schedule Drug -
Vitamin C in lethal amounts. 3 pinneapples, 12 bananas, 25 apples, 60
pears, and clod of celery.
Meeting Minutes
Icebreaker: Give an example of how you are paranoid about security, or in
Max - wireless charging in toothbrush
Daniel - whiteboard at home with a circle in the middle about privacy,
maybe privacy is already lost
Ed (einstein) - "not paranoia they really are out to get us"
Matt - "people's safety"
- Vicky - "losing my memory"
- JC - "leave no digital trace" <-- until now
- Anca - Jehan's mom visiting from Vermont - "cool housing community"
- Tony - "texting while driving"
- Elvin - paranoid about how social websites can log you into every
website ever.
- Marc - "wipe my harddrive and install a clean os before crossing a
- Rhodey - autocompletion on security
- yar - http://3g2upl4pq6kufc4m.onion/?q=tor+bug+tracker
- Line 16 - speaking in short sentences
- Diku - "pitiless gaze of the future staring down at us." "lots of
stray humans"
- Dante - "posting stuff online"
- Sam - "all my software efforts are in vain, because of hardware
- Brandon - careful about porn more than anything.
1. Announcements
- Events for this week: https://sudoroom.org/calendar
- Review the events for this week--what's happening?
- Rackspace maybe wants to give us money?
- We were recommended for a grant ;)
- but requires W-9 forms, do we have that?
- for the w-9 we need the board of directors (true? - unknown)
- apparently there are still options
- grant is approx $4000
- not 100% we would get it, but quite likely
- Update on The Omni
- The omni a space
- everyone at a previous meeting agreed it was a good idea to pursue it
- its more difficult to buy, business mortgages apparently need 30-50%
of 1.9million. lease at $13,000 per month for two years
- Marc is getting more info from owner before he can propose a consensus
- leasing triple-net means you are more responsible than a regular
- updates to the wiki
- Vicky is a superhero with regards to the wiki
- categorizing the wiki into events/projects/stubs'
- "the tortoise will win the race"
- yar - "our long term goal is to turn the wiki into the front
- vicky invites people to work with her - on vicky time. (STOP. It's
Vicky time.)
- Board ratification is delayed in favor of antidramatic juice-a-thon
- regret to inform beloved room that faust will not be accepting
nomination at this time, due to unfortunate conflict; she hopes that this
opportunity presents itself again in the future. she also expects to be
there, albeit late, with cake.
- julio accepts nomination
- Y u no
- everyone not privy to this drama is thinking "thank goodness"
- *It should look more like this: *
- New color laser printer :D
- consent to spend less than $200 for the printer for toner
- if someone wanted to donate.
- it's awesome!
- Are we incorporated? Can we start getting a real bank account and
moving services off members' private credit cards?
- Matt investigated a couple of credit unions. Makes a recommendation:
- Do get an Internet Archive Federal Credit Union account (don't use it
for too much)
- Must pay for frequent debit transactions
- Most services take charges.
- Do get a Patelco Federal Credit Union account (use for debit, bills)
- Skip
- People's Federal Credit Union
- Cooperative Federal Credit Union
- "note that with credit unions you can often do transactions at a
credit union not yours and have them post to yours, they are in cahoots as
credit unions" - faust
- we have 2 bitcoins, marc controls the wallet but will transfer it to
us as soon as there is an "us"
- rhodey - if theres no penalty for just go for it
- Update from Timon and Marc on alcohol permit situation
- Timon- Marc was right
- get smashed for $35 with an average of 3 days noticed.
- $35 with 3 days notice
- Thankstaking potluck?
- faust is in, ok faust, take it.
- seeking date/time/deets
2. Articles of Incorporation
- not approving board of directors (see above)
3. Finances
- all our new cash == standing funds. hands off, act normal.
- no exchequer? no bank balance info?
- current exchequer team does not currently have access to online bank
account (can't wait to move to patelco!). check from soex on its way after
completion of contract, w-9, signatures, which will be presented to the
group at the next meeting.
4. conflict resolution
- Timon - constable/conflict steward. The conflict that neither of the
two parties wanted to bring t o us. Elliot and Shake. Timon noted them,
both of them declined to meet officially.
- Shake is showing good faith by sharing some perspective.
- the private portion is proceeding.
- Shake speaks - he likes sudo room - he helped dj. at some point he was
just working and elliot asked questions about an occupy oakland. he felt
like he did explain to elliot, they even went outside. he felt like he
wasn't welcome any more. then he found out he had a conflict on the agenda.
"keep in mind that i do not want anyone to be uncomfortable because of me".
says that because he is a political figure that there will always be
oppoonents. now feels uncomfortable because he doesn't understand that why
elliot. gives a message that he wants to be here and help
- Eventually, sudo came around to realize that our actions during the
meeting are not the best execution and interpretation of our Conflict
Resolution procedure of the Articles of Association, ending the
conversation about the details of any specific conflicts.
- tl;dr shake tried his best but we can't do anything because the other
person never showed up
- If anyone has a conflict or wants to resolve things they may have
heard or speculate with other members, reach out to the person in question,
or find another sudoer to act as a mediator.
mate made $128
5. After- Meeting Teamups
- bank teamupu
- juice meetup
6. Action Items
- marc -to investigate printer recoup cost
- to message ar
- timon -message art murmur mailing list about alcohol license
7. Additional Notes
Firstly, I want to get rid of my current desks and
non-chairs. Here's what they look like. (They're
sized so I can use them while sitting on the floor.)
I quite like them, but I want something more portable.
If you'll use/hack them, you can have them and/or the
cushion that I sit on. In case it affects your interest,
you can easily take the legs off the desks.
Secondarily, I'm going to replace these desks with a
lightweight contraption that folds up into a tiny thing
that I can carry on my head. In order to construct this
new desk, I need to acquire some tempered hardboard, so
I'm looking for someone to take me to Home Depot.
hi all,
join us for "today we learned," weekly collaborative learning and hacking
at sudo room every saturday afternoon from 2-5PM. work on stuff on your own
or with someone else...bring a project..bring questions.. we'll also have a
projector set up for anyone to share something they're working on or to
share something they've learned.
a tiny amount of more information is at
looking forward to seeing you,