Hey all,
I want to get Subiir brewing started again, for three main reasons:
- get some kick-ass brew out there to get donations to sudoroom
- get better at brewing
- and most importantly,* to equip more people to brew with the Subiir
*Tomorrow, Tuesday the 19th happens to be a good day to brew. 6pm to 11pm
(it's okay to not be there the full session). If you are down, let me
know!*If noone can join I won't host, due to reason #3.
I would get all materials for 8 gl of California-style pale ale and have
everything ready to start at 6pm. We can be done in 5 hours, meaning having
the brew tapped into fermenters and have everything cleaned up. So its 5
hours of learning about brewing, getting "certified" to brew Subiir, and
having a good time - let's have dinner and drink beers during the session.
Of course, the session will be free because it's about beer.
Make a great week,
Dear Friends :
The Public School is meeting to discuss the possibility of collective acquisition of The Omni space this Thursday, November 21 at 7PM at 2141 Broadway. We'd like to invite all our Sudo Room friends & comrades to join us at this meeting -- if we are going to move ahead on this project we're going to have to start getting together to talk about it !
Hope to see you there --
Love & solidarity -- David Brazil
From: "sudo-discuss-request(a)lists.sudoroom.org" <sudo-discuss-request(a)lists.sudoroom.org>
To: sudo-discuss(a)lists.sudoroom.org
Sent: Sunday, November 17, 2013 9:20 PM
Subject: sudo-discuss Digest, Vol 13, Issue 31
Send sudo-discuss mailing list submissions to
To subscribe or unsubscribe via the World Wide Web, visit
or, via email, send a message with subject or body 'help' to
You can reach the person managing the list at
When replying, please edit your Subject line so it is more specific
than "Re: Contents of sudo-discuss digest..."
Today's Topics:
1. Did your weekend start with a flat tire? (Morten H. D. Fuglsang)
2. Re: "Today We Learned": Weekly Colearning Sat. Afternoons
2-5PM Starting this Sat. 11/16 (Marina Kukso)
3. Help me with my desks (Thomas Levine)
4. Re: Phuckin' Phylean - Art Murmur After
Party/Proposal/Planning/Properly/Promoter/Perhaps (johanna faust)
5. Re: Meeting Notes 11-13-13 - Juice and Paranoia in Sudoland
(johanna faust)
6. missing insulation for 3d printer extruder (Jake)
7. Re: forts, magazines, arsenals, dockyards, and other needful
buildings (Patrick Schmidt)
8. Conflict Resolution Proposal and Conflict Awareness 1, 2 and
3 (Patrick Schmidt)
9. Re: Dealing with funding (Hol Gaskill)
10. This Monday 18th is Techno Activism Third Monday, San
Francisco -- with Morgan Mayhem, Laurie Penny, Jillian York, 6PM,
EFF HQ (Danny O'Brien)
11. Re: Dealing with funding (The Batkid)
12. Re: Dealing with funding (David Keenan)
13. Re: Dealing with funding (Jenny Ryan)
14. Re: Dealing with funding (Hol Gaskill)
15. 5MOF call for speakers this Thursday! (Danny O'Brien)
16. Fwd: This Wednesday: Grassroots Financing teach-in (Vicky Knox)
17. Live demo refuting quantum mechanics, invitation (fwd) (Jake)
18. Rally this Tue. 11/19: Against Oakland's Planned Surveillance
Center! 5:30pm at City Hall! (Marina Kukso)
19. Fwd: important mail (David Keenan)
Message: 1
Date: Sat, 16 Nov 2013 09:40:07 -0800
From: "Morten H. D. Fuglsang" <vallebo(a)gmail.com>
To: "sudo-discuss(a)lists.sudoroom.org"
Subject: [sudo-discuss] Did your weekend start with a flat tire?
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1"
Then come to Biketopia's second annual bike drive, TODAY! From 2 to 6 pm.
1752 Alcatraz. Free bike check-up, snacks, drinks - while supporting your
friendly neighbourhood community bike workshop.
See you there! :)
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Biketopia <colin.moss(a)biketopiaworkshop.org>
Date: Fri, Nov 8, 2013 at 10:18 AM
Subject: Second Annual Fall Bike Drive!
To: morten(a)biketopiaworkshop.org
You're invited to our Second Annual Bike Drive Fundraiser! View
this email in your
Biketopia Bike Drive Flyer]
Biketopia's Second Annual Fall Bike Drive is sponsored in part by the
following local businesses ...
Sweet Adeline Bakery
Gecko Gecko Thai California Eatery
Manifesto Bicycles Oakland
Missing Link Cooperative
East Bay Bicycle Coalition
The New Parkway
Bart Bike Station Downtown Berkeley
Bike Link
Next time you're in one of these businesses, thank them for helping us out!
*Copyright ? 2013 Biketopia Community Workshop, All rights
Your are receiving this email because you are a member of Biketopia or you
signed up at the shop.
*Our mailing address is:*
Biketopia Community Workshop
1752 Alcatraz St
Berkeley, Ca 94704
Add us to your address
unsubscribe from this
update subscription
[image: Email Marketing Powered by
---------- Forwarded message ----------
Hello friends of Unquantum,
I am doing a live demonstration of the gamma-ray unquantum effect that refutes the photon model of light.
It will be at the Chit-Chat Cafe, 5 West Manor Dr, tomorrow Monday night November 18th and Monday night November 25th at 6 to 7:30 PM. The poster for the event and details of
this work are at http://www.unquantum.net
This issue is important even if you are not a physicist. Not all of you are "friends of unquantum;" some are foes. Some of you will think this unquantum effect is impossible,
so this is your chance to see it for yourself. I will video the event to post on Youtube, and will field all questions and feedback.
Please forgive me for the following: This is a mass mailing and not personalized. I only do these mailings for important events. I may have sent some of you this notice
earlier. The poster on my website has me with my electric guitar. I did it that way to appeal to a wide audience. I will also play a musical instrument I made at the end of
the event. For some of you it is a long drive, but I reviewed my list and did not want anyone to feel left out.
Each event will be unique but each will demonstrate gamma-rays defying the photon model. If you know anyone who would be interested I hope you will please inform.
Thank you for your interest.
Eric Reiter
Unquantum Laboratory
Pacifica, CA, 94044
650 738 9255
> Would like to return to the idea that we should be generating other revenue
> streams into the picture of whatever standardized reporting format we choose.
The simplest, most efficient, and most rewarding revenue stream is
if members sign up for auto pay of their membership dues.
That's really all there is to it.
OK Folks,
We've been talking about selling electronics kits as a revenue source basically since forever.
I've been going back and forth on a design concept and am converging on one that achieves the folowing compared to other Arduino clones:
A) lower cost
B) more power
C) increased hackability
basically the controller chip hooked straight up to an array of 7x 500mA power transistors, with a heavy duty voltage regulator of voltage range selectable at time of purchase
I am heading to sudo in a few minutes to draft a design for the first generation board, schematics of which which I'll send out in about an hour. If anyone is around sudo or near email and wants to collaborate, I'm using http://fritzing.org/download/ software which I just installed last night but seems to err on the side of being easy to use.
Working capital requirements for this will not be very prohibitive, but I think a Kickstarter campaign would be a good way to get enough to bring costs down even further, not to mention get the word out. Who's good at those? I'll do the legwork, just need some tips&tricks.
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Laurie Cooperman Rosen <Lscoop(a)comcast.net>
Date: Sun, Nov 17, 2013 at 5:08 PM
Subject: RE: important mail
To: David Keenan <dkeenan44(a)gmail.com>
No, David, I DO mean 2145 Broadway. The physical location is 2141
Broadway, but the mailing address should show as 2145 Broadway, Suite #9.
That might have something to do with the mail problems. There is no box
for 2141 Broadway. That said, most of the mail delivery people know to put
it in the 2145 Box, and if it actually gets into the kitchen mailbox which
is 2143 next to ours the kitchen folks put all mail that isn’t for them
into ours, which is Box B closer to the building; however there is a fair
amount of turnover and a lot of idiots out there, and it’s probably much
harder to do commercial delivery than residential (which, as I noted
before, I always feel safer directing mail to our home).
*From:* David Keenan [mailto:dkeenan44@gmail.com]
*Sent:* Sunday, November 17, 2013 4:05 PM
*To:* Laurie Cooperman Rosen
*Subject:* Re: important mail
Thank you for letting us know our suite number. Can I confirm you really
mean 2141 Broadway, not 2145 Broadway? As we were told 2141 Broadway was
our address, and this is what we have been using for all our correspondence
and event information. If in fact we have an entirely different legal
address, that seems rather important to know -
On Sun, Nov 17, 2013 at 3:22 PM, Laurie Cooperman Rosen <Lscoop(a)comcast.net>
Hi David
No, it mostly gets tossed if it looks like junk mail, or marked return to
sender or address unknown-return to sender if it looks important. At the
beginning we got oodles of them all addressed to individual names of people
from the original whole-floor tenant, but as we started renting out to
individuals and small groups we knew the names of those folks. But over a
10-year period when we see certain company names or #s, such as T1 over and
over again but can’t find anybody fessing up to using that name, we
recognize and toss those that we have been seeing for many years. I have
never seen anything addressed to the name Niki Shelly personally, but I’ll
let George know to keep an eye out for that name, and he would remember if
he recently saw something for it and will get back to you. Yes, if they
address it to 2145 Broadway, Suite 9, we will know that it is for Bay Area
Public School. The Sudo Room should be known as the “Art Suite” or “Art
Room”. Most suites or very large officer have numbers, but a few have
names taken from the former University Tenant --i.e. Robert Wenzel’s is
known as “The Cave”, the suite at the top (to the right as you walk up) of
the 2141 stairs is the “Library Suite” and the suite next to the ADA
bathroom is the “Presidential Suite” (it used to be occupied by the
president of University Creation of Spirituality who had the whole floor,
and the Library Suite was really their Library); The Cave was their
meditation room, the large front space off of your common area was really
the “Conference Room” and the space where The Sudo Room was was really the
room where they did all of their Art Projects!
*From:* David Keenan [mailto:dkeenan44@gmail.com]
*Sent:* Sunday, November 17, 2013 1:27 PM
*To:* Laurie Cooperman Rosen
*Subject:* Re: important mail
Thanks Laurie. It might possubly be addressed to 'Niki Shelley', a main
organizer at our school, so do look out for that name.
I wonder if there is a suite number for the bay area public school room?
Adding this to our official address might clarify to you and George what
mail is ours, i.e., in the event mail is adressed to individuals at the
school rather than the school itself, which will no doubt occur, if it
hasnt already. Do you have any mail for which you dont know where it goes?
If so can we see that stack?
Thank you,
On Friday, November 15, 2013, Laurie Cooperman Rosen wrote:
Hi David-
It comes to a mailbox downstairs in front of the Sound Room/Kitchen, and we
would put it under your door. I collected the mail yesterday and there was
nothing at all for Bay Area Public School. Let me know if there is any
other unrecognizable name that it might come to and we’ll keep an eye out
for it. It will be put directly under your door once we get it.
*From:* David Keenan [mailto:dkeenan44@gmail.com <dkeenan44(a)gmail.com>]
*Sent:* Friday, November 15, 2013 7:58 AM
*To:* George; Laurie Cooperman Rosen
*Cc:* Matthew Senate; niki; DZ Brazil
*Subject:* important mail
Good morning George & Laurie,
The Bay Area Public School is expecting some very important mail (which
should have already come) and I realize I actually have no idea where our
mailbox is!
Where does our mail get delivered? We need to check it today, and also
every business day from hereon out. If there is a key to wherever it gets
delivered, we'll need that asap, too -
Thank you both kindly,
Yet another relevant event put on by the Sustainable Economies Law Center..
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: "Christina(a)theSELC.org" <christina(a)theselc.org>
Hey friends,
I'm sending you an event announcement because at some point you've asked me
questions about or expressed interest in crowdfunding, creative small
business finances or something related. So I thought you might be
interested to know that this Wednesday evening my colleague and I are
running a little teach-in on legal issues pertaining to "grassroots
financing strategies, or in other words, investment crowdfunding campaigns.
The teach-in will take place at the Alchemy Collective Cafe's new location
on Alcatraz Ave in South Berkeley. We're so excited to be partnering with
an awesome new local worker cooperative to organize this and future events.
See this eventbrite for more info and to register. There's no required
registration fee, but because we're a small nonprofit we gladly accept
donations via the eventbrite registration and at our events.
Feel free to share the invite with other people.
Christina Oatfield
(415) 828-5627 mobile
Hey, so in an attempt to be fractionally more organized for this
week's 5MOF, if you have some cool project or thoughts or demos or
rants or code or TARDIS rebuild, and would like to speak to an
audience of many of your most loving peers, drop me a mail, and you
can speak for five minutes on PRECISELY WHATEVER YOU WANT.
It is fun, the audience is always amazing, and sometimes there are
impromptu musical numbers.
Thank you for your attention, humanlings!
Being behind a computer screen might save you from the physical
consequences of being an activist -- but what about the mental effects?
For San Francisco's TA3M this month, we'll be discussingresources and
practical advice for psychological and other health care. From filtering
out the trolls and avoiding timezone jetlag, to dealing with PTSD among
friends and ongoing global effects of the Syrian civil war.
Joining us for the discussion will be security researcher Morgan Mayhem
(@headhntr on Twitter), Laurie Penny (@pennyred) from the New Stateman
and UK Guardian and co-author of Discordia: Six Nights in Crisis Athens,
and EFF's own Director for International Freedom of Expression, Jillian
York (@jilliancyork).
Plus: a round-up of new and ongoing projects, info on the Jeremy Hammond
decision, and a chance to network with your fellow cryptographers,
lawyers, coders, and other involved parties.
EFF's offices are at 815 Eddy St, SF, CA 94109. Please be punctual for
6PM -- if you arrive late, call x 118 from the door to be let in.
A map of 815 Eddy: http://www.openstreetmap.org/go/TZHvUrLDP
Techno-Activism 3rd Monday is a monthly meetup that happens
simultaneously in 18 cities throughout the world. It brings together
individuals interested in censorship, surveillance and open technology.
This includes Amsterdam, Brighton(UK), Cambridge, Dakar, Durham, Kansas
City, London, Madison, Mexico, Montreal, New York, Portland, San
Francisco, Stockholm, Seattle, Tokyo, Toronto and Washington DC.
For more info, see: https://wiki.openitp.org/events:techno-activism_3rd_mondays
In thinking about funding for sudo room, I thought of couple of items that
I believe sudo room has discussed before but never formally decided upon.
I'd like to propose that we formally decide on the following:
* All income and expenses should be open and transparent, including who
gave us grants and how much, though anonymous donations from individuals
should still be allowed.
* sudo room should not allow recurring grants or major donations from
other organizations to fund any recurring critical operations costs since
that would give those organizations significant power over sudo room
through their ability to defund critical operations.
Critical operations costs are things such as rent, utilities. Stuff that is
required for sudo room to continue operation.
What do you think?