Iām all for a phone tree.
Anyone who wants to be a contact share their email here so u can make a
phone tree.
Andy gross 412.657.5332
On Sun, Sep 18, 2022 at 1:51 PM Jake via sudo-discuss <
sudo-discuss(a)sudoroom.org> wrote:
This morning I got another call that the door was
locked, from someone who
my number.
This means someone removed the copper wire that I had twisted onto the
hook to
keep the door open. Was this really easier than making a phone tree and a
I am grateful that people stepped up to prepare for the rains last night.
wish people would also step up to make a phone tree (with phone numbers
for CCL
and sudoroom volunteers) and make a sign for the door, to prevent the lock
latch from becoming more of a problem.
On Sun, 4 Sep 2022, Jake wrote:
The hook on the door is still there, but someone
again unhooked it and
the door.
There is still no sign on the door with information on what to do if the
is locked, but again today I was told that a
sudoroom member arrived and
unable to get through the door and didn't
know what to do.
I took some 12ga copper wire and fastened the hook to the door with it to
discourage whoever is unhooking and locking the door. If they take the
off, i'll remove the latch to prevent people
from getting locked out.
On Wed, 31 Aug 2022, Patrik D'haeseleer wrote:
> Hi Jake,
> Is there no longer a hook on the door to prop it open when it doesn't
> to be locked? I know Michael installed one a
while back, but I didn't
> it last time. If so, that would be at least
part of the problem...
> Also - do we have any volunteers who would want to be on a door access
> phone tree? I think taking the door latch back off the door would be a
> step back.
> Patrik
> On Wed, Aug 31, 2022 at 6:06 PM Jake <jake(a)spaz.org> wrote:
>> Hi all,
>> Today I got a call asking how to get into sudo/CCL by a sudoroom
>> As I said in previous messages, I don't think it's appropriate to
>> shut/lock the
>> door without first putting up a sign explaining who to contact in case
>> being
>> unable to get through the door.
>> I don't think it's a huge big deal for someone to make the sign and
put it
>> up
>> there, so I don't understand why it hasn't happened yet, but people
>> locking the door. Who knows how many
people wanted to access the
>> and
>> couldn't figure out how to get in? Hopefully not too many.
>> If nobody cares about access through this door enough to figure out a
>> phone
>> tree and a sign, at the very least, then I will take the latch back
>> the
>> door so that we don't have any more problems with people being locked
>> -jake
>> On Wed, 3 Aug 2022, Patrik D'haeseleer wrote:
>>> I am in favor of starting to use the door lock to CCL/Sudo on a more
>>> regular basis, now that it is operational. But I agree with Jake that
>>> need to have some agreements between
CCL and Sudo members on when and
>>> to use it.
>>> If anyone would like to discuss, feel free to join us later today at
>>> CCL Working Meeting - every Wednesday
>>> Patrik
>>> On Wed, Aug 3, 2022 at 1:06 AM Jake via sudo-discuss <
>>> sudo-discuss(a)sudoroom.org> wrote:
>>>> It is not appropriate for a single person to unilaterally make and
>>>> implement
>>>> policy for a lot of people in the form of an announcement like this.
>>>> I understand that you're concerned about security, and if you want
>> have
>>>> a
>>>> discussion about progress on locking the door, it would make sense to
>>>> engage in
>>>> the discussion I started in the access group, where I described the
>> secret
>>>> of
>>>> the door-opening button.
>>>> I mentioned that before we start locking the door, we need to at
>>>> make a
>>>> sign on the door for people who find themselves needing to be on the
>> other
>>>> side
>>>> of it, and who haven't seen the email you sent about it. I
>> that
>>>> someone set fire to the building because the door closed while their
>>>> property
>>>> was on the other side of it (not the only reason we need a sign, but
>> not a
>>>> lesson to ignore).
>>>> We need volunteers to discuss a phone tree (the sign must say phone
>>>> numbers)
>>>> and make the sign, to install the sign, as well as work on finishing
>>>> RFID
>>>> access card project.
>>>> Please don't just jump the gun and send out policy announcements
>> this
>>>> without engaging in ongoing planning and discussion.
>>>> Also if an announcement is sent out once the sign is ready, it should
>> say
>>>> "the door can be propped open using the metal hook and loop just
>> eye
>>>> level, don't put items in the walkway that block the path"
>>>> and step 3 should say PULL the door open, not "push open the
>>>> -jake
>>>> On Tue, 2 Aug 2022, Edwinsaurus via sudo-discuss wrote:
>>>>> We have been waiting for a sensing system to be programmed for
>>>> in
>>>>> CCL and sudo room.
>>>>> Meanwhile, there have been incidents in and around the Omni that
>>>>> security concerns.
>>>>> Starting in August we will start closing and locking the entry door.
>>>>> If someone is having a workshop and wants to keep an open door for
>>>>> duration, that's cool,
prop it open.
>>>>> When you exit the area please close the door and check that it
>>>>> Here's how to unlock the
>>>>> 1. check to see no one is watching you
>>>>> 2. press the lever/switch on the box to the left of the door
>>>>> (see photo) while saying "open sesame"
>>>>> 3. push open the door and enter.
>>>>> [image: opensezme.jpg]
>>>>> to lock the door, just close it.
>>>>> The door also opens from inside.
>>>>> This message is coming to you via Sudo-discuss or CCL members at
>>>>> groups. Please pass it on to
anyone who needs to know the
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