WOOOAAAH!!! Could we all see a copy of what you wrote for the grant
application? Maybe store it in the wiki for future reference as we continue
applying for grants? :D :D
Hey all, I've been thinking about some things and wanted to share a few
Reflecting on this: https://sudoroom.org/wiki/Articles_of_Association#Values
I'm of the disposition that sudo room as a collective values "open, public
discourses over closed proprietary processes" and I believe in good faith
that this is held and executed by sudoers generally. I appreciate when
folks want to offer positive acknowledgements, suggestions for improvement,
and support to fellow community members. I also think that sudoers
generally practice "do-ocracy over bureaucracy" with an added element of
"access and transparency over exclusivity" in order to help that do-ocracy
remain accountable and enable us to "solve real problems over
hypotheticals, while respecting visions of the future."
Ultimately, it is my perspective that sudo room's various participants are
interested in acting based on "community and collaboration over isolation
and competition" not the other way around. I do not think things are
perfect, but I think by and large folks do a good job of these things and
everyone is interested in improving.
>From this point of view, I would like to express my excitement and
encouragement for folks to reach out in various ways to add value to sudo
room, and also to share and communicate at appropriate times. I firmly
believe that the work executed on a recent topic, a particular grant
application <http://soex.org/alternativeexposure/>, was appropriate, and
that while a message indeed would have been fine or even nice, ultimately,
it was brought to everyone's attention at the right time--just before it
was due seeking help and when it was confirmed that sudo would actually be
a recipient of funds. I barely even remember working on it--I believe I
gave some feedback or something, or perhaps was distracted by something
else, I don't know. To be honest, applying to grants can feel like a game
of chance, so I didn't put emotional stock into it.
In other words, I personally don't see any problem with folks reaching out
on their own in order to add value to sudo room, especially when
information is brought to light when the value-add is actually feasible or
even confirmed. For instance, I think it's a great efficiency that Marc
found a craigslist post for a free, modern, color printer, reached out to
the poster, confirmed the pickup, picked it up, dropped it off at
noisebridge, returned with a car to retrieve it from noisebridge, hauled it
upstairs, cleaned the walkway area adjacent to the elevator, ran an
ethernet cable, installed shelves, and plugged in the printer itself. It is
unnecessary for him to have said anything about this for it to be a
value-consistent value-add to sudo room. It could be nice, even
advantageous to post it--maybe someone could have picked it up from
noisebridge on their way home?--but in the end, it doesn't matter, and now
this great resources is available for us to share and use.
This to me is do-ocracy, and the minutia of timing the communication is
less important if there is nothing to lose. Applying to grants gives us
absolutely nothing to lose. I say: reach out.
// Matt
Hey everyone, a few people are going to meet up on Wednesday around 6pm at
sudoroom to talk about math literacy stuff! Please stop over if you're
interested, or another time in the future if you're not available.
I'm curious, but would not this post have been more appropriate for the
sudo-discuss list? I assume you may not be aware of it.
As for your specific point about the American Civil War being about states'
rights, that just makes me say hummmm... :-\
I'm going to do the Fanonian thing and not shout, since I'm too tired for
that anymore, but I will just add that in the opinion of a lot of
historians, some of them Anarchists, the "battle for power" between U.S.
states and the Federal government is simply that, a battle for power, but
it doesn't tell you anything about why the states want that power. It
doesn't tell you anything about the motivating factors behind such a
long-standing struggle, which, if you're unfamiliar with U.S. history,
could lead you to the erroneous conclusion that it's a neutral "freedom"
thing. It's not. I think you already know this, but your phrasing triggered
my White Supremacy detector, so I had to respond. :-)
Oh, and since I've now delurked and am posting on this discuss list, I'll
just say that I live in Oakland but haven't as yet made it around to the
sudo room in person (I'm hoping to change that in the upcoming year).
Art McGee
On Wed, Nov 13, 2013 at 11:50 AM, aestetix <aestetix(a)aestetix.com> wrote:
> Hash: SHA1
> I've been lurking for a while, but this caught my attention.
> Especially given that I recently watched the musical 1776.
> IMHO, we're at a turning point in history. I spent part of this
> morning watching the testimony on healthcare.gov, and seeing the
> interplay of lawyers and technologists. We seem to be sandwiched
> between two paradigms: the NSA/Omnicorp merger from Prism and other
> Snowden leaks, and totally unrealistic valuations of companies like
> Snapchat, which apparently just turned down a $3 billion cash
> acquisition offer from Facebook. That spells out a damned if you do,
> damned if you don't scenario.
> The one common theme we've seen through the history of the US is the
> battle for power between State and Federal governments. This is what
> the Civil War was *really* about, why laws like the Civil Rights Act
> of 1965 are so important, and why the most recent government shut-down
> happened. And inherent to this power battle, for which there is no
> "better" side, is the will of the people. How do we overcome the
> tragedy of the commons enough to build a system that generally, kind
> of sort of works?
> It's hard to practice what one preaches if there's no cost. For
> example, it's easy to use Google/etc, until the government subpoenas
> your email and search history and uses that as evidence (hidden via
> State Secrets) to throw you in jail. I speak on this with several
> friends who are either in jail or dead because of bad laws, and many
> more who have been harassed, detained, in most cases for doing nothing
> more than dissenting.
> This is why I agree strongly with Eddan about the notion of
> neutrality. I haven't kept up with sudo room as much lately, partly
> because I don't have the time/energy to engage in some of the
> transitions that were going on. I'm beginning to get to a point where
> I can re-engage with people working on projects tackling these kinds
> of issues. I suppose we shall see what happens.
> Back into the woodwork,
> aestetix
> - ---
> I've often thought of Sudo Room a little bit like the District of
> Columbia. and Rachel's subject for her email reminded me of that.
> It is often forgotten that there was a first constitution of the
> United States after Independence before the one that people call the
> Constitution. It was called the Confederacy of States. The nation's
> capital was in Philadelphia and through a series of events ended up
> moving to a newly formed neutral district - that we all know now as DC.
> It wasn't just a series of events, but a structural flaw in the
> Confederacy that doomed itself. As James Madison wrote in Federalist
> 43, "We have seen the inconvenience of this omission, and the
> assumption of power into which Congress have been led by it. With
> great propriety, therefore, has the new system supplied the defect.
> The general precaution, that no new States shall be formed, without
> the concurrence of the federal authority, and that of the States
> concerned, is consonant to the principles which ought to govern such
> transactions."
> As population grew and the country was further colonized by the
> European settlers, the creation of new states turned into a disuniting
> disaster. Different coalitions of states banded together to promote
> their collective interest at the expense of others. Those states
> excluded formed their own alliances and there were many cries of
> treason thrown around back and forth. Each cluster thought of
> themselves as the "us" and the others as the "them" until the "them"
> became the "us" and the "us" was "them". And so on.
> So while New York, New Jersey, Virginia, Maryland - all wanted the new
> federal seat of power in their states, a deal was struck to create a
> district that didn't belong to any particular state. They all wanted
> to have the center of the nation's power in their territories. And
> this is how we got in Article 1, Section 8 of the US Constitution, the
> provision saying:
> "To exercise exclusive legislation, in all cases whatsoever, over such
> district (not exceeding ten miles square) as may, by cession of
> particular States and the acceptance of Congress, become the seat of
> the government of the United States; and to exercise like authority
> over all places purchased by the consent of the legislatures of the
> States in which the same shall be, for the erection of forts,
> magazines, arsenals, dockyards, and other needful buildings."
> I'm not sure we need forts and magazines and arsenals and such, but I
> still think we need a neutral center so that no particular cluster
> confuses themselves as being what constitutes Sudo Room. Only when the
> country adopted a political structure that transformed the "us" and
> "them" into we - did the agreement amongst them create stability and
> mutual respect that made them united states.
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> _______________________________________________
> sudo-announce mailing list
> sudo-announce(a)lists.sudoroom.org
> http://lists.sudoroom.org/listinfo/sudo-announce
account | amt
00012-86938-43003 | Amount: $224.28
00012-87014-63003 | Amount: $71.80
Total paid: $296.08
Confirmation Number: 69784810329
As I mentioned to some of you, I've paid for combined garbage and recycling
for SUDO and BAPS from 9/15 til now.
Basically I consider this my membership dues to each respective group for
the past three months - essentially, ~$50/group/mo since Sept. or however
that works out.
I thought just paying this for SUDO and BAPS might kill two birds with one
stone dues-wise, but going forward it's obviously way less confusing to
have SUDO to take over the wm.com account and bill BAPS, and I'll just pay
dues to each group like everyone else...
Re: the wm.com login, I sent Matt this info a while ago, but at this point
I'd like to change out the bound email address from my personal email to a
generic sudoroom email (or at any rate, some other email) that sudo and
baps can both check.
Can someone volunteer a sudoroom or other email SUDO and BAPS can share for
this purpose?
Hello sudolings,
Well, I don't know about you but I've been really anxious and tense lately
about approving the Board. I've been hearing some closed door discussions
about who should or shouldn't be on Board and it's been stressing me out.
BUT there's no rush *we still have 82 days* to elect our Board.
It's not the sudo spirit to make decisions under stress and possibly in a
way that will split the community. I have faith that with more time this
will ease. The huge irony is that everything I hear behind closed doors is
the same. If you could see this from "God-mode", there wouldn't be any
conflicts. And we have the luxury of being sudo-humans that don't get mired
and stuck in that old-model politicking. We are deeply-introspective,
ego-dissolvers, and cosmic-harmonizers.
So here's the proposal: every body bring* 3 pieces of fruit* tomorrow to
the meeting and somebody bring a juicer. And when it comes time to approve
the board instead we will table it for a week and will just juice the juice
20 minutes.
What do you think?
Juicily yours and without confusion
Notconfusing aka Max Klein
Or, alternatively as suggested last night, Board of Those With Little Power
and Great Responsibility (or something to that effect :)
The following is a list of those who've accepted nomination to the board,
and those who've been nominated but have yet to accept or decline:
- Accepted: Max, Jenny, Naomi, Anca, Hol, Vicky [tentative], Marc, Matt,
Luciano, Troy
- Nominated: Rhodey, Marina, Liberty [tentative accept], JC, Len, Romy,
Ryan B, Julio, Vian, Shake, Mitch, Brendan, Morten, Faust
Please reply to this thread publicly or privately if you've been nominated
but have yet to accept or decline.
*At next week's meeting, we will go through and consent on each nominee.
Those participating via the mailing list have one week to block any of the
current nominations.*
What's required of a board member?
- the risks, not many risks if you are not paid
- the only thing we have to worry about is if sudo room doesn't pay
taxes then the treasurer will be liable for taxes
- also board has responsibility to send in a document once a year to
- not liable if sudo room goes into debt (except treasurer)
"Technology is the campfire around which we tell our stories."
-Laurie Anderson
"Storytelling reveals meaning without committing the error of defining it."
-Hannah Arendt
"To define is to kill. To suggest is to create."
-Stéphane Mallarmé
learn about the ongoing plan to "develop" latin america for the benefit of
the wealthy at the expense of the people and the environment:
---------- Forwarded message ----------
Date: Tue, 12 Nov 2013 18:31:31 -0800
From: Sakura Saunders <sakura.saunders(a)gmail.com>
Subject: THIS THURS: Beehive Collective presents their new mural
"Mesoamerica Resiste!"
WHAT: "Mesoamérica Resiste!" graphic story-telling about resistance to neo-colonialism and mega-projects in Mexico and Central America
WHEN: Thurs, Nov. 14 6:30pm
WHERE: 2135 Broadway, downtown Oakland
WHO: Beehive Design Collective: beehivecollective.org
MESOAMÉRICA RESISTE is the long awaited final instalment in the Beehive’s graphic trilogy about globalization in the Americas! This collaboratively produced educational
illustration was created through an intensive process of grassroots research that started in 2004, when an initial team from the US, Canada, and Mexico traveled together from
Mexico to Panama to meet with communities organizing against the mega-infrastructure projects of a regional integration plan then known as Plan Puebla Panama.
9 years in the making, the Mesoamérica Resiste graphic reflects the Beehive’s efforts to document and share diverse stories of communities defending their sovereignty and
building alternatives to top-down development plans - especially organizing led by Indigenous peoples, who have fought back against colonialism and genocide for centuries.
The Beehive Design Collective is a wildly-motivated, all volunteer, activist-art collective dedicated to “cross-pollinating the grassroots” by creating collaborative,
anti-copyright images for use as educational and organizing tools. We work anonymously as word-to-image translators of complex global stories, gathered and shared through first
hand conversations with affected communities.